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The second half of the third Hijri century, coinciding with the reign of three caliphs, al-Mu’tamid (256-79 AH), al-Mu’tadhid (279-89 AH), and al-Muktafi (289-95 AH), Abbasids restored their authority and renewed their organization. This reform process which was began by Abu Ahmad al-Muwaffaq (d. 278 AH) and reached its climax at the time of Abu al-Abbas al-Mu’tadhid stood between two decline periods: the first one is known as the period of Samarra, when the Turkish and non-Turkish slave soldiers assumed the reign of the caliphate, and the second one which started with the reign of al-Muqtadir (295-320 AH), witnessed the corruption of the court, the collapse of bureaucracy, and the destruction of the military organization and ended by the Buwayhids entrance in Baghdad in 334 AH. The created structure had several features: concentration of power in the caliphate, concentration of bureaucracy and its supremacy to military force, prevention of land granting in return to administrative or military services, and lastly, development of a permanent wage-earner army. The administrative procedures of these reforms are going to be studied in present paper, with an emphasis on transformation on military construct.

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The Sanjabi or Senjawi tribe was one of the Kurdish tribes in west of Iran that supported the transitional government of Nizam al-Saltana and its nationalist supporters and united with Ottoman and German forces to express its opposition to the presence and activities of Russian and British troops during the World War I. After the victory of Russian and British armies in Iranian western regions, this tribe became a shelter for refugees of transitional government and kept on its opposition to the presence of British forces and their programs in west of Iran. The present paper is to study the quality of the Sanjabi tribe leaders’ opposition to British policies and activities in west of Iran. It has been shown, in this article, that the British intended to establish the west police using the local tribes after capturing western Iranian regions, and the sanjabi tribe drew their attention more than other tribes due to its considerable military power and its efforts to support the national agents. Continuing to work with members of the National Defense Committee, the Sanjabi leaders announced their opposition to the policy of the British. The British brokers in west of Iran tried to discourage the leaders of Sanjabi tribe to oppose their policies in four manners: negotiation, to stimulate neighboring tribes against them, disconnecting their relations to the members of the National Committee, and military attack.

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    1 (11)
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Despite the serious confrontation of Iranian seminaries and religious communities against a flood of western modernistic ideas and institutions, the modernistic tendencies increased in Qom seminary, during the leadership of Ayatollah Boroujerdi. Modernists often sought reforms in organization, educational programs and propagation system of seminaries and offered various reform projects to Ayatollah Boroujerdi. Ayatollah Boroujerdi rejected their proposed projects, although he himself was a modernist scholar and had implemented unprecedented modernistic reforms in the seminary. The present paper examines the internal and external barriers to acceptance of modernity and modernization process by some parts of Qom Seminary, the barriers made the modernist leader of Qom seminary uncertain to reform and reform program provided by modernist scholars of seminary being defeated temporarily.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (11)
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Following the death of Saad Zaghloul, one of the nationalist leaders of Egyptin1927, his party supporters printed many notes about him. One of the most important of these works was the book Saad Zaghloul written by Mahmoud Abbas Aqqadin 1936. In 1939 and 1941, Abdal-Rahmanal-Rafi published two detailed biography about Mustafa Kameland Mohammad Farid, the other nationalist leaders of Egypt. Showing an ideal image of Egypt’s national leaders is the common feature of above-mentioned historiographic works, although they were written in different years. This article is to study the quality and the reasons of such imaging through the historical space of Egypt during this period. On the basis of historiographic specifications, exploring and understanding the relations between the components of texts, authors and political- cultural context of Egypt in this time is very important. The results show that the competition of Egyptian parties in the field of historiography, especially the biographies of their national leaders, had accelerated during the period between 1919 up to 1952. Each of these parties tried to introduce their own leaders as the pounder of Nationalist Movement and to push the leaders of their competitor parties to the margins.

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    1 (11)
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The present article is to analyze the history of the two Dutch companies were activate in the field of import and export. One of them is Hotz & Zoon that we would offer its managers’ biographies alongside many of their original initiatives the Iranian further developments owe them. Then, the history of Iran’s first real department-store (the Teheran Toko) as well as three Dutch retailers that sold European goods to wealthy Iranians. Finally, three of unique photos of Teheran Toko have been published for the first time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (11)
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Through a descriptive-analytic method and using historical resources and documentaries, this paper is to identify and examine the factors affecting the formation of independence process in the western parts of the state of Azerbaijan during the World War I. It is very clear that the occurrence of such event in this geographical area, talented with a socio-historical background, is the result of integration between some predisposing factors and structural foundations related to the formation of the idea of independence. Ethnic and linguistic diversity- such as Armenians, Assyrians and Turkish speaking peoples, the role of tribal thought and life, the presence of missionaries and other religious activities, and the political and territorial factions of the states involved in the World War I -specially Iran’s neighboring states – are among the effective factors considered in the process of seeking independence, it has been tried, in present article, to analyze the interacted role of two neighbors, Russia in North and Ottoman in West and other enthusiast groups in support of Christians efforts to gain independence, because it makes a better understanding of Iran’s political, sociological and religious history during the discussed era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (11)
  • Pages: 

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In the Early of 1st millennium BC, in the region of Lorestan, Iran, the Ellipi kingdom formed and played a significant role in regional developments, particularly in relation with two rival governments, Assyria and Elam. The political history reconstruction of the Ellipi kingdom is more reliant on Assyrian resources which cover just very short and particular part of its life. The first recorded encounter of Assyrians to Ellipi goes back to 866 BC, from then on up to 744 BC Ellipi was an independent state, though in later years becomes the scene of Assyria and Elam competition. The Ellipi was unified Elamites due to their propinquity. With the increased power of Medians, the Ellipi was deleted from the scene of the history in the late 7th century BC. Using Assyrian sources and analyzing their data and of course with the help of archaeologic data, it has been tried through this paper to reconstruct the political history of Ellipi Kingdom.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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