In order to determine susceptible areas in Garangoo catchment on northern slopes of Sahand Mountain the first stage was distinguishing share of 9 factors that affect the occurrence of landslides. Landslide hazard mapping is often performed through the identification and analysis of instability factors. For mapping, firstly distribution map was produced and digitized and then we analyzed share of factors on landslide events using bivariate methods. Landslide hazard zoning map was drawn using ArcView. This map showed that large part of Garangoo catchment was consisted of volcanic ash, marl and old alluviums. Over 7 villages, (Yengejahe, Galehe, Darband, Solok, Agcherood, Azizkandi) are located in the area of very susceptible sensible limit and over 12 villages (Hosseinalan, Shoedarag, Agcheoglan, Shorgarakand, Karimabad, Ahmadabad, Gar-ajagayahe, Eainabad, Taharabad, Chapand, Agbolag, and Asayesh, Goshayesh) are situated in the area of highly susceptible to the occurrence of landslides. The susceptible areas to landslide hazard are located in the middle part of catchment and upper part of Sahand Dam. Dam' s position and slope instability problems upstream and incorrect management of slopes in upper part of the Dam make it necessary to assess and zone landslide hazard in Garangoo catchment.