The question of being as the reference of hermeneutics is more radical than the question of interpretation in hermeneutics. Being in hermeneutics becomes displayed within a text, without which no interpretation would be possible. As I have discussed in my book The Authenticity of the Text in Hermeneutics, the text as the reference and the source of legitimacy in hermeneutics deserves priority over interpretation what so ever and, its authority expanded over understanding of the text. Of course, The Holy Text, Quran, is neither to be defined as a literary text nor a poetic text. The Quran must be regarded merely as Quran, the most sacred text, the hermeneutical source for transcendental life, Almighty God designed for the kind human being.The legitimate source of this Most Highest Scripture is not derived from human attempting in hermeneutics in the variety of different interpretation, rather takes its causes from The Sacred Words of Almighty, the Being of the being, who is above all and God of the created world. The Quran as the most highest gospel being revealed to the Prophet Mohammad, is above all, ereignis of human kind included.The relation of human being and the gospel is proclaimed by His Almighty, in the Text itself. The Quran, the Gospel Text, possess the guide soul for Dasein back to the Almighty, Being of the being, as the text led to His Almighty Being as well as the transcendental divine names and attributes. The sending of the text, in verses and marks, causes listening in Dasein’s seeking for Being. Almighty Being become granted by Dasein’s listening to His Own Words, as, selfly stated by Quran.Based on the principle of the Quran Text, I would like to discover the possible kind of essential hermeneutics of Quran and the same time examine whether the relation of this kind to the general non-textual kind of hermeneutics.