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This work intend considering approaches feminism criticism; therefore, after to mention of history of feminism, show that a criticizer, in the school of feminism criticism, how face with literary work; also, after better showing method of feminism criticism, this work, consider Shah-nameh, Garshasb-nameh, and Bahman-nameh.In conclusion, in this work, as introduction of feminism, has been showed inferiority of females, in Iranian mythology of creation.

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The present article offers a sociological criticism on “Safar” novel. The sociological criticism as an important approach in sociology of literature, studies interaction between novel and society, as well as, the effect of them on each other. First persian novels since constitutionalism era to the contemporary period, there has been a specific connection between structure and content of Persian novel and Iranian society. With more complex dominant relationship in Iranian society including social, political and cultural spheres, structure of Persian, structure of Persian novel has oriented to a critical realism. In the “safar” novel, as a literary work that is result of transition period changes, the author by choosing the life of an ordinary family in suburb area, shows tragic dimensions of this social class influenced by those transformations. So in this study firstly we are going to refer to dominant theories on sociological criticism and give an theoretical explanation on society changes based on “safar” novel based on documentary method.

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"Le Monde reel" is a cycle of five novels compiled by Louis Aragon (1897-1982), the famous French writer. Louis Aragon presents a critique of French capitalist society from the 1890s to the 1940. There is a lot of information about that society in this cycle. It is in such cases that the role and effect of Woman is seen. A careful study of these novels reveals the visage of woman in the forms of bourgeois women, worker, servants, prostitute, anarchist and politic militant. The present article analyzes and studies ideal woman's visage in these forms providing sample from the novels text of the cycle of "Le Monde reel".

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The issue of man and God and their mutual relation is one of the most fundamental issues in the history of mankind's thinking especially in the field of Islamic mysticism. Theosophists, thought about «Tashabboh» (similarity or resemblance) between man and his creator stems from Bible. Some of Sofists have used this as fake «Hadith» in their works and their utterances. In this direction, the current research will study the relation between man and God based on godly man theory in the works of Attar Nayshaboori. Then, the meaning of godly man theory in mysticism is some kind of thinking by theosophists about a perfect man who has specifications that are saint and beyond humans. According to this research, the relation between man and God is a lovely one and it is full of kindness. Of all kinds of relations, "Prayer" has the most frequency. And "the mutual relation" has the least frequency. People of Godly nature have special specifications such as greatness and the power of performing extraordinary things. Attar's worldview, his oneness and his method of reaching God and knowledge is based on introversion. The devotee discovers "the essence of his spirit" and finds God in it. And in this way he reaches Mortality and Godliness.

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This article has been review the 184th ode poetry of complete work of Anvari. In the first part, a short and compact report of concepts was given and appropriateness of the form and content has been studied briefly. Then the Anvari motivation in reproach of poetry, poetry from the perspective of culture and society in the era of Anvari was investigated and the possibility of taking influence from other poets including Kasaii, Naserkhosro and Sanaii has been considerated.After reviewing the form and content, it became clear that this ode poem is set as reality (true) and truly poems. At the final part of the article, after several hypotheses proposed for the main motive of Anvari poetry reproach, it was proved that because of advantage of Benefit from the grace and perfection, he detracted the poetry and because of the financial need he forced to do panegyric to the chorus. After years of poetry he was not satisfied with his records and critiqued them.

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The heroes of Le Clezio novels escape from themselves and the unfavorable conditions around them each in some way; an escape not for reaching the pleasant materialistic and living conditions rather they wish wholeheartedly to return to their own essence & origin– to their source and first home i.e. their own "self". And by this excuse they wish again to find refugee in the origins from which they had escaped. The identity crisis is one of the main axis of all Le Clezio's novels. The heroes of his novels hate their alien identity and the mask which wear on their face and are looking for their real identity each in some way. In the present paper, we try to fall in step with "Lalla", the hero of "Desert"; and we enter her world with herself. She who is annoyed, sick and tired of living amidst the stone, steel and asphalt, busy streets, high buildings and skyscrapers finds the only way of freedom and peace in returning to the desert. By studying the feelings, memories and loneliness of the hero and other characters and their sorrow in exile, we understand the concept of "escape from oneself" for them. It's noteworthy that today returning to the self is one of the important issues for the thinkers and researchers. In this query we try to examine different aspects of "Escape" for Le Clezio especially in his novel "Desert".

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The present study explores the notion of categorization and prototypes based on cognitive approaches. In cognitive semantics, language is not separated from mind and cognition. A main objective of this study is to seek a comprehensive explanation for prototype and its importance in cognitive studies. Meanwhile, the researcher uses the prototype theory as an analytical tool. According to this theory, the prototype is the central example of the category and other members assigns their membership by means of a judgment of similarity to a central example.The results show that the language phenomena's depends on form and function. In other words, to analyze language we should consider both form and function. Although prototype is primarily a semantic concept, but in order to study language we must notice the structural implications too.

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One of the most important issues in comparative literature is the investigation and analyzing the relationship between the literature of creative languages and their influences on each other. Although Arabic literature have influenced on most of the Persian literay works, in this essay the common rhythms of persian poems that lnfluence on persian's Arabic poems during sixth and seventh centueries will be disscussed. Whereas common rhythms of persian classical poems is caused of Arabic poems, persian poets have applied it to Persian structure.In addition to use Arabic meters, the persian poets considered Persian meters in their Arabic poems. In this essay the differences between common rhythms in Arabic and Persian poems are disscused by means of reliable refrences. The tresults demonstrates that the most bilingual and Arabic poems found in works of Iranian poets, in rhythem and method of poetry, are influenced by Persian poems. In fact these poets said Arabic in Persian form.

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