Today, the commercial agencies encounter to a lot of problems in order to reach their aims such as shareholder wealth and profit maximization and also company shares value in crease qiven to qlobalization cateqory. Amonq these problems, there is the inflation and liquidity that these two case have much importance qiven to beinq public the control system of many agencies, especially in our country, and the majority of industries and agencies are affected by increase and decline. There fore, the above said cases inecessitate that the commercial agencies (Melat Bank) plan as if thay have high flexibility and can have more compalibility with the environmental sitwations. This research is considered as the type of applied research and the used method in this research is from reqression analysis and correlation type qiven to in this research , the effect of independence variables on dependence variable have been measured.At performiny This research , the part of information that consists The research basis has been prepared by library method and stading books , publications and articles and maqazines and other part of information that is related to collect the desired data for testing and analysing has been prepared by field method and reference to Islamic Repablic of Iran central bank and bank financial department. The current research has been performed at Islamic Repablic of Iran Mellat Bank at time period 2005-2010That the discussed data at it has been collected and analysed monthly from march 2005 to april 2010. In this respect, four hypotheses were explained first hypothesis – there is a meaning ful relationship between liquidity management with Mellat Bank, s profitability. Second hypothesis – there is a meaning ful relationship between capital hold with Mellat Bank, s profitability. Third hypothesis – there is a meaning ful relationship between damestic gross production with Mellat Bank, s profitability. Forth hypothesis – there is a meaning ful relationship between inflation with Mellat Bank, s profitability.