Introduction: Osteodystrophy is a set of metabolic bone diseases which happens in end stage renal failure diseases. Main bone diseases are divided into high bone turnover diseases with high level of PTH and low bone turnover bone diseases with normal or low PTH level. This study aimed to define prevalence and type of renal osteodystrophy in end stage renal disease patients in Imam Khomeini hospital hemodialysis center.methods: This cross-sectional study was done on all of hemodialysis patients (60 cases) in 2012. Demographic data were collected using a standard questionnaire. Serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, albumin, total protein, parathyroid hormone, random blood glucose were measured in all of patients. In part of biochemical criteria, patients with PTH level more than 300 pg/ml defined as high bone turnover group and cases with PTH level less than 150 pg/ml defined as low bone turnover (osteomalacia or adynamic bone disease) group. For differentiation between osteomalacia and adynamic bone disease, blood level of vitamin D was used such as low levels of vitamin defined as osteomalacia.Results: The study evaluated 60 cases of hemodialysis patients with mean age of 48.13±17.35 (minimum of 11 years and maximum of 85 years). Twenty eight of the patients (46.7%) were male and others were female (53.3%). About one third of the patients (21 cases: 35%) were under two times dialysis a week and two third of them (39 cases: 65%) were dialyzed three times a week. Duration of dialysis in studied cases was one year in 25 cases (41.7%), two years in 14 cases (23.3%), three years in eight patients (13.3%), four years in three cases (5%), five years in four patients (6.7%), and six patients (10%) were dialyzed between 6-10 years. The study showed that from 60 studied patients with ESRD, 48 cases (80%) had renal osteodystrophy. About 47% of them had osteofibrosis, 7% had adynamic bone disease and 26% had osteomalacia.Conclusion: The study demonstrated that prevalence of renal osteodystrophy is relatively high in hemodialysis patients in Imam Khomeini hospital in Zabol. Since the mean time of dialysis is short in this center, the high prevalence cannot be due to time transition. This study showed that we should pay more attention to the renal osteodystrophy and try to postpone it or treat it appropriately.