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Gender Dysphoria Disorder means having a sense of distress to your biological sex, which does not match the gender that the person experiences and expresses. For this reason, these people are subject to stress and stress from a variety of dimensions in the community and family. In addition to social issues, this disorder is the cause of individual differences in these individuals compared to non patient. This study aimed to compare the results of the Rorschach test content variables in patient with Gender Dysphoria disorder and non patient. The study was causal-comparative. For that purpose28 patients with Gender Dysphoria disorder that were referred diagnostic centers and 28 participants who did not in terms of criteria such as age, gender and education were matched with patients, subjects were selected by available sampling method using the Rorschach test, in accordance with the comprehensive system Exner, individually, were evaluated. In variables: sex (Sx), Nature (Na), geographic (Ls), food (Fd), plants (Bt), Blood (Bl), Anatomy (An), landscape (Ls), details the human body (Hd), human experience (Hx) were those with gender dysphoria the higher score and in domestic variable (Hh) those non patients have a higher score. By considering the significant differences in the projection of people with gender dysphoric disorder and nonpatient individuals, which is consistent with the findings of studies conducted in different cultures the world has highlighted the importance of this alignment, projection of persons with gender dysphoria disorder in Rorschach test is not closed culture, hence using Rorschach test in clinical work with these individuals to specialists recommended.

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The expansion of the problem of Drug dependence has many problems in family spheres, and has a devastating effect on sustainable development. So, the aim of this research is a sustainable development model in family health has been emphasized on the role of addiction in a descriptive (post-event) study and in combination. In the first step, by qualitative method and using Fuzzy Delphi technique, 12 component and 86 indicators were extracted in social, economic and environmental dimensions. In the second step, using a quantitative method and using a questionnaire, among senior managers, expert experts and Personnel of the Counter Narcotics Department of Tehran province, using the Cochran formula, 201 were considered. Structural validity, confirmatory factor analysis, normalization of data distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), Friedman test model rating and the study of the effects of components of sustainable development model on Drug dependence (t-test) were assessed using SPSS22 and LISREL57/8 software. As a result of t-test, the greatest impact is on social, economic and environmental dimensions whit an average 4/02, 3/58 & 3/28. Regarding the component and indices, greatest impact was on family empowerment component whit an average 4/28 and indicators of family social and life skills whit an average 4/35. Therefore, Therefore, in order to better understand the effects of Drug dependence on family health and attention to this problem in the 20 year vision document of the country and its destructive effect on sustainable development, this research tries to rely on the role of the family in resolving the gap created for research questions Provide solutions.

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Attributions are interpretations that people have for events and are an important part of the individual's mental experience of events. Attributions not only affect people's feelings about their relationships, but also affect their behavior. Therefore, according to this interpretation and attributions, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on the communication attributes of married women. The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study included all unmarried wome, number of 363 in the city of Kazerun in 2017. The sample consisted of 30 unmarried women in the city of Kazerun. Sampling was done using available sampling method. Fincham and Bradbury Questionnaire (1992) was used to collect information. The collected data were analyzed by using covariance analysis (ANCOVA) in SPSS-23 software. The results of univariate analysis of covariance showed that the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on the communication attributes was confirmed. The acceptance and commitment therapy reduces the causal and responsible attribute. According to the findings of this study, the acceptance and commitment therapy to unmarried women can improve their Relational Attributions.

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The family is one of the most important social institutions of any society. Undoubtedly, the family needs consulting services in the present age, which is stress and psychological stress. Since various researches have shown that the role of culture in family issues is highly important in every society, Therefore, the purpose of the present study introductory in family counseling with islamic-iraninan culture-based approach. The research design is qualitative and is based on conventional content analysis. The content of the research was selected by experts through electronic searches on selected databases and by first reviewing books and articles relevant to the subject. Results: The coding process led to in three main themes: relationship-building techniques, therapeutic techniques and marital enrichment, and 12 categories based on Islamic and Iranian culture. It can be concluded from the findings of this study that family counselors and psychologists in our country (Iran) can use family counseling and psychotherapy programs from these three main themes in therapeutic work, Use with their families and couples.

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Given the importance of attachment styles and mental health in different areas of life including interpersonal relationships, especially marital and family relationships, which is more important, the present study examines the role of attachment styles and mental health in Interpersonal relationships will be addressed by students. The research design method is descriptive multiple regression. The statistical population included all male and female undergraduate students of Razi University Social Sciences who visited the library of this school. From this population, 100 individuals (50 girls and 50 boys) were selected from non-probability type of study and Barton's Communication Skills Questionnaire (1990), Goldberg's Mental Health Questionnaire (1972), and the Hazen & Shaver Attachment Test (1990). 1987), performed on them. Data were analyzed using multiple regression statistical methods. The hypothesis of the present model was generally confirmed at level (p <0. 001), and partially confirmed by secure attachment at level (p <0. 001) and mental health at level (p <0. 04). Thus, secure attachment style and mental health are powerful predictors for interpersonal relationships, and we conclude that structured education about the three variables mentioned can lead to the formation of a healthy family system. In turn, it creates a happy, healthy and growing community.

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In pursuing approach motives for sacrifice, spouses sacrifice to create a sense of increased happiness or intimacy with their spouse, whereas in pursuing avoidance motives for sacrifice, spouses sacrifice to avoid conflicts and disapproval. Approach motives for sacrifice lead to positive emotions and increase marital quality but avoidance motives for sacrifice are related with reductions in marital quality. The results of studies on the association between motives for sacrifice and marital quality are different and contradictory. The purpose of this study was to estimate the overall effect size of this association. To achieve this purpose, we searched the literature for dissertations and research articles published in scientific journals from 1998 to 2018. Based on our research inclusion criterion, 6 research studies, including 4 dissertations and 2 articles, were included in a meta-analysis measuring 18 estimates of effect size for the association between approach motives and marital quality and 18 estimates of effect size for the association between avoidance motives and marital quality. Investigating publication bias showed that studies on the association between approach and avoidance motives for sacrifice and marital quality were not biased. The results also showed a significantly positive correlation (r=0. 385, p<0. 01) between approach motives for sacrifice and marital quality and a negative correlation (r=-0. 185) between avoidance motives for sacrifice and marital quality. According to Cohen's criteria, the effect size for the association between approach motives for sacrifice and marital quality is a modest effect and the association between avoidance motives for sacrifice and marital quality is a small effect. Investigating the role of moderator variables indicated that the magnitude of the effect size for approach motives for sacrifice is influenced by social and cultural context. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed in detail.

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Research Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of and premarital education on attitude toward marriage, resilience, and marriage expectation in students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Research method: The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population was students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences who were undergoing undergraduate and doctoral programs. The subjects were 30 people who were selected by random sampling among the students who were applying for these courses and The experimental and control groups were assigned to two groups of 15 pepole. The experimental group participated in six 60-minute pre-marriage and education sessions according to Angle and Wright method, and the control group did not receive any training. The data was collected using the psychometric scales of Bratan & Rosen's Marriage Attitude (1998), the resilience of Connor and Davidson (2003) and the marriage expectation of Jones and Nelson. To analyze the data in descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics, t-test and covariance analysis were used. Finding: Multivariate analysis of covariance analysis showed that premarital education is effective on marital attitude (p=0/003, F=10/862), resilience (p<0/001, F=249/718) and marriage expectation (p<0/001, F=43/892). Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that the use of this method of premarital education and counseling on the attitude toward marriage, resilience and marriage expectation has been effective.

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Emotional relationship is the most fundamental factor in marital relationship and the most destructive relationship is a close relationship that is devoid of intimacy and affection. In the present era, the emergence and growth of emotional divorce has disrupted the main function of the family. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of emotional divorce in the socio-cultural context of city of Karaj in order to prevent the proliferation of emotional divorce while enriching marital relations. The statistical population consisted of all couples referring to the Razi Counselling Centres in the city of Karaj, on whom Gatman's emotional divorce test was performed. Twenty people were selected using the Fundamentals Data Theory Methodology and Targeted Sampling, and the interviews continued until the theoretical saturation was achieved. Using semi-structured interviewing tools, the data were collected and in order to identify the factors and analyse the data the "encoding concepts and shaping a theory" of Strauss and Carbine was utilized. Analysis of data obtained in open coding led to identifying individual, family, relationship and process-social-cultural factors. The results indicate that "non-care and love-making" is the core pattern of the research findings. According to the findings of this research, advisers and psychologists who are engaged in professional marriage counselling services are advised to focus on the underlying factors that are presented in this article, and teach to the couple's skill and the art of caring for love (respect, trust, admission, honesty, loyalty, commitment and support).

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Attachment injury resolution model (AIRM) is a structured approach for treatment and improves the distressed relationship that focuses on stable interactive negative cycles which caused by deep emotional vulnerability. The current study was administered aimed to investigate the effectiveness of emotionally-focused couple therapy based on attachment injury resolution model on increase forgiveness among the injured women with marital infidelity. In this research, a single-case experimental design, type of non-concurrent multiple baseline designs was used. The statistical population consisted of 53 injured women with marital infidelity who referred to Bushehr counseling centers. The sample research consisted of 3 couples (6 individuals) among couples referred to these counseling centers that were selected by considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria and according to the results of the forgiveness scale (Rye et al., 2001) with purposeful sampling method. The protocol of emotionally focused couple therapy based on attachment injury resolution model was carried out in three phases of basic lines, intervention and follow-up. Data analysis were conducted by visual analysis, reliable change index and percentage improvement formula. The findings indicated that attachment injury resolution model had significant effect in increasing of forgiveness among injured women with marital infidelity during the therapy (%35. 26 improvement) and follow-up (%45. 93 improvement). Based on the research results, the emotionally-focused couple therapy based on attachment injury resolution model can be used as an effective intervention in reducing the injuries caused by marital infidelity.

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Today, improving the quality of life has emerged as a new concept of health that addresses the scientific aspects of the psychological, social, functional, and physical aspects. One of the important events of family life is the decision on the number of children. Because this decision affects the lifestyle and, more importantly, the quality of family life. This study aimed to comparison of quality of life of single-parent couples with couples with more than two children. Regarding the subject of the research, in order to test the hypothesis, the correlation method is used. The study population was single-parent couples and more than two children in Tehran's 7th district. In this research, sampling was done with maximum diversity, so that single-parent couples and couples with more than two children of ages, educational levels and different economic and social classes were selected. Sampling method is a random method. In our research, 300 were selected as samples. The Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF-36) is the most popular and used tool for assessing quality of life. It was also used in this study. The results of the test showed that there is a relationship between physical function, emotional well-being, general health and social function with the number of children for both groups. The results of our research showed that there is a relationship between physical function and the number of children, and this relationship has been established between single-parent couples and couples with more than a few children.

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Marital life can be subject to various risks, the most severe of which is marital distress that leads to emotional separation and divorce. Although different and sometimes known researches have been done in this field, it seems that it is necessary to address this issue with other theoretical approaches. Therefore, the present study aimed to represent a picture of the living world of women who have experienced marital distress, relying on a phenomenological approach. The population of the study was included women with marital distress referred to Tohid Clinic in Kermanshah. The sampling was purposeful that, exploratory interviews conducted with 6 women, then, the main interview was carried out and the sampling was saturated with 16 people who did not have an obvious mental illness. Using the episodic interview and drawing on the phenomenological method in Giorgi-Wertes psychology, the perceptual world of women is depicted. 5 general structure (in-frame), including "Contradictory intention, " "Mutual understanding of the living experience, " "Emotional empathy, " "Pre-marital couples' conceptions, " and "Learned objectives " describes the experience of marital distress in the perceptual world of studied women. Thus, the present study results suggest that clinical therapists use these concepts in their counseling to inform couples in premarital counseling.

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Sexual satisfaction can have a significant effect on marital relationships and satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between sexual dissatisfaction and marital burnout with the moderating role of marital conflict. This is a descriptive and correlational based on path analysis within the structural equation modeling. The questionnaire used in this study is Hilbert index of sexual assertiveness (HISA) (1992), Index of sexual satisfaction (ISS) (1981), Barati and Sanaii index of marital confict (1375) and Couple Burnout questionnaire (CBM) (1996). The sample is the all women referring to consultation centers of Zahedan (320 person) in winter in 2015. Using clustering method, a total of 150 subjects were selected. The data were analyzed using SPSS 20 and LISREL 8. 8. Findings show that marital conflict had a moderating role on the relationship between sexual assertiveness and marital burnout (B = 0. 23 P < 0. 05). It also plays a moderating role on the relationship between sexual dissatisfaction and marital burnout(B = 0. 11, P < 0. 05). Result, there is a meaningful correlation between sexual dysfunction, sexual dissatisfaction, couple burnout, and marital conflict. The less the sexual accomplishment is, the more the spousal conflict and disappointment are, and the increase in sexual dissatisfaction would raise spousal conflict and disappointment. Similarly, the general results show that marital conflict as intermediary between the parameters of sexual dysfunction and couple burnout as well as between sexual dissatisfaction and couple burnout.

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As life gets more complicated, marital beliefs and expectations have changed a lot. Therefore, young couples need to receive the necessary training in this area. The Couples Care Program ‘ CARE’ was introduced as a premarital education program aimed at improving premarital relationships and marital interactions. The purpose of the present study was to investigating of effectiveness of pre-marriage counseling through the couples care program «CARE» on expectations and communicational beliefs in marriage applicants. This study is a semi-experimental study with a control and experimental groups and has pretest, post-test, and follow-up design. The study population consisted of individuals referring to counseling and psychological services centers in Urmia in the first half of 2018, who were selected from among 60 volunteers who had a definite decision to marry. They randomly divided into two groups of 30 persons (one intervention group by CARE, one control group). For measuring the dependent variables, Marital Expectations Questionnaire (Omidvar, 2009), the communicational Beliefs Questionnaire (Eidelson & Epstein, 1982) were used as research tools. The experimental group received the CARE training program for 6 sessions. After data collection, repeated measure ANOVA was used for analysis. The results showed that CARE pre-marriage counseling has been able to improve marital expectations (f=53. 199, p<0. 05), and communicational beliefs (f=15. 816, p<0. 05) among married applicants in Urmia. Based on this, it is suggested that family counselors and psychologists, in pre-marital counseling, use the concepts of CARE “ training program in pre-marriage treatment centers and procedures.

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