Khaqani is a unique poet in ancient Persian literature, since he allows the thorough emergence and appearance of his “ I” in his poetry. In his poems, he does not appear only as a poet, but he reveals the appearance of a human who is emotional, excited, love seeker, fighter, freedom seeker, noble, and humanitarian. These features are among those which the Romantics considered themselves to have and which they included in their literary manifesto. In addition to these features, the images in his poetry have the qualities of Romantic images. This means, like the images of Romantic poetry, his are ambiguous and shadowy, structured, united, coherent, timeless, placeless, metaphorical, intellectual, and naturalistic. This article tries to present a further explanation on Romantic manifestations in Khaqani’ s poetry and thought. Choosing a descriptive and analytical method, it endeavors to confirm the existence of many similarities between Khaqani’ s poetry and the school of Romanticism. The research demonstrates that Khaqani’ s personal and emotional poetry is unparalleled in classical Persian poetry. His poetry has a sentimental, humanistic, and libertarian backdrop. Therefore, it can be argued that the Romantic features of Khaqani’ s poetry are unique in classic Persian literature.