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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Cimetidine (CIM) is used for treatment of ulcers and hyperacidity. This drug also is used as inhibitor of the microsomal monooxygenase system activity. Carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) is widley used as an industrial solvent as well as a cleaning agent. This chemical is biotransformed by cytochrome p450 to trichloromenthl radial, which binds irreversible to the essential macromolucles induced toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of CIM on CCL4 produced liver injury in the rats.Methods: The animals were given 120 mg/kg (ip) of CIM. Control rats were received vehicle only.The animals were given CCl4 at doses of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 mg/kg 12 h later. The rats were killed with over dose of sodium pentobarbital 24 h later. The blood was collected to determine of ALT, AST, ALP changes.The liver tissues were removed, fixed and processed to light microscopy, using H& E staining method.Results: The results of this study revealed that CCL4 had induced a dose- dependent injury in the liver of rat tissues. Statistical analysis showed a significant increase in all of biochemical parameters in CCl4-treated rats when compared to the control groups (P<0.05). The findings of this study also showed that CIM had no adverse effect on the rat liver and this agent protected cells against CCl4 toxicity.Conclusion: The results of this study support the view that CIM has ability to reduce CCl4 –induced hepatotoxicity. Our findings suggest that in the presence of CIM, parent form of CCl4 could induce more adverse effects than its toxic reactive metabolite (s).

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مقدمه: سایمتیدین جهت درمان سوزش معده، زخم معده و زخم اثنی عشر مصرف گسترده بالینی دارد. این دارو موجب مهار فعالیت آنزیم های سیتوکروم p450می شود. کربن تتراکلراید (CCl4) بعنوان حلال، پاک کننده و ماده شیمیایی بینابینی در صنایع کاربرد دارد. این ترکیب بصورت فرم اصلی (parent chemical) موجب تضعیف سیستم عصبی می شود. تحت تاثیر آنزیم های سیتوکروم p450 به محصولات سمی واکنشگر تری کلرومتیل (CCl3) و باعث آسیب در ارگان های مختلف بدن می شود. هدف از مطالعه حاضر بررسی اثر سایمتیدین بر آسیب های حاصل از CCl4 در کبد می باشد.روش بررسی: به گروهی از موش های صحرایی نر بالغ سایمتیدین در دوز 120 میلی گرم برای هر کیلوگرم و به گروه کنترل حلال سایمتیدین داده شد. 12 ساعت بعد حیوانات کربن تتراکلراید در دوزهای 2 mg/kg، 1.5، 1، 0.5 و گروه کنترل حلال کربن تتراکلراید از طریق تزریق داخل صفاقی دریافت نمودند. 24 ساعت بعد حیوانات با اور دوز سدیم پنتو باربیتال کشته و از خون حیوانات جهت اندازه گیری آنزیم های کبدی شامل آسپارتات آمینوترانس آمیناز ( (AST’)، آلانین آمینو ترانس آمیناز (ALT’) و آلکالین فسفاتاز (ALP) استفاده گردید. بافت های کبد جدا و در فرمالین 10 در صد تثبیت و پس از انجام مراحل تهیه بافت و رنگ آمیزی با هماتوکسیلین و ایوزین با استفاده از میکروسکپ نوری مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند.یافته ها: کربن تتراکلراید بصورت وابسته به دوز موجب افزایش آنزیم های کبدی و آسیب در سلول های کبد گردیده است. سایمتیدین موجب کاهش هپاتوتوکسیسیتی حاصل از این ترکیب گردیده است.نتیجه گیری: بر اساس نتایج حاصل از مطالعات بیوشیمیایی و هسیتوپاتولوژی این تحقیق مشخص شد که سایمتیدین از طریق کاهش زیست دگرگونی CCl4 موجب کاهش هپاتوتوکسیستی گردیده است. اگرچه سایمتیدین از تولید رادیکال های آزاد حاصل از CCl4 جلوگیری نموده است، ولی از آنجا که فرم اصلی CCl4 نیز سمی می باشد بنابراین در حضور سایمتیدین بنظر می رسد آثار سمی حاصل از فرم اصلی CCl4 در مقایسه با محصولات واکنشگر سمی آن بیشتر می باشد.

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Introduction: The main health problem of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is tuberculosis which is a communicable phenomenon. With increasing the population of elderly society and the prevalance of AIDS around the world, unusual manifestations of tuberculosis are seen in the both developed and developing countries. Therefore monitoring and clinical assessing of response to the treatment to get the decision to continue, change or cut the treatment is very a vital point. Relative frequency of response to the treatment also is a very important issue from points of decreasing the patient complains and clinical signs over a period of time. Therefore the ability to draw the clinical response patterns to the variety treatments, including correct treatments of tuberculosis, in the different stages of the treatment process is a very important issue to eliminate the disease.Methods: In this cross - sectional study, results of clinical response to treatment of 201 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis were extracted from Ahvaz Razi hospital infectious sector, during 2001 to early 2004. Total 53 files of 201cases were checked out (according to the common protocol at least 2 positive smears). The files were considered from point of clinical symptoms (fever, coughing, night sweatings, sputum, hemoptysis, anorexia, chills, weakness, dyspnea ) using daily notes of the intern and resident medicine students and nurses since starting the medications until 5,10 and 14 days after finishing the cure.Results: All of the patients had coughing. Frequency of the other symptoms were as: 97.6% fever, 93% anorexia, 86% sputum, 72% Weakness and night sweating, 69.7% fatigue, 44.1% chill, 34.8% dyspenea and18.6% hemoptysis.Conclution: The severity of fever, anorexia and chill which have been subsided earlier than the other symptoms, 5, 10 and 14 days after the treatment are used as an index to monitor the response of treatment the tuberculosis.

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Introduction: Scorpion sting is an important health problem in some regions of Iran especially in Khozestan, south-west of Iran. In the current study the data of scorpion stings was studied from the points of epidemiological aspects in 2006.Methods: This research was a prospective study. Epidemiologic characters of 300 people with scorpion sting sufferings who referred to Abouzar and Razi hospitals of Ahwaz, in the 2nd six months of 2006 were recorded and described. The records were included: sex, ages, jobs and site of sting in the body of patients besides of species of scorpions, months of scorpion stings and place of the sting events (rural/urban areas).Results: The results of this study shows that 50.3% of scorpion stung patients were males and the rest were females (49.7%), totally. The distribution rate of ages shows that 91.1% rate of scorpion stings were happened among under 51 year old people.Data collected in this study revealed that the highest incidence of scorpion sting cases were taken place in the months of hot weather (June- August). The tree most abundant species were: Hemiscorpius leptorus, Androctonus crassicauda and Mesobothus eupeus in the current study.Conclusion: Therefore, it is concluded that the pattern of scorpionism in Khozestan is similar to the 10 years ago from point of epidemiologic study. Scorpionism will be dissolved by using environmental and educational approaches only.

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Introduction: Coagulation and Flocculation are essential processes for turbidity removal from natural waters. Many studies have been conducted on different coagulants.Methods: The aim of this study was to inestigate the removal efficiency of turbidity, Coliform bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria from natural water by Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC). The study was conducted in the lab scale in Ahwaz No.2 water treatment plant. To determine the optimum conditions of PAC in the removal of turbidity, Coliform bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria, the experimental set up in coagulant variable doses (3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 mg/lit), pH variable (5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8) and turbidity in the range of 33-100 NTU were performed. At the end of any run, residual turbidity and microbial parameters were measured in the treated water. The performance of coagulant for removing of turbidity and microbial population was determined by analysis of Covariance and Duncan.Results: The results showed that the most optimal conditions of PAC for removal of turbidity and microbial parameters was performed in pH=8, flash mixing=120 rpm and optimal concentrations of 10 and 30 ppm of PAC.Conclusion: Removal efficiency of turbidity, total Coliform, fecal Coliform and heterotrophic bacteria in optimum condition of PAC for Concentrotion of 10 ppm was 96.59%, 90%, 82.75% and 84.17%, respectively, while removal efficiency of turbidity, total Coliform, fecal coliform and heterotrophic bacteria in optimum Condition of PAC in the Concentrotion of 30 ppm was 99%, 94.65%, 88.94% and 90.47% respectively.

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Intdoduction: Learning organization is a new phenomenon that have been considering since 90s.These organizations have been developed because of existing a suitable background. This background was included circumstances, theories and changes in the organizational environment which have taken place before 90s. In this study, views of faculties in Ahwaz jundishapour university of medical sciences (AJUMS) were evaluated regarding to the adaptation rate of the university with learning organization elements (LOEs).Methods: This survey is a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study. Research population included 448 faculty members. Total, 80 of faculty members were selected to participate in the study based on sample size formula and by stratification and randomized sampling method. Each school was a stratum. Data was gathered by a Ministry of health questionnaire that was valid and reliable. Questionnaire was based on the five comprehensive elements of learning organization including: organizational culture, management and leadership, human resources, structure and information technology and communication. Data was analyzed by statistical tests include: chi squared and correlation coefficient in SPSS11.5 software.Results: The Results of this study indicate that the adaptation rate of AJUMS with LOEs was evalutated moderate in the terms of human resource management, management and leadership, structure position and organizational culture and weak in the case of information technology and communication by the faculty members. Based on the results, generally, the adaptation rate of AJUMS with LOEs was evalutated strong, moderate and weak by 5%, 16.3% and 78.8% of the faculty members, respectively. According to the statistical test result there was was a significant correalation between sex, scientific field work and job situation of faculty members regarding to the adaptation rate AJUMS with LOEs AJUMS (P<.05).Conclusion: Adaptation rate of AJUMS with LOEs was estimated moderate in all of the elements except the information technology and communication element which was estimated weak by the faculty members. Therefore the AJUMS must apply, support and develope all of the LOEs to catch all of its organizational and social goals.

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Introduction: Marriage is a fundamental social behavior which affects the quality of family life and survival. The spouses especially women are the linchpin of the life in families. The youth idea related to their future marriage criteria and their difficulties ahead has an important role for this vital social behavior.Methods: This study is a descriptive cross- sectional survey to evaluate the self- reported viewpoint of students related to their marriage criteria and its difficulties using a conducted questionnaire. We randomly chose 600 students who were studying in different university departments. Responds were collected directly and the data was analyzed using SPSS software.Results: The study shows %65 of different field studies who paticipate the study are female and %35 are male. For 82% of male and about 90% of female students believe that ethics is the most important criterion for choosing a spouse. Other criteria including education level, religious beliefs and responsibility of couple are priority of spouse choosing between 32% to 80% of students.Conclusion: Both gender students believe that the ethical aspect plays an important role for their choosing, however the economic support especially for housing provision is a priority. Providing consulting and advising of their families for spouse choosing is essential, but they believe that the ultimate decision should provided by themselves.

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Introduction: Improvement in the Human development index (HDI) is a tool to enable human to promote their quality of life using human potentiality. Promoting quality of life depends on the fundamental changes in economic, educational and health variables.Method: Data of Iran census in 2006 was used to calculate social inequity and human development degrees in the provinces of Iran. Education index, life expectancy index and gross domestic production indexes are components of HDI. In fact, HDI is a mean of these Indexes. According to the obtained data, HDI was calculated for Iran provinces.Results: the findings of study showed the minimum value of HDI, without considering raw petrol & natural gas, was obtained 0.5823 from Sistan & Baluchestan. The other least values were obtained 0.635 and 0.6436 from Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan, respectively. The maximum HDI without considering raw petrol & natural gas was obtained 0.7596 from Tehran. The other highest values were obtained 0.7289 and 0.724 from Yazd and Esfahan, respectivelely. The minimum HDI with considering raw petrol & natural gas was obtained 0.5823 from Sistan & Baluchestan. The other least values were obtained 0.635 and 0.6436 from Kordestan and West Azarbaijan, respectiveley. The Maximum HDI with considering raw petrol & natural gas was obtained 0.7985 from Kohgiloyeh & Boirahmad. The other highest values were obtained 0.7607, 0.7596, 0.7461, 0.7289 and 0.724 from Khuzestan, Tehran, Boshehr, Yazd and Esfahan respectivelely.Conclusion: Despite of HDI, improvements in all provinces since 15 years ago, provinces with the least and the highest values of HDI have almost remained unchanged.

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