NTRUDUCTION: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the research productivity of faculty members working in the knowledge and information science departments of Tehran state universities. This evaluation was based on a set of multiple indicators. METHODOLOGY: This research has been carried out by using survey and documentary methods and its population included the scientific works of all faculty members working in the knowledge and information science departments of Tehran state universities, who were employed in full-time at the universities in 2014. A checklist was used to collect data. After analyzing the obtained data and by using Excel software, the final research productivity rank of each university was determined based on the average ranks obtained in multiple indicators. In calculating the research productivity of each department, the research performance of each department per the number of its faculty members being active in that department was considered. FINDINGS: Findings indicated that Tarbiat Modarres, Shahed, Shahid Beheshti and Tehran universities have better ranks in most book-based indicators. Meanwhile, Shahed and Tarbiat Modarres universities in the national and international awards, Kharazmi, Shahed, Tarbiat Modarres and Tehran universities in the h-index and publishing international articles, and Tarbiat Modares, Shahed, Tehran, Azzahra and Kharazmi universities in publishing national articles obtained the top ranks. Furthermore, Kharazmi, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres and Shahed universities in International cooperation, and Shahed, Tarbiat Modarres, Kharazmi and Tehran universities in publishing articles in international conferences and Shahed and Tarbiat Modarres universities in conducting research projects have obtained better ranks. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the rank of each of the knowledge and information science departments of Tehran universities is different in each of the various studied indicators. Nevertheless, the research productivity rank of these departments was calculated by the average of the total ranking of a set of multiple indicators and the universities Shahed (3. 06), and Tarbiat Modarres (3. 59), Kharazmi (4. 94), Tehran (5. 12), Iran University of Medical Sciences (5. 59), Shahid Beheshti (5. 94), Azzahra (6. 24), Allameh (6. 35), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (6. 88) and Tehran University of Medical Sciences (7. 82) are ranked in top, respectively. Since the research performance of the departments is directly related to the total number of their faculty members, the less populated departments are better ranked in terms of their research productivity.