Topicalization and focus movement have been discussed in literature with respect to a vriety of their properties. In Persian, syntactic objects within Tense Phrase, including phrasal arguments, may freely be displaced to a higher position and the reordering of these elements is mainly considered to be the result of discourse functional elements such as topic and focus. The present study is an effort to address the question of the formal motiviation of these movements, and their formalization within a feature-based system. Moreover, it tries to account for the surface position of subject in Persian, based on a VP shell analysis and the strength of Dfeature in this language. Thus one of the main contributions of this study is that the uninterpretable D-feature on the head of TP is strong in Persian and as a result, the structural subject has to move to the specifer position of its own clause. If this conclusion is on the right track, the scrambled elements cannot be raised to the specifer of TP, an alternative analysis to karimi (2005) who asserts that Persian lacks typical A-movement involving subjects. Following on from haegeman and Gueron (1999), the specifers of two functional heads, i.e. FocP and TopP, are proposed to be the landing sites of the scrambled elements out of TP. Finally, based on the notion of Minimal Domain (MD), it is argued that the scrambled elements are subject to fundamental principles of MP, including Minimal Link Condition.