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This research compares the psychological skills of the national team players in different disciplines over a period of twelve years. To this end, the 2006 study was considered as a reference. Samples are athletes from the national team who attended the 2018 Asian Games. The number of samples is 148 men and 31 women. The Ottawa Questionnaire (Omsat-3) was used to measure mental skills. The results of single-sample T-test showed that the mean of Relaxation, imagery and mental practice skills increased from 2006 and Knowledge and the athletes' use of these mental skills is greater. The average concentration of psychological skills, Focusing, Refocusing, Fear control, Stress Reaction and Self-confidence declined from 2006, Also, there was no significant difference between the mean of Goal Setting, Commitment, Activation and Competition planning in 2006 and 2018. These results are important for psychologists and sports planners, and they need to pay more attention to these skills.

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The present study was conducted to investigate the effective factors on the professional identity of national team athletes. This study was a mixed study in terms of the methodology. The statistical population for the qualitative part of the study included 13 experts from the field of research, and the statistical population for the quantitative part included all the athletes of the national teams of Iran in different sports fields, with no detailed information on their numbers. As such, 200 of these individuals were identified as available participants. The data collection was done through conduction of interview and using the questionnaire. The qualitative results of the research showed that, 24 factors were extracted from the interviews, which were classified into four categories: team, technical, individual, and family-friends. The results showed that, all identified factors had a significant effect on the professional identity of national team athletes. Meanwhile, the effect of individual factors on the professional identity of national team athletes was more than other factors.

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This study to examine the various factors involved in leisure time physical activity participation in Iranian over age 60. To achieve this purpose Hubbard and Mannell’ s four models of physical activity participation were analyzed. Initially 600 people participated in this study using cluster sampling. Finally, 552 subjects of elders completed four questionnaires were used including: constraint, negotiation, motivation and physical. For data collection, questionnaires distributed among 9 provinces. The path analysis was used for finding relation between variables and fit model among Iranian elderly. Data showed three questionnaires of constraint, negotiation, motivation have construct validity type of internal consistency and their Cronbach’ s Alpha was 0. 73, 0. 93 and 0. 93 respectively. Model’ s path analyses in Iranian society showed the first (independence model) and third (constraint effects mitigation model) model were suitable to Iranian society. According to data it can be acknowledged that constraint directly lead to reduce of participation and next of it, factor of motivation can increase the participation.

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The present study was aimed at investigating the effect of spiritual health on university athlete students’ sportsmanship with the mediation of aggressiveness. The study employed a descriptive-correlational research method. The population consisted of athletic students of Jahrom universities. 148 people were selected according to Morgan’ s table and via a stratified random sampling technique. The Spiritual Health Questionnaire (Palutzian & Ellison, 1982), the Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientations Scale (Vallerand, et al., 1997), and Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992) were employed to collect data. To test the hypotheses, SEM was used by Smart PLS software. The results showed that the spiritual health of athlete students can enhance their sportsmanship, while reducing their aggression although the mediating role of aggression in research model was not confirmed. Therefore, it is suggested that religious and spiritual programs should be considered as variables of exercise coaching to promote moral health in sport and avoid aggression.

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The present study was conducted to develop a structural model on quality of work life based on psychological capital and sport identity variables among athletes. Descriptive-correlative method was used for conduction of this research. Statistical population of the study included all athletes of national teams selected by availability sampling method. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Results showed a positive correlation between psychological capital and sport identity with quality of work life. Results of structural equation modeling showed that sport identity and psychological capital variables had the most effect on quality of work life, respectively. Based on the results, it can be concluded that psychological capital, the level of identity, and a sense of belonging to the field of sport play an important role in improving quality of work life among athletes, highlighting the need for making necessary efforts by the authorities in this regard.

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Khoraminejad A. | JAHAN F.

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The purpose of this study was to structural model of self-esteem of athletes based on psychological hardiness and perfectionism with mediator affective control. This research is a correlation study in which the relationships between research variables are studied using equation structural modeling. The statistical population included all athletes Tehran city in year 2019. The participants consisted of 320 athletes were selected through convenience sampling technique. The research instruments included Rosenberg self-Esteem scale (1989), psychological hardiness scale of Ahwaz of Kiamersi, Najarian and Mehrabizadeh Honarmand (1998), multidimensional perfectionism scale (MPS) of Hewitt & Flett (1991) and affective control scale (ACS) of Williams, Chambless & Ahrens (1997) which the participants completed. Fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling using lisrel software package. The indirect relationships were tested by using bootstrapping procedure in Preacher and Hayes Macro command. The proposed model had an acceptable fitness to the data. Overall, the results showed all the direct paths of were found significant. Also results showed, also this model showed indirect path psychological hardiness and perfectionism with self-esteem through mediator role affective control. The evaluated model has a good fit and is an important step in identifying the factors that are effective in affective control of athletes.

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The purpose of this study was to application of importance-performance analysis in Service Quality of Semnan province sport places based on psychological continuum model. The population of this study included all Customers of Semnan Province clubs. 402 persons of them were selected as sample by the cluster-stratified sampling method. Collected data were analyzed using One-way variance analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and psychological continuum model (PCM). The results showed that all aspects of service quality were concentrated in the "focus" area. Also customers who were in the Loyalty stage reported less satisfaction with the dimensions of service quality compared to the level of attraction and attachment. According to the findings of this research, managers should be sensitive to their customers' expectations and service in proportional with their expectations to increase satisfaction level. Increasing satisfaction can make people progress in psychological continuum and lead them to continuous participation.

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The purpose of this study was to design of the children movement motivation self-report questioner in 9 to 12 years old children. The questionnaire was design using Waltz's four-step method. To examine these stages, 656 children were randomly cluster selected from khoram-abad city schools and Participated in the study. Items 24 of the questionnaire were identifying from the review of the studies based on theory of motivation. The psychometric properties of the instrument such as face, content and construct validity were determined. After determining face and content validity using qualitative and quantitative methods, six items were delete and 18 items were retaining for evaluation at a later stage. The result of exploratory factor analysis the number of questionnaires' items (18 items) categorized as three factor of activity, motivation and adaptation. Therefore, children’ s movement motivation 18 items questioner is appropriate and feasibility in different situations by parents, trainers, nurses and occupational therapists.

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The present study was conducted to investigate the role of shared leadership on team commitment of the Iranian professional handball players mediated by psychological empowerment. This research was a correlational study. Statistical population of this study included all professional male handball players in adult, youth, and adolescent categories, which were about 600 people according to obtained information. Using the Morgan table, 234 individuals were identified as the participants of the study through simple random sampling. Questionnaires on shared leadership, team commitment, and psychological empowerment were distributed among the participants, out of which, 211 questionnaires were completed and used. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with covariance-based approach was used to analyze the data obtained in the present research. Results of this study showed that, shared leadership had a direct and indirect significant effect on team commitment through psychological empowerment of the Iranian professional handball players. Therefore, results of the study indicated that, multipurpose leadership has an important role in development of psychological empowerment and team commitment among the Iranian professional handball players.

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Bazvand A. | YAALI R. | BAHRAM A.

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Emotional intelligence, as a psychological factor influences the evaluation of specific situations occurring during the exercise and the effective decision making related to them. Thus, the present study was conducted to compare the effect of different soccer trainings on the emotional intelligence of the young football players Twenty-two young male football players with a mean age of 14. 5 years old were divided into two groups (11players per each group) (the group trained with traditional games and the group trained with small-sided games) to participate in 18 training sessions appropriate to their group. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Bradberry & Greaves, 2003) was used to measure emotional intelligence in the pretest and posttest. The results of ANCOVA showed no significant difference between the two groups, but the results of the dependent t-test showed a significant difference in the post-test compared to the pretest in the experimental group. Results of this study showed that exercise training improves emotional intelligence in the football players, but small-sided games further facilitate this, due to their nature.

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The purpose of this study was to present a role model of personality development on the satisfaction of volunteers in sporting events. The statistical population of the study consisted of all 50 volunteer forces participating in Azerbaijan Cycling Tournament. Due to the small size of the statistical population, based on the integer sampling method, the entire statistical population was identified as the research sample. After the questionnaires were distributed, 43 were finally analyzed. Results showed that personality development had a significant effect on the satisfaction of volunteers in sporting events. It was found that personality development made volunteers more satisfied attending sporting events. Therefore, it is suggested that sport events managers, while considering personality development, pave the way for volunteer personality development at sporting events by delegating important activities and tasks to an individual's ability.

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Nowadays, the use of neuro-enhancements materials by athletes for various reasons is increasing. The present study aimed to investigate the implicit and explicit attitude of female Iranian athletes towards doping and supplementary drugs. For this purpose, 200 voluntary female student-athletes participated in this research. Doping-based image testing tools (BIAT) were used to find out students' attitudes. The results show a negative attitude towards doping substances (-11. 99± 52) and a positive attitude towards sports supplements (1. 56± 29) in both attitudes (implicit and explicit). Also, independent t-test results showed that there was a significant difference between students' implicit and explicit attitudes toward doping, but there was no significant difference in attitudes toward legal dietary supplements. It seems that with training programs based on doping control and prevention with the method of indirect evaluation of athletes' attitudes the prevention of doping negative consequences could be more effective.

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The present study was designed to explain happiness and behavioral regulations in sport basedon satisfaction with the financial income of national beach volleyball players. The present research was a correlation study and with respect to purpose, it was practical; in other words relating to events that happen on the field. The statistical population of the present study includes beach volleyball players who are members of Iran's national teams with a range of age groups who each have a professional contract with a sports club in their field. Regression tests were used to analyze the research data. The results showed that satisfaction with the financial income of national beach volleyball players is significant in predicting happiness and regulating players’ behavior in this sport. Based on these results, improving the financial income of beach volleyball players in national teams can create positive behavioral and mental effects among these athletes.

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The aim of this study was to analyze the psychological factors of the phenomenon of rejection of sports (case study: sports and youth departments of the west of the country). Based on the purpose, this research was conducted by the employment of descriptive-procedural data collection method. The statistical population of the study consisted of the employees of sports and youth departments of Kermanshah, Ilam, Sanandaj and Hamedan (n = 250). The sample size was calculated based on Cochran's formula with 152 people, and 200 randomly distributed questionnaires were distributed to prevent sample loss. In this study, the researcher-made questionnaires were used based on the 5-point Likert scale. To ensure formal validity, ten professors of sports management validated the questionnaires using the carcass model. The reliability of the questionnaire was also assessed by Cronbach's alpha test. The results showed that there was a correlation between rejection and psychological factors (-0. 610). Also, the highest direct effect was related to psychological factor of rejection and the lowest direct effect is related to psychological factors. Therefore, the managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth should make every effort to create a climate of intimacy and empathy among employees in order to prevent rejection, especially in employees and reduce its consequences in the workplace.

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In the present study, the direct electrical stimulation of the brain along with aerobic exercise on the consolidation of explicit motor memory was investigated. The study participants included 45 young people in the age range of 20 to 25 years who participated in this study based on the criteria for entering the study. The demographic questionnaire, Petersburg's sleep quality, Edinburgh's superiority, the chain reaction time timing test, the TDCS device and the pacemaker clock were used to collect data. The results showed that the subjects performed better in the third training block than in the first and second training blocks (P 050. 05). Immediately after 1 hour, the aerobic exercise group and the control group had the best performance and the combined exercise group had the weakest performance. In the 48-hour reminder test, the combined exercise group performed best and the control group performed poorly. According to the findings of the present study, to increase memory consolidation, physical activity of aerobics and electrical stimulation of the brain is recommended.

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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of need-supportive environment on anxiety, visual attention and non-athlete students performance. Subjects were 30 female students with (Mage=22. 24± 2/3) years who according to the research qualification and after the pre-test were randomly divided into two groups of need-supportive and control. Learners' anxiety was measured using the Mental Readiness Questionnaire, alpha wave was measured using a two-channel neurofeedback device, and performance was measured as radial error golf putting in the pre-test and post-test. The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the need-supportive approach had a significant effect on anxiety, alpha wave and golf performance. Cognitive and physical anxiety levels, as well as alpha wave and functional error in the need-supportive group decreased compared to the control group. Recent findings suggest that need-supportive educational style is an appropriate approach in terms of reducing anxiety, efficient visual processing and performance enhancement.

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