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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and objectives of the research: Determine the amount of vulnerability of urban tissues with factors affecting the vulnerabilities, one of which must be on before the occurrence of the events and to prepare for the more efficient management of the crisis in the cities. This research will also seek to explain factors affecting the vulnerability. On this basis, except in terms of the nature of descriptive researchanalytical and applied to the target type. The Statistical Society of Tehran municipality is the District 6 is based on the dating and centralization as the sample is selected.Method: Data field and two for a library with tools such as questionnaires, books, articles and DEMATEL diverse map collection, and with the use of EXCEL software, MATLAB, IDRISI and ARC GIS 10, about the analysis of fact.Results: The results indicates that it is a central, South and parts of; especially the Southeast region due to the high life and dating buildings, population density and high household and communication networks filled the next maze with low permeability, high potential vulnerability.Conclusion: On this basis the user planning land and zoning as one of the most important tools and yet are critical objectives of urban planning context in the realization of disaster reduction in the risk of a wide view and urban development process.

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Introduction and purpose of the study: effective factors in the society influence the improvement of urban old structures that good urban governance and good urban management and also social trust in the city and neighborhoods is also one of these influential factors.The present study with the purposeof evaluating the interaction of good urban governance and social trust in improving the quality of old urban structures of the 15 district of Tehran megacity with determination of the relation of the 6 dimensions; clarity, cooperation, regulatory, responsivity, application and justice, are being evaluated.Method: the methodology of the study therefore is the descriptive-correlative method and the people under study are the inhabitants of the 15 district of Tehran.Findings: amongst the aspects related to urban governance, the justice aspect with the meaningfulness coefficient equal to 99% and the Beta coefficient equal to 0.334 has the most share and effectivity in improving the quality of urban old structures of the district 15 of Tehran megacity.Conclusion: amongst the aspects related to urban governance, the justice aspect with the meaningfulness coefficient equal to 99% and Beta coefficient equal to 0.334 has the most share and effectivity on improvement of old urban structures that amongst the principals related to social trust, the sense of security in not crowded principal with the Beta coefficient equal to 0.943 has the most effectivity on improvement of old urban structures’ quality.

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According to the general consensus to form councils in Country of Iran, But the main issue is how to form and its membership and recruitment in This category of local institutions. Analysis of urban management pattern in the form of councils and features of this model in different citiesin country, in particular, appointing councils or their choice, is an issue that still has not been formally studied.Since, so far the pattern councils in some cities such as city of Yazd, objectively has not been formed yet. It can be said that the main concern of city managers at various levels, is determining the framework of the form of appointment or election. This research takes steps to examine how the formation of councils in the city of Yazd and assessment methods within the framework of appointment or election. Therefore, this research seeks to matching elected and appointed patterns of councils and Explanation of is optimal Model in the city of Yazd.Research findings: The two executive pattern of neighborhoods council in the cities of Tehran and Mashhad are similar in purpose and Take steps in order to attract the participation of citizens in the government of the city. But since conditions in any city in terms of socio-cultural structure, and management are different. Therefore, it must be tailored to each city through local and selection criteria, and revealed optimal solution for membership, organization and execution of neighborhoods Council. So according, the aim being identical and on the other differences in implementation and the formation of the local institutions, will be used implemented from similar experiences patterns. And also, in order to accommodate the more desired pattern and structure of each city with local criteria must be identified in order to determine the optimal model.Method: This research method based on purpose is applied and based on the nature is descriptive and analytical. Collect information have been conducted based on library documentation and survey studies. For data analysis, is used t Test statistical tests on SPSS software.Conclusion: According to analysis results indicated that in determining the the pattern of elected and appointed members of the councils and surveys of citizens and city managers the city of Yazd, The most appropriate model in city of Yazd, is the selected pattern. In general, in the social dimension selection pattern is predictable more citizen participation. From the perspective of citizens forming Neighborhood Council in selection pattern is more institutional acceptance.

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Introduction and Objective: Proper design and implementation of urban furniture to suit the environment in open areas in which urban spaces they say, Numerous urban planning is essential. Spaces such as squares and parks, sidewalks and leaves a great impact on the quality of urban life. Elements of urban furniture in appropriate urban spaces are not very effective. The aim of this study was to evaluate satisfaction Tehran's Laleh neighborhood citizens of urban furniture with an emphasis on the elements of trash and benches in the park is the neighborhood of Tehran's Laleh.Method: In the present study used descriptive and analytical methods and field studies. The study population consisted of all those who visited the park over three days, That using Cochran 172 of them were selected and questionnaires were randomly distributed among them. Nonparametric chi-square test to evaluate the satisfaction of citizens from urban furniture (benches and trash cans) in the range of Tehran's Laleh Park neighborhood has been used.Findings: The analytical results of the first study to examine the satisfaction of citizens from urban furniture (benches and waste bins) within the neighborhood Laleh Park in Tehran. Then the relationship between individual characteristics and individual citizens and their satisfaction with the urban furniture has been mentioned. In relation to the components of garbage bins, the number of benches, garbage bins layout, comfortable couches, fit the new environment and waste bins and benches with couches and a significant factor in the level of 1% has been achieved, And for locating components couches, shape or form trash bins, benches and waste bins and new colors of trash cans have been non-significant. In fact, the satisfaction of citizens of trash bins, the number of benches, garbage bins layout, comfortable couches, fitness garbage bins and benches with new environments and neighborhoods of Tehran's Laleh park bench at a higher level, And vice versa in relation to layout components couches, shape or form trash bins, benches and waste bins and new color of garbage bins satisfaction level is lower.Conclusion: Chi-square test results showed high satisfaction with neighborhood residents of urban furniture in Laleh Park in Tehran's Laleh Park at 1 percent. The results of Spearman correlation coefficient represents the relationship between citizens and the satisfaction of urban furniture is the age of the species that correlation coefficient of 1% has been achieved.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: Function is the definitive target of every designing which plays a significant role in relation between efficient and space. The purpose of this research is finding the most significant influenced factor in vitality of urban open space.Method: the methodology is descriptive-analytical and then the case-context method is used in assessing the area of study and finally the assessment and analysis of extracted factors from the literature of the research is presented. The methods are used for gathering data which are, questionnaire and interview and observation. This question is responded by Kolgmorof Smironov test and SPSS software is employed to examine different tests for assessing independent factors and then by using Varimax analysis and multi-factor regression of Kendall’s tau_ b and Spearman’s rho the portion of any of functional factors in the livability of urban open spaces is recognized.Findings: the most effective factor in the livability of Eram park of Hamedan is the practical factor which leaves the most considerable effect on the livability of this urban park due to the viewpoint of Hamedan citizens in general and especially from the standpoint of the Eram urban park users. After this factor there are other factors such as: biological factors, mechanical factors and in the final step systematic factors which have has less effect than the first one on the livability of Eram park of Hamedan.Conclusion: the optimal performance of Eram Park of Hamedan city is a function of the four dimensions of biological, mechanical, and functional system that the most effective one is Functional dimension and its variables (diversity, access, transport, shopping and tourism and security). Thus, according to the correlation coefficient, with the strengthening of this dimension, we can increase the effects of other aspects of dimensions and reinforce vitality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and aims of research: With the increase of population in the cities and consequently growth of student population, Construction and the revival of learning spaces as one of the original user should consider. Therefore, the importance of a comprehensive review on how the distribution and development of teaching spaces and a realization that over flexibility is essential. This study examines the assessment of educational spaces, switching locations using GIS and AHP elementary.Research method: In this study, primary schools for girls and boys of Karun city with the neighboring matrix (semi compatible, incompatible, quite compatible, incompatible), Capacity (per capita infrastructure, outdoor, roofed, the density of students in the class, the frequency of use of the educational units, the status property of the schools, the status of the useful life of the building, the status of the structure type of the building of schools) and compliance is evaluated.Result: The results have shown that the assessment of educational spaces studied, Much of the conflict with the user around, the lack of schools in some localities due to the population, the need for the required user. It is also used in building materials for schools due to the great performance of dating are not entitled to.Conclusion: Therefore, the creation of optimal location planning for future site for educational centers and check solutions for identification of some limitation on the scope of the deficit and a case study is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Goals: Sustainable transportation is comprised of an integrated set of dynamic and continuous policies and guidelines, including economical, social and environmental goals which involve fair distribution and effective use of resources in order for next generations and also society’s transportation requirements to be met.The effects resulted from these sections will determine the method of orientation towards this goal. Till now, no common definition has been provided for sustainability.However, both sustainable development in general, and specifically sustainable transportation are seeking to find a balance between environmental, social and economical qualities, in provision of transportation facilities. Accordingly, sustainable transportation is an approach that “Reflects socio-environmental costs”.Method: This descriptive- analytical research is based on documentary-library studies.Through ANP (analytical network process), we have tried to consider all aspects in data analysis, including internal and external relationships between the elements constituting decision network, such as all alternatives, criteria and sub-criteria, so that, a conceptual model of ANP could be developed after classification of data.Findings: ANP model including numerous clusters and alternatives has been developed via Super Decision software and the results from examinations made in the software were analyzed. Eventually, some of the results are referred to in this research, due to high volume of the outputs.Results: The results show that, in evaluation of sustainability of urban transportation network in district 21 of Tehran as a case study, following levels of priority have been obtained in respect of regions: 1- Region two, 251371.0, 2- Region one, 616064/ and 3- Region three, 132565.0.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2018

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