Microbiological influenced corrosion (MIC) is a type of corrosion in that microorganisms
accelerates the chemical corrosion in metal equipments and pipelines.
MIC in power units is detected by observations and microbial culturing.
In this search a MIC study were done in two power units of Iran by precision observations
of differentpartsand severalmicrobialcultures.
For this purpose, circulating systems of water and distilled water, turbins, fire system and
basins were exactly examined with direct observations, microscopic examinations and
In direct observations, Pipeline Lickages, coupons evaluations, by-passed pipes, deposites,
bioaccumulations in pipes and cooling towers, decomposion form of metal and non-metal
equipments were examined precisionaly.
Culturing methods were done with collection of samples (by Sterile bottles), and inoculation
of then in APB, TBC and SRB cultural media After incubation period, results were matched
with observations.
Results revealed that the MIC was the important (or the main, in several items) causative
agent in decomposion, corrosion and Lickages, plugging of pIpelines and finally trip of the
unit. Those phonemenons were observed clearly in the internal parts of condensors and pumps.
Bio accumulations and microbial attack were caused decreases the efficiency of pumps,
plugging and likages of condensers.
In this way trip of the units initially were occurred by entrance of industrial water in to
distilled water system (caused by lickage of condensers).MIC and accumulated deposites in all
points of circulating water system, cause decrease of water flow and ewsulted in decrease of
power production.
The best methods for control of MIC is a collection of chemical and mechanical methods with
routin microbial tests.