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Nazhvan is the only remained green space in Isfahan suburb located at tow sides of Zayandeh-Rood river which due to unique potentials has attracted different social groups and green groups or those who prefer nature recreation rather than so-called urban recreation, and on the other hand, there are land-owners, land dealers and developers waiting for an opportunity to gain super-profit by buying and selling the land farms and gardens. But in recent years the urban management of Isfahan has decided to preserve farm lands through a strategic site development plan. (Because of increasing extension of the city over the Nazhvan site, and the large extent of the area, the urban management decided to prepare a comprehensive plan for a region as large as 1830 hectares in 1995).In this survey, base on strategic Analysis approach (SWOT), evaluation of strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), threats (T) and regulating different strategies in various contexts, the appropriate strategy has been chosen, that is, conservation of existing green space based on agro tourism side by side ecotourism in a new package which respond both to nature-oriented needs of citizens and conservation of farm lands and gardens in Isfahan suburbs.

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Modern urbanism has been crystallized in order to determine landuse boundary and how to use them in planning. In the last century, this activity has passed a upward and downward trend. Nowadays, urban designers tries to achieve a kind of landuse application depends on ideas such as new-urbanism and sustainable development to have desirable and with the ability of habitance. The basic challenges with theorists and experts has caused research to have a continuous procedure.Although the record of planning is very long in Iran, but measures which have been done and designs which have been prepared, in the figure of primitive landuse plans has been highly defective in both prepare and perform stages. Improving this procedure is a necessity that should be accomplished due to the facts in urbanism and urban management. Also, it should profit urbanism experiments and theorists which are considered in the world.Present article is a part of theoretical bases and suggestive method in this case which has been presented based on detail research. Adopting synthetic approach and a step by step process in order to compile a plan of compatible functional border lines in cities and in order to promote management capability in landuse planning based on informative skilled banks will be able to take first and effective steps to correct landuse planning as per social and cultural standards. these are topics which in this article will be discussed here below.

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One of critical elements to reduce the damage of earthquake is the community`s preparation to confront it. Making preparations to confront earthquake can be treated in many ways. By applying physical planning mechanisms, cities can be designed and planned in a way that they suffer the least damage during the earthquake. This paper tries to Study the role of urban physical planning and concerning urban topics such as urban structure, urban texture, urban form and urban density within theoretical framework of urban planning in mitigating earthquake damages. Diverse urban structures show different reactions against the earthquake. For instance, multi-center urban structures are able to handle the earthquake better than single center structures.By increasing the ratio of built area to whole area of parcel or to open space, the vulnerability of open space due to piled up debris in it will be decreased substantially.Some land-uses play a crucial role in situating urban vulnerability against the earthquake. These land-uses are called "Special Land-Uses". Due to their critical function in confronting earthquake, any damage to these land-uses during the earthquake, may lead to catastrophic consequences. Hence, it is imperative to appoint special land-uses with delicate and knowledgeable consideration so that the least damage will be suffered by these centers.

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Considering humanity was a basic issue from the emergence of urban design discipline. In addition, looking into the views of theoreticians of this field, a tendency for humanity and the liberality related to social life could be vividly traced during history. Therefore, what has been introduced as Democratic Urban Space Design is the consideration of ideas linking of humanities, people friendliness, and democratic concerns in urban context. In short, Democratic Urban Space Design is a concept which aims at "designing for all" and is concerned with the users' rights, freedom of access, and freedom of action in public places.Nevertheless, there has rarely been argued about the linkage between humanitarian and freedom norms in urban design process & professions fields. Having appropriate knowledge about environmental criterion & norms which their existence in public spaces addresses the people friendliness of such space, can be an introductory cue for understanding relationship between urban design & freedom. The responsive environments include such norms whose understanding from the freedom centeredness and people centeredness points of view can help us to identify these types of norms.This article is addressing specific methodology aiming to find appropriate norms for designing democratic urban public spaces. First of all, the general attributes of democracy and the normative characteristics of responsive environment have been studied from related field views & related case studies. Then, a comparative study in these areas could identify the common norms which play active role both in public spaces and in the arena of democracy. In the end, the aforementioned qualitative norms will be investigated briefly understanding their capabilities for design of a responsive public space/place in relation to democracy, human rights and freedom.

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Urban public spaces quality is one of the most important concentrations in recent urban design research. Trying to achieve urban public spaces that atones citizens is one of main strategies of urban design projects. Because of visual relationship, it seems that visual quality is one of the first stages of urban spaces pleasure. In urban design fundamentals this subject argued in visual aesthetics of urban public spaces and basic concepts like proportion, contrast, harmony and etc is considering. Among these concepts contrast has an ambiguity that usage way of it has different results. We can say there is common border between last degrees of contrast and first degrees of opposition. Notwithstanding negative look of opposition when we consider it in urban design way of using can be negative or positive. Review of great urban public spaces shows that there is degrees of opposition and contrast. Urban design history in Iran has rich treasure of intelligent use of contrast. We can see this intelligent use of contrast in all city and urban spaces like streets, plazas and etc.Yazd and Isfahan in center of Iran are the famous cities for using contrast. Complexity has been one of main concept in architecture and urban design of 20 century and one of main critical subject between modernism and post modernism. Robert Venturi is famous person for this subject. His famous book, complexity and contradiction is one of main references for using contrast in architecture.According to monotony in urban public spaces aspect of Iranian cities, it seems that we can use potential of contrast for creating more visual diversity. Visual diversity can effect on urban vitality. Baharestan square is one of the best cases that have potential of contrast and opposition, but this subject has not been analyzed in formal aesthetic of square. Not pay attention to this potential leads to lack of visual integration and visual perception.In this article with description method and data collection with observation method, first we define contrast, opposition and their degrees; second we try to analyze relation between contrast and pleasure of urban public space in Baharestan square. It seems that using contrast can enhance quality of Baharestan square and this contrast can effect on urban identity of this square.All considerations about contrast recognition in Baharestan square shows that different design experiences of different historical period in main elements of main structure like National Assembly, Sepahsalar Mosque and Islamic Assembly creates positive contrast.They have built in different time from Ghajar period to now. Baharestan square is a scene for showing this beautiful companion and narrative of this visual diversity picture. Pay attention to this potential is one of main steps to enhance visual diversity of square. This subject relates to wall height. This potential of contrast can deliver into square and in organization project of Baharestan square we can use contrast in floor, walls and urban furniture in accompany with effective contrast of formal elements to achieve special identity of Baharestan square. Baharestan square with this identity introduce one of good pattern for other urban public spaces.

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City is the greatest symbol of human civilization that human built that for its security and comfort. City is not just a settlement, but it is a place in which spirit of society is blown and takes identity from that. Urban identity is the identity of a group that finds meaning by objective emergence in body and concept of the city and leads citizens toward urbanization via creating recall of common memories in citizens, belongingness and dependence. Although, the city's identity is depending on culture of its citizens, it influences the process of citizenship creation and may cause to composition of relative criteria with cooperation and judgment of residents and viewers.Since "identity" is a complex of attributes and specifications that cause "distinguish" of an individual or society from other people and societies; the city is also characterized and becomes independent following this criterion. The issue of identity in general and urban identity in particular is among issues being important due to its role in cognition of individuals, things, societies and places.Despite importance of this case in recent periods, the crisis of urban identity is worryingly felt; because in the past, cities and urban spaces have been having independence, character and a specific identity. While what is formed in public minds is nothing but a complex of tall buildings, streets, offices and parks that as a result of that sense of belonging to these spaces becomes low and lower. In fact, it should be said that in contemporary period and especially in recent years building for construction not for living has not left any space for considering important and deep issues like identity in urbanization and architecture. Urban planners and managers are seriously trying to supervise human-made body of the city by composing regulations and on the other hand, the citizens who are following culture and cultural elements of their society are insisting to lead the city's body based on their understanding of urban identity. This issue has created major problems in process of formation of cities' body and practically has created large voids in existing situation from the "Utopia".Today, due to lack of necessary educations and non-thought following of western approaches and modern patterns, many cities are forming and developing against original identity of Iranian city. Beyond this, urban spaces and especially historical urban spaces have great importance due to their role in formation of mental image and cognitive plan of cities in giving identity to them.At the present paper, effective indicatives on urban and neighboring identity in Jolfa neighborhood, located in district 5 of Isfahan Municipality that its formation goes back to Safavi era is introduced. These indicatives are studied in different environmental, social, economic, physical and spatial dimensions and their effects on formation and sustainability of the identity of this neighborhood were analyzed. Information gathering and analysis done in this regard has been based on case study and adjustment researches. At the end strategies are provided along with more promotion of these indicatives in this neighborhood.

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In the definition of urban identity and its relationship with its elements it is necessary, pay attention to changes and inevitable historical and social developments. The cause of the continuous formation and development of the places should be searched in the cultural and historical changes. These changes will be cause to add the new elements to a collection or to be removed some elements of it. In This Way, historical component of places that are derived from cultural developments, to into their identity bases.In urban studies, identity is considered through its interaction with concept of space, and also through its role in creates mental space and thus the quality of urban life.Therefore, the role of cities as centers to promoting the cultural indicators has been approved because in the public spaces the social interaction occur and maturate. In fact, a close internal relationship occurs between urban space and cultural identity.Generally, urban spaces are covered a historical identity during the time. Indicators which are effective on historical identity explosion have caused a similar functional effect in the above mentioned space during the time. These indicators cause continuity of identity in urban spaces so that it is also acceptable to named a historical identity.On the other hand, today we are faced with some urban spaces which lacking positive identity or are eligible for a neutral identity. Therefore, regarding each of the urban spaces may have one or more indicators of identity in the past or already the ability to offer such functional can be survey in order to identify and index funds to strengthen their historical identity.In this article, after defines and readout the concept of identity in urban spaces, the author is dealing with the effective indicators and continuous in formation of the space identity of the under investigation and finally the author is dealing with the general policies to strengthen the identity and the restoration.

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A sustainable approach to visual environments of cities along with sustainable urban planning is based on three principles, sustainable socio-spatial structure, patterning from nature, and applying renewable sources of energy, presenting a new position and image of townscape, in which proper answers to the ecological issues, economical welfare and public life on a Green (ecological) aesthetics’ basis have been synthesized. Among these, a planning system to establish parks as a guideline and a pioneer for comprehensive, multilateral urban planning and green space /greenbelt designing as a fundamental procedure for park planning and as a part of the cityscape is a joint between citizens and nature. Man as a citizen has lost his active presence in outdoors due to rapid industrial, technological advances and has become stranger to nature. In this way, their emotional and social needs to the environment are under the direct influence of economical, industrial issues and have got a new form.Since 1991, introducing a new topic of city parks, called ecological parks, has put a new challenge on the human-nature relationship and his environment. These new ecological parks which are very different from the previous picturesque parks are in harmonious with sustainable cityscape planning rules resulted from a sustainable urban planning.This paper purposes to have a descriptive survey on the related literature and a comparative analysis on the successful examples of such ecological parks, handling what the characteristics of those ecological parks are in reproducing the cultural-natural identity of a place and reinforcing a sustainable townscape? Does the ‘ecological’ term attached to ‘a sustainable planning’ phrase just mean natural ecology or indeed, it means a social ecology and or maybe a combination of these two? And along this, to design eco-oriented, which trend must be considered to follow.Resulted from these surveys /studies extremely introduce the characteristics of an ecological park as a combination of a natural scope and a cultural scope through which public spaces are planned along with an ecological approach. Many factors, including increasing purposeful social relations along with direct and indirect teaching and introducing techniques for protecting environment consists basic outlines for a suitable planning and its functions. Most successful examples of these parks, regarding the spirit of the matter, have formed in sites which some time a producing-consuming cycle performed to vitalize it once again. Such endeavor explains a simultaneously serious attention to natural ecology and cultural ecology to create a dynamic visual and functional condition for a city and this, itself may, in turn, introduce a technique to revitalize and renovate forgotten urban ecosystems.

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Nature is the source and a symbol of existence. It is a sacred being in which all the organs are in order and balance. In gardens, our relation with the nature is in extreme.Meanwhile, Iranian landscape architecture and the gardens particularly crystallize the mystical balance of the world. This landscape design is in fact an old primary pattern to provide the human being with his complicated wills.It reflects the hidden aspects of an unvisual splendor which ends in peaces and complacency.The scope of this article is to analyze the structural and formal systems in Iranian landscape architecture in order to achieve a better understanding of the relationships between the ethical concepts and the formation of the Persian green space design.Herein, the ethical believes of the main two religions of Iran (Zoroaster and Islam) are of a greater importance. Considering these relations between the ethics and architectural design could indeed increase the quality of sensible green spaces in the context of Islamic cities.The research method of this article is analytical and descriptive. The contents rely heavily on three bases: 1) the information provided by observational methods during several inspections of the old Persian gardens before and after Islam (as a part of the authors` field work) 2) The consultancy of leading experts on landscape design and Iranian ethical architecture specialists from the University of Tarbiat Modares in Tehran.3) Historical documents and travel accounts concerning the traditional design techniques and the architectural heritage of the Iranian region.The results show that the affection from different ethical concepts could increase the quality of design conformed to the country`s religious thoughts. And this could indeed provide a better condition for the survival of our landscape design.

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The presence of pedestrians in urban spaces creates social life and character. Walking on foot is the oldest, most normal and the most essential shape of human move and walking is still the most important possibility for visiting places, activities and feeling the motion and emotion of life, to find out the values and hidden attractions in the environment.Walking has major important in the perception of space identification, feeling of belonging to the environment and conceiving qualities of environment.Today, the number of pedestrians has decreased because most people do not use walkways. They instead use motorcars as an alternative to commute and, since motorcars play the major role in transportation systems, everything in our cities are built depend on car’s speed, (quantities to qualities) and pedestrians and their needs are ignored as major members of city maker. So Urban planners and designers endeavor to find out the best way to eliminate roadway and convert to walkway, in order to recreate this livelihood to the city center. It becomes necessary to have this urban character that able to attract people to use pedestrian walkways as an indication to successful urban place.Pedestrian ways that are rebuilt after years, because of decrease of the people’s safety and people’s need to walk, are the major part of urban spaces, where provide for all people, possibility of interrelation, walking, spending times of leisure, playing, shopping, gathering and manifesting, meeting, sitting, looking at, accessing, travelling, advertising, informing and ….One of the forgotten issues that is the important problem in our cities is no attention to the urban scape in the pedestrian ways.Urban scape is the sensible environment that effect on people’s behavior and its results.A degree of affect of environment on people, depends on degree of human’s perception that itself depends on preparedness of visitor for perception, perceptual capacity and situation of environment of perception.In this study, it’s tried to present some strategies to improve the pedestrian way's urban scape. To achieve these strategies, the descriptive-analytical method is used.For that, major theorists are Symon Bell, Jahanshah Pakzad, Gorden Cohlen and Koorosh Golkar and so on.It is important to know that because of circumstances of the research, it’s focused on form factors but it is necessary to attention to other factors too. Because they have important role in making desirability of urban scape.

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Architecture and the cinema are series of arts and techniques combined by talented architects and filmmakers. Sharing common elements (including the scene, the atmosphere, light and view), they both deal with the creation of sense of life and adhere to common principles as well. Regarding that the scene, color, light and contrast provide spectators with different impressions; architecture is considered as a key element to set up balance and harmony in graphic composition of the shots. Visual spaces are substantial means to reflect the main idea in a film. The visual components of a building such as color, surface, line, point and etc, serve as the graphic elements of the background and thus present the directors theme and contribute to the creation of sense of place and identity. Urban spaces and architecture could represent the historical period as well as cultural and historical situation in a film. In this article we set out to discuss the mutual relation of architecture and cinema as a complementary couple and study their collaborative roles in establishing the identity of urban spaces and places.

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Miss attention to Sustainability basic of Iranian traditional architecture and various effective impacts on it, has caused a declined and unsustainable body of urban fabric be remained. Undoubted technological advances are necessities which are not deniable, but this factor shouldn’t endanger our values in environmental sustainability Context – Base on these forgotten strategies in sustainable residential environment should be recognized and by upgrading them and considering present technologies, they can be used in sustainable building design. Up to now, architects have parallels to other scientist been trying to find new strategies for providing a sustainable life for human beings. It is obvious that life, work, recreation, rest and … all are activities which have been handled by architect in designing spaces. Because the direct impact of building strength and weaknesses on earth system, there has been a massive duty on architecture's shoulder. Applying sustainability concept in architecture has opened new debate named, Sustainable Architecture, Ecological Architecture, Green Architecture and Environmental Architecture, which all have got the same meaning and refer to architecture compatible to environment. By concluding mentioned ideas it can be declared that sustainable design is one of the most important contemporary streams which can be taken into account as a logical response and reflex to industrial age problems. Sustainable architecture such as other architectural issues has got its own specific principles, which can be defined in 3 stages: 1- Saving recourses.2- Design as a tool to get back to life cycle.3- Design for human. Which all the above have got their strategies. Studying desert cities of Iran, such as Yazd, Kerman and Kashan shows that physical characteristic of historical and traditional part of cities is adoptable to recent scientific findings. Besides, mentioned environmental coordination, is a product of a long process of trial and errors which have been done during the time in designing and building the urban fabric. Considering that the Iranian traditional architecture. In desert areas has got a strong background, full of various aspect of sustainability, studying these characteristic can be taken in to account in planning and designing nowadays. Therefore, in this article, by studying traditional architecture from sustainability point of view and by considering positive and adoptable aspects of present life style and by applying new technologies in designing residential environmental, an opportunity is provided to keep on design more sustainable.

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This article is a comparative study about the relationship between content of "Rozat- Al-Shohada" and depicted stories of "Qahve-Khaneh" paintings of Ashura.In Qahve-Khaneh paintings, so many stories are observable just on one painting canvas, when there is not exact information about origins of many of them. It seems that possibility of sources of these stories is something ranked between historic events, elegies and lamentations, sermons, taziahs and superstitions.It is presumable that one of the most important sources of these depicted stories are "Maqtals"-historic books about how on "Ashura" day "Imam Husain" and his loyal friends martyred in "Karbala"- and one of the most famous and popular maqtals between people is Rozat-Al-Shohada written by "Molla Husain Kashefi".Having wealthy literary prose and combining incidents with some details more than historic stories caused prevalence of Rozat-Al-Shohada in the latest ten century- anno hegirae- and after it as this book affected sermon rites and Taziahs and religious paintings after it; whereas, it s historic credit is criticized by most of the researchers.This article studies some of paintings drawn by "Hasan Ismaelzadeh" - one of the most famous painters of Qahve-Khane painting style- which declare Ashura incident as case study according to content of rozat-Al-Shohada to clarify how much these stories are affected by the book.In the next step how much rozat-Al-Shohada s stories are right historically is probed. "hemaseye Hosayni" and "Lolo va Marjan" are two books written by "Morteza Motahari" and "Mohades Noori" about falsifications and permutations of Ashura incident and "Nafas-Al-Mahmoom" and "Lohoof" written by "Abbas Qomi" and "Ibn Tavoos" are two maghtals described this epoch mostly right historically, according to most researcher s idea, are the books that are used to distinct real historic stories from the others.This article clarifies although Qahvekhaneh painters were strongly affected by Rozat- Al-Shohada, the influence of the other Maqtals and also stories and legends about Karbala incident which are popular between people are not ignorable. Painters often preferred stories that impressed themselves and their addresses emotionally no matter how much historically they are right.

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