Although there is no independent inscription left by Hakim Tirmidhi about interpretation of the Qur'an, but what has remained of his works is a kind of interpretation of verses related to the soul. It seems that documents of Hakim Tirmidhi is merely the Holy Quran, because he did not refer to any other source. There are, however, evidences that Hakim Tarmazi has taken his interpretation of Quranic verses from some of Shiite interpretive sources, but because of his intense opposition to Shi'ism, he has probably attempted to conceal this fact. In addition to that Hakim Tirmidhi’ s interpretation of soul was a unique one in his own time, it has retained its freshness up to the present, although less attention nowadays is paid to it. In his opinion, the soul is divided into two parts: the inward soul and the outward soul. The inward soul is created from infected dust of the earth, which was the passageway of Iblis and is subordinated to him; therefore, human must struggle with the inward soul to achieve salvation. The outward soul, unlike the inward one, is neutral by itself and is subjected to whom overcomes it. If cognition, light and intellect, overcomes outward soul, human becomes obedient to both of cognition and outward soul, and if the inward soul overcomes it, human becomes obedient to inward soul.