Value maximization regards as the important objective of most companies. One of the factorsaffecting the company's value is intellectual capital (IC). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of IC and its components (human, physical and structural capital) on the financial performance of companies (economic value added, market value added, earnings per share, return one quity, return onassets, and annual return of stocks) in Tehran Stock Exchange for 87 companiesover theyears 1389 to 1386. Results of panel data regression showed that IC has positive significant effects on all six financial performance indices. In particular situations, physical and structural capital have significant positive relationship with each of the six financial performance indices. Although human capital has a significant positive relationship with economic value added, earnings per share, return onassets and annual return of stocks, but we could not find significant relationship between human capital with market value added and return one quity. Result of this research help to understand the important role of intellectual capitalin creating value in companies.