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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Instructors play an instrumental role in education, particularly in medical sciences where they are regarded as the most influential factor in the process of education. The present study was carried out with the aim of demonstrating assistants’ views about professors’ teaching in Mashhad School of Medicine. Methods: The current study is a qualitative analysis in which the written views of 639 assistants in Mashhad School of Medicine was studied. Data was analyzed using the summative content analysis method. Results: The themes that appeared in this study include professional qualification and personal features. Professional qualifications included command of knowledge, interest and practical skill. The theme of personal features included personality traits and ethical behavior. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be seen that while teaching, every behavior and aspect of an instructor is observed by assistants; which plays an important role in the training of the assistants. Thus, in addition to an instructor’ s knowledge and practical skills, which are important in their own right, their views and behavioral and personality traits are also influential as models for their assistants and will influence their lifestyle in their professional life in the future.

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Background: Job stress is one of the most important diseases of the century, plays a major role in today's organizations which researchers are trying to control and reduce it. One method for control and reduce of stress is hidden in job and its characteristics. Nursing students are faced continually with one of the stressful job. Hackman & Oldham Job Characteristics Model is famous theory in this field that focus on job and its characters. The purpose of this study is to study the role of job characteristics on job stress in nursing at hospitals Based on the view of nursing student that affiliated with the University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This study is a descriptive-correlation. The population includes all nursing students who are work in hospitals affiliated with Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences at 2014. The sample consisted of 140 nursing students who were selected by stratified sampling method. Required data was collected by two standard questionnaires, Wagner job characteristics and Elliott job stress. Data by SPSS software using Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression method was analyzed. Results: Data analysis showed significant inverse relationship between all characteristics of job with job stress (p=0. 01). As well as, Except Feedback, four other features include a variety, identity, significance, freedom have significant role in explaining the variance of job stress. The coefficients are orderly (-0. 42), (-0. 373), (-0. 147) and (-0. 111). Conclusion: Job characteristics can reduce stress among nursing students working in hospitals. So that by applying techniques such as career development, job enrichment and training, nursing jobs excitation power increases. This leads to increased motivation and decreased job stress among nursing students.

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Background: In today's competitive world, it is hardly possible to achieve strategic goals without having a well-structured organization. Therefore, universities need to focus on improving their organizational structure in order to achieve their goals and sustain their activities. The purpose of this study was to assess the current status of organizational structure dimensions in universities of medical sciences for transition to the third-generation university. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic study. The statistical population included all managers and healthcare management specialists in universities of medical sciences of the 9th Planning Macro-Region of the country totaling 614 individuals. Using Cochran’ s formula, 265 people were selected randomly via stratified random sampling method. To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, which held 52 items on the 5-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was confirmed by faculty members in terms of formal and content validity, and its reliability was obtained through Cronbach's alpha coefficient as 0. 95. SPSS14 software and descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the mean scores for all structural dimensions in the universities of medical sciences were lower than average (score=3) in the present situation, including informal relationships (2. 43 ± 0. 63), trust-based relationships (2. 57 ± 0. 61), interaction-based relationships (2. 52 ± 0. 49), emotion-based relationships (2. 72 ± 0. 54), formalization (2. 82 ± 0. 64), complexity (2. 99 ± 0. 52), concentration (2. 83 ± 0. 49), and professionalism (2. 90 ± 0. 50). These relationships were statistically significant (p = 0. 0001). Conclusion: According to the results, universities of medical sciences require a fundamental change in their current organizational structure in order for transition to the third-generation university.

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Background: E-learning and telemedicine have become common methods in changing and developing medical education and clinical processes. The purpose of this study was to describe the innovations of blending e-learning into the educational and medical processes of hospital services Methods: The process of action research included plan, act, observation and reflection was followed. Implementation, which took 18 months, included purchasing and installing the required software and administration of new educational and medical processes. The result reflected in regional and national innovation councils among universities of medical sciences and minister of health and in Iran. Results: Incorporation of e-learning into medical and educational processes resulted in practical innovations. The first was setting up an e-clinic, which was formed based on virtual and online communication between the hospital's clinic and distant rural health centers. It prevented from unnecessary referrals and created an accountable paradigm of medical education based on a triple consultation between family physicians (GPs), specialists and patients in rural and urban communities. Another innovations were the development of a joint clinic of diabetes and ophthalmology specialists, running online medical classes, online morning reports meetings and holding OSCE using virtual reality technology. Moreover, with the establishment of virtual reality technology, novel productions in medical education also emerged. Conclusion: The results revealed that e-learning and telemedicine create novel opportunities in health systems toward accountable education and improving both equity and efficiency in health service provision.

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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the midwifery curriculum in Iran according to ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education. Methods: In this comparative study the Iranian midwifery education curriculum in the part of ‘ Competency in provision of care during pregnancy’ was compared against ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education (2010) by three researchers using a checklist. In both domains of basic knowledge (35 items) and skills (26 items), the entire Iranian midwifery curriculum was searched for similar content, as well as the number of related courses. Also evaluation was done for ‘ adequacy’ of each item by a 4 point Likert scale (adequate, relatively adequate, relatively inadequate, inadequate). Results: Quality assessment of the Iranian midwifery curriculum in terms of basic knowledge and skills regarding ‘ Competency in Provision of Care during Pregnancy’ showed that from 35 items in basic knowledge domain, 47. 57% were adequate, 15% relatively adequate, 2. 85% relatively inadequate and 2% were inadequate. In the domain of skills from 26 items, 53. 85% were adequate and 46. 15% were relatively inadequate. In relation to two items there was no related content in the Iranian curriculum including” signs of female genital cutting and its effects on reproductive health” and “ normal limits of results from community-relevant laboratory tests commonly performed in pregnancy” . Conclusion: The curriculum of midwifery education in Iran covers ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education (2010) in ‘ Competency in Provision of Care during Pregnancy’ except for two items. Therefore, not covering these important issues is one of the most noteworthy weaknesses of this curriculum and should be considered in the future reforms.

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Background: E-learning is one of the new ways to learn nowadays which for efficient e-learning in their formulation of electronic content that is usually presented through instructional softwares we should care. Not using educational design in designing softwares content is considered one of the main challenges in e-learning and also failures of this educational system. This study aims to investigate the Missing loop of educational design in educational softwares in e-learning in educational environments for medical education. Methods: Qualitative content analysis method of deductive type is used in this study. The Society of the study is chosen from MA students of e-learning courses in medical education faculty of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences for which the purposeful sampling is used and 60 students are selected. The instrument for the study was Semi-structured interview through which the interviews were held with the individuals about the instructional software used in teaching in a purposeful way. The time for each interview ranged from 20 minutes up to 1 hour and all the interviews were lasted for a week. The interviews were held at the level of theoretical saturation until reaching a response. The questions of the interviews for the students were designed based on the standards of electronic learning equipment which included five levels of content, tracking, educational design, and educational and technical media. Results: The results show that the software used in teaching for the students in medical education faculty of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has the smallest correspondence with the criteria used from the aspect of electronic learning equipment standards and there are lots of problems especially in some aspects of content, tracking and educational design. The existence of such varied problems in medical educational softwares is arising from problems in technological approach and educational approach such as educational design. This proves the necessity of attention to the principles of instructional design in both preparation and production of such softwares. Conclusion: This survey suggests that paying attention to the principles of design in the preparation and development of educational software can, as an approach, respond to some of the educational needs and improve the quality and effectiveness of educational training. Developing the educational software based on educational design patterns is one of the basic challenges of e-learning and also it’ s the key to success for this educational system. It’ s necessary that executing agencies and organizations and universities of e-learning have special attention to educational design and implementation of scientific approaches to put it into practice.

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Background: Nursing education is part of the higher education system that deals with human life and considering its quantitative and qualitative aspects is very important. Understanding educational needs is a prerequisite for successful education. This study is aims is to investigate the compatibility of nursing undergraduate curriculum with occupational needs from the viewpoints of faculty members of some north and north-west universities of medical sciences of Iran. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted with the participation of 61 nursing faculty members of Ardebil, Urmia, Zanjan, Tabriz, and Rasht Universities of Medical Sciences in the fall of 2017 using the census method. A checklist containing the curriculum of undergraduate nursing based on the approved headings of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education was used. Data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: The findings of this study showed that the highest compatibly with job requirements from the viewpoint of faculty members based on the checklist scores from 1 to 4 was related to biochemistry with a mean and standard deviation of 2. 1 ± 1. 03, among specific courses, epidemiology with mean and standard deviation of 1. 90 ± 0. 99, and among internship and field apprenticeship, adult and elderly internships with mean and standard deviation of 1. 51 ± 0. 03. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that the curriculum developed for the undergraduate nursing degree is not suitable for nursing job requirements and needs modifications in some aspects. Therefore, presenting the results of this study can be used developing and modification of the undergraduate nursing curriculum based on occupational needs.

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Background: The current study aimed to evaluating the dentistry education system in Iran and comparing it with selected dental schools in Turkey, the Philippines, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Methods: The study was accomplished by the analyses of the documents available on web sites, links correspond to curriculum, the education program of general dentistry, and the transcripts of Iranian dentistry students graduated from foreign schools attending an advance standing program at Tabriz Dental School. Results: The results of the current study indicated that in all the selected faculties, the course-oriented curriculum is used. The odontology system is used in the dental schools of Iran, Turkey, and the Philippines. Conclusion: It is suggested offering courses in medical ethics, the principles of law, and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran to all the students graduated from other countries. Specialized lessons offered to the graduated students from Russian and Ukrainian dental schools seem to be sufficient, but students graduated from other countries should pass orthodontics, pediatrics, and diagnosis courses.

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