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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


جنتا شاپیر

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    2 (پیاپی 7)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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جنتا شاپیر

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    2 (پیاپی 7)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1267

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    2 (7)
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Background: Organizational climate is the internal quality of organization according to perceptions and experiences of its members and environment climate is consistent quality of educational environment which is a product of efforts, relationships, actions and interactions of different groups, policy makers, faculty members, staff and university students. Methods: In this qualitative study in 2009, using purposeful sampling, sixthly nursing, midwifery and paramedical students from different academic year and level participated in the research. The data gathered by semi-structured interviews. All of the interviews tape recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed according to the content analysis method. Results: The main theme was "need to change" and "changing the physical environment of University, University staffing changes, changes in some of the education law" were the subthemes. Conclusion: The findings confirmed some degree of a duality of demands and educational wishes. On the other hand, none of the changes were focused on the students.

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View 971

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    2 (7)
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Background: AIDS is one of the most important communicable diseases in recent years. While there is no vaccine for it, awareness is the most effective way to prevent this disease. Medical staff including anesthesia staff are potentially expose to the disease. Therefore first, it is necessary to evaluate knowledge and attitude of medical staff to elevate awareness. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, carried out on 40 anesthesia staffs of educational hospitals of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in December 2010 and January 2011. A questioner was used to evaluate the staff’s knowledge by answering questions about AIDS. Then results were analyzed statistically. Results: Knowledge of 2.5% of anesthesia staff were low (points=0-10), 60% good (points=10-20) and 37.5% high (points=20-30). Maximum point was 28 and minimum point was 9. More frequent answers were transmission routs (82%) and fewer answers were suitable analytical procedure in HIVinfected patients (30%) and transmission routs in operation room (37%). Conclusion: Although occupational transmission of AIDS is a serious risk for anesthesia staff, the results of this study showed that there is no awareness about transmission routs in operating rooms. Therefore it is necessary to educate anesthesia staff.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 960

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    2 (7)
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Background: The goal of the present study was the preparation and evaluation of griseofulvin topical gel as a drug dosage form with appropriate efficacy and stability. Methods: To select the best formulation, formulations with different concentration of carbomer and HPMC were evaluated for their appearance. Then evaluated for physicochemical characteristics such as rheologic behavior, viscosity, stability and drug release. Results: The result showed that the topical gel of griseofulvin prepared with Carbomer 0.5% and HPMC2.5% had good chemical stability, viscosity and drug release. The evaluation of the kinetic of drug release indicated that the formulations containing Carbomer 0.5% and HPMC 2.5% followed zero order release and liner Wagner, respectively. Rheological data showed that while HPMC gel shows a very mild plastic behavior, Carbomer based gels behave very significantly as a thixotropic pseudo plastic gel. Discussion: Rheological behavior can affect the physicochemical and pharmacological aspects of the drug and plastic behavior of carbomer gel made it suitable for topical application. Although clinical research is necessary for Confirm the effectiveness but as a result, topical griseofulvin in a suitable formulation showed good drug release and efficacy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1768

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    2 (7)
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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental health, spiritual intelligence and resiliency among the Kermanshah Medical Science University students. Methods: The sample consisted of 100 Female and Male students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences who were selected by random sampling. The instruments were Connor & Davidson Resiliency Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and Spiritual Intelligence questionnaire. Results: The results indicated that there was a positive significant relationship between mental health and resiliency (p£0/01). Also there was a positive significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and resiliency (p£0/01). There was not a significant difference between Male and Female students in resiliency. The results of multiple regressions showed that the mental health had a most role to predict resiliency. Conclusion: Mental health and Spiritual intelligence had a significant role to predict resiliency. Whereof people with higher degree of mental health have higher degree of resiliency, obtaining patronage factors (such as religious and spirituality) to increase mental health and spiritual intelligence can redound to increase of resiliency.

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View 7940

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    2 (7)
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Background: Indomethacin is a NSAID (non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug) that is used in treatment of pain and inflammatory. Immediate and sustained release products of this drug have side effects, so a proper replacement is needed. Use of the medicine via topical and cutaneous routs has advantages such as avoiding side effects on gastrointestinal; and supplying an amount of medicine in plasma for long time. The purpose of the present study was production and evaluation of the topical gel of indomethacin with an appropriate appearance and stability to reduce side effects especially on gastrointestinal and to deliver enough amount of the drug to target site. Methods: First the standard curve of indomethacin was plotted and then gels with different concentration of CMC and HPC was prepared. After the examination the appearance and stability of different formulations, the best formulations were chosen and rheology, stability and release experiments were done. Results: 5% HPC and 2.5% CMC were chosen as the best percentages of these polymers to prepare formulation of indomethacin. Release drug from these formulations followed a first order rate and rheograms of both formulae showed a mild plastic behavior. Conclusion: According to the data obtained from the study, the best results were obtained with HPC polymer so that with increasing concentration, transparency and viscosity was much better but in concentration more than 5% the quality of the gels decreased.

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View 2373

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    2 (7)
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Background: The effect of psychological factors in the context of a growing number of sports, prevention of sports injuries, exercise rehabilitation and as an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety in the race has been confirmed by various studies، The purpose of the present study was to determine the level of sport competitive anxiety in Iranian elite Basketball player and its relationship with sport injuries. Methods: The study sample included 144 of the basketball players participating in the Iranian Basketball Super league competition that 127 of them were tested. A demographic questionnaire, SCAT questionnaire and injury questionnaire were used to gather the data. Independent T test, ANOVA test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed 83.1 percent of elite basketball players have injured the lower competitive anxiety, while 15.6 percent of competitive anxiety, moderate and only 1.3 percent had had a high competitive anxiety. In non injured basketball players, 82 percent had a low level of anxiety while 14 percent had a moderate level and 4% had a high level of anxiety. Conclusions: Results showed no significant difference between the injured and non injured basketball players in SCAT scores. It seems that competitive sport anxiety did not correlate with sport injuries in elite basketball players.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1589

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    2 (7)
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Background: This Research analyses the sources of theses of master of science graduated from medical sciences of JundiShapur University between 1999-2011 for studying their documents. Methods: The Method of research is descriptive and a kind of analyzing documents which are the most known method in bibliometrics studies. Statistical analysis used in this study Bradford law. Results: Results of the research show that among 142 thesis of graduates medical faculty of Ahvaz JundiShapur University 13493 citations have been selected among the number 662 (4/9%) citations belongs to Persian references and 12831 (95/1%) belong to foreign references. Subject division of analyzed thesis was not the same and 8 subjects have been chosen as main subjects, among these , virology has allocated the major part. Conclusion: Bradford law is truthful about foreign Journals in studied these sources and 4 journals are appointed as core journals. The date of documents in sources shows that the most documents concern after 1996. That means the oldness of texts is estimated 15 years. In this research cost-efficiency of core Journalsis calculated in regard to documents rate and their costs. Also it is located these journals and compared them in list of JCR journals.

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View 1290

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    2 (7)
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Background: To identify the clinical features in eyes with intraocular foreign bodies (IOFBs) and evaluate the results of surgical management in these cases. Methods: In a descriptive retrospective study, the records of 32 eyes of 32 patients with IOFBs were reviewed. All eyes underwent pars plana vitrectomy between April 2001 and February 2012. The IOFBs were removed either with intraocular forceps or magnetic extraction. Results: All patients were men with the mean age of 30.26 years. The average follows up period was 25.16 months. The IOFBS was ferromagnetic in 25 (70.5%). The IOFBs were extracted with external magnet in 17 eyes (50%) and with intraocular forceps in 12 eyes (35.2%). Macular pucker and scar were present in six eyes (18.7%). Final visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 7 eyes (21.9%) and 20/200 or better in 16 eyes (50%). There were no significant relationship between the final visual acuity of 20/200 or better and the site (P=0.59), size (P=0.53), type of IOFBs (P=0.39), and time interval between trauma and surgery (P=0.34). Conclusion: Although surgical management of IOFBs is a complicated procedure, the appropriate route of removal may be determined by the type, size and site of the embedded IOFB. The data from this study suggest no preference of the external magnet over intraocular forceps for extraction of magnetic IOFBs and the visual outcome was good.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1901

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    2 (7)
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Background: Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus) is one of the important agents of many infections in hospitals and society. Increasing S aureus resistance to antibacterial drugs is one of the major health concerns, therefore studying antibiotic resistance of S aureus is very important and it has a main role in preventing creation of resistant strains. Methods: This investigation was a retrospective study and it was done by studying of 513 hospitalized heart disease patients' blood culture records in Tabriz Shahid Madani Hospital during a one-year period (2010). Statistical analysis of data has performed by Microsoft Office Excel software. Results: Microorganisms in 71 cases (%14) of blood cultures grew. Eighteen point (three percent) of positive cultures were related to S aureus. Four cases (%31) of S aureus positive patients were females whereas 9 cases (%69) were males and the age average of patients was over than 40 years. The most of resistant cases (%31) were related to methicillin and ceftriaxone. Conclusion: This study showed that care and control must be performed on these bacteria together with avoiding unnecessary prescription of antibiotics because this affair can create and increase drug resistant strains.

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View 1205

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