Considering the importance and role of tour guides in providing domestic and international tourists with tourism services and with regard to scant attention given to tour guide training in Iran, this study investigates the current status of tour guide training in Iran. The main objective of this study is to recognize and determine the present condition of tour guide training and to present how to maximize the efficiency of training programs in Iran. This investigation was a descriptive study and was conducted by taking insights from tourism experts and professors as well as trained guides. In this cross- sectional study, a questionnaire with 34 questions was designed and sent to 120 qualified experts, referred to above. The related data was gathered and analyzed by descriptive statistical methods and K2 test.The conclusion that can be reached is that, the quality of education, technological devices, facilities, physical resources, and large-scale tourism management and policy making are all about average. Therefore, a revision of educational materials and an increase in facilities in educational centers seem inevitable. As it is clear from the findings, the quality of tour guide training in Iran, with regard to educational programs and technological devices used, and facilities and physical resources employed, is around average. To get at a favorable level, therefore, it is necessary to make appropriate large-scale plans in universities to increase the number of educational centers and enhance the quality of tour guide education in the country’s tourist attracting provinces.