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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The quality of life refers to the conditions that make it possible for a good living, in a way that the person would be able to do his daily activities in a n appropriate physical, psychological and social condition. The purpose of current stud y was to investigate the relationship between religious beliefs and lifestyle with the female students' quality of life in Zanjan high schools in 2016. The research method was correlation- descriptive. The population of the study consisted of all the female students in Zanjan high schools from 2015-16 school years. The statistical sample was 380 persons which were selected by cluster random sampling method then were investigated. The research instruments consisted of Miller and Smith lifestyle Questionnaire, short scale WHO (World Health Organization) Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Questionnaire of "act to religious beliefs" (Mabad). The results of the study showed that there was a significant positive relationship between religious beliefs and female students ' quality of life (P<0.01, R=0573), and there was a significant relationship between lifestyle and female students' quality of life (P<0.01, R=0.573). Also regression analysis showed that t h e students ' quality of life significantly predicted on the basis of their religious beliefs and lifestyles (P<0.01, R=0.928). So can be found from the res earch that the students quality of life can be improved through the improvement their lifestyles and religious beliefs (P<0.01, R=O.945).

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Women, as one of the most important human capitals in the community, not only are the object and purpose of development; but also are effective reinforcing factors in furtherance of the objectives of development especially in financial sector development. Indeed, financial markets are a development symptom of any society, launched and managed by" women; the developing countries are not exception. So planning in order to participate actively in this important human capital and optimal utilization of community from their ability make the path to reach development Goals of financial markets in developing countries possible and easier. In this article the effect of the female population, income, inflation and technological developments on the indicators of financial markets (through the capital and money markets) for 39 selected developing countries (with the Iranians) during the period 1999-2014 have been studied. To estimate the effects of variables, we used panel data techniques with the approach of generalized method of moments (GMM). The results suggest that women population have a significant positive impact on the indicators of the financial markets. So, women can have a significant role to play in the development of financial markets. Revenue and advances in technology have a significant positive impact on the development indicators of the financial markets, where inflation has a negative significant impact.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this paper was to study the effect of cognitive behavioral training on the dysfunctional relationship beliefs and sexual knowledge of married women of "genaveh city" (Boushehr-Iran). The method was an experimental research and a type of pre-test and post-test plan with control group. Statistical population included the married women of genaveh city among whom, 30 married women were chosen and divided randomly into experimental and control. groups. The data were collected through the relationship beliefs inventory (RBI) and sexual knowledge of Hopper. Research data were analyzed by ANCOVA test. The results indicated that there was a meaningful difference in dysfunctional relationship beliefs of experimental and control groups. But there was no significant difference between the two groups in destroying dimension; However, in terms of sexual knowledge there was a significant difference between the control and experimental groups; this means that sexual knowledge in experimental group was significantly higher than the control group; But there was no significant interaction between sexual knowledge and education. By the results of this study, it is concluded that the cognitive behavioral training reduces dysfunctional relationship beliefs and increases sexual knowledge among married women.

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The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of TRIZ training on the creative, scientific, critical thinking and student's self- efficacy. For this purpose, sample of 60 female students of Tabriz University were selected through random and voluntary sampling. In this study, the pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design with control group was used. The independent variable was TRIZ training and the dependent variables, were creative, critical, scientific thinking and self-efficacy. The instrument data collection was a questionnaire form the California Critical Thinking Skills B form, Abedi creativity test, general self-efficacy scale of Sherer et al and scientific thinking questionnaire of Liang et al. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance. The results of this study showed that TRIZ training enhances creative thinking, critical thinking, scientific thinking and self-efficacy of students.

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View 1403

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Autism is one the group pervasive developmental disorders which is identied with the sustainable destruction of the social interaction, delays or corruption of relationships and limited stereyotyped communication patterns. Studies show that parents, particularly mothers of children with autism are at a risk of mental health problems. This study examined the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy on the mental health and irrational beliefs of mothers of children with autistic disorder in llam in 1394. The sample consisted of 40 mothers who were randomly selected and put in two groups (experimental and control). Each including 20 participants Therefore, in order to make accurate diagnoses, mental health and irrational beliefs questionnaires were completed by subjects in both groups. The experimental group had a behavioral therapy for 10 sessions; 2 hour in each session. Data collected from the pre-test and post - test were analyzed and some descriptive and inferential statistics were run (ANCOVA). The results showed there was a significant difference between the control and experimental groups in mental health scores (P<0.05), however, there was no significant difference between the two groups in scores of Irrational Beliefs. Based on the findings of the study it can be concluded that cognitive-behavioral intervention can be effective in improving mental health of mothers of children with autism.

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The purpose of the present study was to compare the psychological profile of women with industrial addiction, traditional addiction and normal group with the: MMPI test.. The research design was descriptive and causal-comparative. The population in this study included all of the addicted women in Zanjan, Iran. From this population, 30 women with industrial addiction, 30 traditional addiction and 30 normal group students were selected using voluntary sampling method. The subjects matched by age, sex, and education. The research instruments were the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOA) showed that there is a significant difference among three groups in Hypochondriasis, Depression, Psychopathic Deviate, Paranoia, Psychasthenia, Schizophrenia, and Hypomania. However, the Hysteria scale didn't show any significant difference among the three groups. The results showed that in addicted women based on the addiction type, different mental disorder have been reveled. So, it is suggested to therapists to consider this issue in their therapies.

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View 837

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This research aims to study the inhibition/activation of brain systems and personality factors of drug addicted women compared to non-addicted ones. The design was of the research was an expast facto. The statistical population consisted of the addicts receiving treatment in the rehab centers of Ahar City. The sample included two groups: 45 addicts and 45 non-addicts. The sample was selected by convenience sampling method; first, 45 addicts were chosen and then 45 non-addict were chosen based on the age and gender of the selected addicts. Data collection tools were NEO-Five Factor Inventory and Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaires was approved by the specialists and the reliability was determined. Using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), the data were analyzed. The results showed that there is a significance difference between the brain l behavioral systems and personality factors of addicts and non-addicts. In addition, the results obtained from analysis of covariance indicated a significance difference between the mean score of the brain l behavioral systems and personality factors of the two groups. It seems that the five personality traits and brain l behavioral systems are among the factors influencing the individuals' mental health.

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View 872

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The stress during pregnancy has always been studied related to the manifestation of postpartum depression. The aim of the present study was to predict and identify the invidence of postpartum depression based on the perceived stress during the pregnancy. Statistical population included all pregnant females of 18 - 42 years old in 37 - 40 weeks of pregnancy in Farvardin to Tir 1394 in Tabriz. In this correlational- study, 100 women from statistical population were selected v ia non-random and purposive method and completed the related questionnaires. Data collection tools included, Edinburg's postpartum depression questionnaire, Cohen's perceived stress questionnaire.85 participants answered the Edinburg's postpartum depression questionnaire 4-6 weeks after childbirth. Data were analyzed by Pearson's Correlation Tests and Regression analysis in SPSS software (version 21). The results indicated that there is a strong and positive relationship between the perceived stress and postpartum depression and perceived stress predicts 32% of the postpartum depression. In this research, the prevalence of postpartum depression was about %22.4. It seems with that screening the pregnant women exposed to stress and with training of adapted stress coping styles we can prevent postpartum depressin in women.

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