The artistic religious helped from some tricks making the speech stylish for good of the utterance of themselves and sometimes thy are not adjusted with some natural norms of the speech, on of this tricks that makes speech beautiful and interesting for listener and reader is "repetition industry", on the 0ther hand we try to arrange comparative consideration in this field in Farsi, Arabic and English literature and somehow it was different with the arrangement of eloquence scientists, but in some nominations followed the ancients, in this new arrangement we can divide them as follow, the repetition based from continual word to: echo, alliteration, assonance, homeoptoton, and epizeuxis, and based on repletion place: anaphora, epanastrophe, epanalepsis, epistrophe, refrain line / burden, rhyme, alliteration, internal rhyme, and according to meaning of repetition words: paronomasia/pun, inversion, antimetathesis.