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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In order to evalution the effect of integrated weeds management on yield and yield components of cowpea, a study was conducted in shoushtar (2009) with spilt-plot experiment using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 replications. The treatment had a main plot consistant (without cultivator, once and twice cultivator) and a subplot with (without herbicides, Imazethapyr, sethoxydim and Bentazon).The results showed a significant difference between treatments from the point loss of dry weight and the density of weeds. The lowest weed dry weight with 35 gr/m2 and weed density with 75 plant/m2 obtained in twice cultivation and bentazon. In different treatment number of seeds in the sheath, the length of sheath, weight of 100 seeds, biological yield, seed yield and index harvest in the level of probability 5 percent significant difference was seen. The effect of best treatment on yield and yield components was twice cultivation with bentazon in which seed yield and index harvest was 1490 Kg/ha and 26 percent respectively.

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In order to study Effect of seed deterioration on seedling Establishment, yield and part yield of different wheat cultivars. a field experimental was conducted in 2008-2009. at research center Dezful safiabad. To form design factorial in completely randomized block bases with 3 replications. Treatment were wheat cultivars chamran. Veerynak, Dez, Kavir, Chenab, Zagrus, Estar, Behrang, Dena and Karkhe) and level of aging (with aging stress and without aging stress) in two level. Dena, Karkhe and Behrang were Durum and another one were soft.Experimental result showed that increases and significant effect in aging stress on yield and Dez had the higher grain yield (6683kg/ha) in normal condition and Chenab had the low most grain yield (2216kg/ha) in stress condition. Also Dez had the high yield in stress condition. Did, nt observation different significant among Kavir, Chanab cultivars in stress condition and Chanab, Kavirand Virinak in stress condition. The high level had on 1000 grain Weight and ear accumulation in Dez cultivar. Star cultivar had higher ear accumulation in normal (Without aging) condition. Survey of quality showed that high level of correlation was between ear accumulation and grain yield in level 1%.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research, was conduction in order to study on yield stability of 17 irrigated wheat lines and 3 varieties in different environments. Wheat genotypes were planted with an RCB design and 3 replications in three regions, Esfahan, Kermanshah and Varamin. The results of combined analysis of variance for grain yield showed the significant differences among wheat genotype effect, environment and G*E interaction effect as well. For determination stability and adaptation parameters of grain yield methods of Eberhart and Russell method and Wricke and Shukla method. Based on Eberhart and Russell's method, in genotypes 6, 10 and 5 having regression coefficient near to 1 and higher grain yield was known as genotypes with general adaptability to all environments.Based on Wricke and Shukla stability analysis, results showed genotypes 11, 16, 15 and 6 were known as stable genotype.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to investigate the effect of nitrogen spliting on yield and yield components of two genotypes of chickpea, an experiment was conducted in Agricultural College of Shahid Chamran University in Ahwaz during 2001-2002 crop season. In this study, the split plot design in complete randomized block in three replications were used. Cultivars (Jam, HASHEM) considered as main plot and nitrogen split levels (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) were subplot.Nitrogen split treatments were including:b1 (Planting 0 kg/ha+Flowering 0 kg/ha)b2 (Planting 25kg/ha+Flowering 0 kg/ha)b3 (Planting 50 kg/ha+Flowering 0kg/ha)b4 (Planting 25kg/ha+Flowering 25kg/ha)b5 (Planting 0 kg/ha+Flowering 25kg/ha)Results showed that split nitrogen for yield components were significant.B4 and b5 split nitrogen had highest grain yield with 1670.24 and 1578.26 kg.ha-1 respectively. B1 with seed yield average of 1052.08 kg.ha-1 was at second rank and b2, b3 were in third rank with 733.96 and 729.2kg.ha-1.Between genotypes Jam had more grain yield with 1275.18 kg.ha-1 compared with HASHEM with 1030.32 kg.ha-1.Effect of nitrogen on 100 grain weight was significant, however effect of genotype and interaction between nitrogen and genotype was not significant.B4 split nitrogen had highest 100 grain weight with 24.92 g among split nitrogen levels. Effect of nitrogen on pod per plant and grain per pod was significant. So, split part of nitrogen plant necessity in similar situation of this experiment can cause to upper nitrogen efficiency, and more yield.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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for investigating the effects of the different levels of Nitrogen manure and digits on operation and the components of the operation of Sun fertilizer, an experiment has been performed in 3 replication in the experimental farm located in the mohammad–ebne-Jafar village in the 7 kilometer Distance from Dezful for the plan of courtsin for the plan of courts in pieces by the plan of accidental complete blocks in 1389. The components were consist of Nitrogen levels (0, 75, 150, 225 in hectare of the pure Nitrogen) As the main factor and 3 lubricants sunflower (Azargol/farrokh/shf81-90) as the sub–factor At the end of the experiment seed operation / biologic operation harvest index /a thousand seed weight /the amount of seeds in the plate the thickness of the plate / the percent of the oil/ and the oil operation have been measured. For all of the measured objects there was a meaning all different Tiete between Nitrogen components in the probability level of 1%. Thus the most operation of the seed and components of the operation were sequenced in the manure probability level 150 and 225 kg Nitrogen in hectare were obtained the results showed that them is a meaning full differentiate between values of operation and components of the operation in the probability level of 1%, thus the higher and the minor seed operation were sequenced belong to Azargol and farrokh. The activation of the Nitrogen and the digits ahich have been measure for all of the object except harvest index were meaningful in the probability level. So it seems that by using Nitrogen with the value of 150 kg in hectare. we can provide suitable conditions for gaining better operation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In agricultural year 2009-2010, in farm 106 of Mian Aab agro-industrial company's farms in Shush, an experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of intercropping of sugarcane and clover on weeds management and also on the performance and growth of sugarcane. This experimental design was split- plot using randomized complete block design with four replications. The main plot included two patterns for clover planting {(a1-to plant clover between sugarcane rows, 50% of the treatment surface, and a2- to plant clover between and inside sugarcane rows, 100 % of the treatment surface)} and the subplots included four different amounts of clover seeds {(B1=10, B2=20, B3=30, B4=40 kg/ha)}. The results showed that the most weed control and sugarcane most quantitative and qualitative performance was achieved in treatments B3 and B4. The difference between the two cultivation pattern treatments was not significant. But the differences among the treatments in group B were significant. Sugarcane height decreased 12.82% as compared with the highest height. Comparing the most biomass and the least biomass of produced weeds in treatments, there is a difference of 81.94%. The difference between maximum and minimum performance of crop in treatments was 43.87%. The results also showed that treatment group B had a significant effect on nitrogen in broad leaved sugarcane, so that in treatments B3 and B4 in 120 days, since June to August, the nitrogen in sugarcane's leaves was up to standard. This helped the improvement of qualitative and quantitative performance of sugarcane. So the best recommended treatment compound is a1 (to plant between sugarcane rows), 40 kg/ha of clover seeds.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to study the effects of planting pattern on yield and yield components of two cultivars of sunflower oil in Dezful an experiment was done as split factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications in summer 2010. In this experiment at three levels between rows as 55, 65 and 75 cm as the original factors and combine the two levels of treatment plant between of 20 and 25 cm with the use of two cultivars Azargol and Farrokh as the sub-factors were considered as factorial. Finally, experimental seed yield, biological yield, harvest index, grain weight, number of grains per head, head diameter, oil content and oil yield, were measured. The results showed that row spacing on all traits studied in the 1% probability level was significant. The results showed that the plant distance effect on the biological yield, harvest index, grain weight and head diameter at 1% probability level and the traits grain yield grain yield, grain number and percentage of oil significantly at 5% probability level. Cultivar effect was significant on all traits at 1%. Based on results obtained with the highest grain yield 5510 kg ha and oil yield of 2184 kg ha Azargol cultivar under planting pattern with 65 cm between rows and between plants 25 cm respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of row spacing and plant density on some morphological traits, yield, yield components and seed protein in two chickpea cutlivars. Experiment was conducted in 2007 -2008 at Ahvaz city. The design of experiment was a split plot factorial based in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications.Main plots were devoted a three row spacing (40, 50 and 60 cm) while sub minor plots assigned to two plant densites (25 and 35 plants / m2) as well as two cultivars (Arman and Hashem). Obtained results from data showed that row spacing had no significant effect on all investigated traits. Howevere, number of pods/ m2, seed yield, biologic yield and 100 seed weight were relatively smaller in row spacing 60cm. Plant density had positive significant effect on number of pods / m2, seed yield and biological yield, that plant density of 35 plants/m2 has greatest. The number of branches were significantly more in density of 25 plants/m2. Hashem cultivar had greatest plant height, first pod height and biological yield.So Arman cultivar had greatert harvest index. Treatment effects had not significant effects on some traits investigated. Howevere, using combinded treatments of narrow row spacing (40 or 50 cm) and higher plant density (35 plants/m2) producted greatest seed yield in two cultivar.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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