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Maqamat of Badi Al-Zaman is the most valuble Arab old works, that it could pay attention rapidly literary men and even public people, because of Badi Al-Zaman be able to use with own rare creativity and intelligence for the first time alot story elements such as characte, event, plot, scene, dialogue, realty-view. Character and characterize is the basic story elements in Maqamat and communicative between another story elements, that in Maqamat like another short stories had Taken two direct and indirect ways. With regard to get result the aspect of Maqamat characteristics and amount skills success of Badi Al-Zaman who is help from group of people his contemporary, could have shown realty, until to make reder accept character, like what are know in Maqamat. These characters is not complex creatures that reader break up their relation with reality and not simply and unilateral that who was to predict all of act and behavior and their talk comfortable. Badi Al-Zaman to get so success said concrete example of actions, behavior and characteristics speed in different ranks in this work. Which after about 10 century, no one could be created such as “ Isa Ibn-e-Hosham” and hero such as “ Abo Alfath Eskandari. ”

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AFZALI ALI | Araji Fatemeh

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Existentialism school is a movement for protest and objection against systems and idealistic rules which tends to dominating the human beings. This movement was exceeded from the mere philosophical concept and take his place in art and literature. the " star of August" the novel of Son’ oallah Ibrahim, by this point of view, try to search new humanities which tend to consider the human and his existence content the novel is seprated the human essence from his existence It belive in human selection, human authority and human absolute freedom and these issues make the protagonist of the novel to feel in fear, worry and sadness The writer of this novel who saw himself the amazments and sorrows of mere affilication and wisdom and scater of human's essentials, try to create a novel that shows the human subjectivity and activity although it don’ t show the mere and pure identity of the main character of the novel or his apparently power.

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Al-Aqad was a contemporary prominent critic and writer of Egypt who by authoring the book about Ibn al Rumi life and his poems‚ tried to present thoughtful view points, about this great poet. He believed that Ibn Al-rumi was a great poet of Abbasi era and was a poet laureate of his contemporary poets but unlike his literary position‚ he was not supported by the kings. It is worth noting that because Al-Aqad presented important critical opinions about-Ibn Al-Rum, reviewing this book is important. The present writing deals with Al-Aqad‚ s concept‚ but since all Aqad's theories are not flawless or some of his theories need change therefore research and other ideas to confirm or reject his theories have been presented. At the end of the each subject‚ superior views and logical results along with reasoning will be expressed.

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This article is a Postcolonial study about season of Migration to the North a novel written by Tayyeb Salih (the renowned Sudanese writer). The novel, season of migration to the north, is the most famous postcolonial Arabic novel which has caught the attention of so many literary critics including Edward Sa’ eed, the Palestinian-American literary theoretician, and even in 2001, the academy of Arabic literature in Damascus named it as the best Arabic novel in the twentieth century. A noticeable part of this research has been allocated to analysis of postcolonial concepts of the novel such as ego/other (core/periphery), hybridity, eurocentrism, and gender. It is worth noting that analysis of ego/other (core/periphery), in addition to text of the novel, includes some paratext elements like title and cover design. The primary outcome achieved from this composition is that the novel Season of Migration to the North, projecting a vivid objective image of economical and sociological position of Sudan and its intellectuals’ crisis in postcolonial period gained an elevated status among other similar Arabic novels.

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Al-Jawahiri, one of the most illustrious contemporary classical poets of Iraq, was born in the holy city of Najaf to a cultured, scholarly, and cultivated family. The scientific and cultural environment of Najaf, the literary and scientific richness of his familial atmosphere, and Al-Jawahiri’ s poetic taste and talent caused him to turn to his predecessor poets’ works, especially the ones from the Abbasid era, and to begin reading and memorizing the poetic collections of the well-known poets of that era. This led him to follow the styles of the great Abbasid era poets such as Abul ʿ Ala Al-Maʿ arri, al-Buhturī , al-Mutanabbī , Abu Tammam, etc. to compose his own pieces of poetry, which can be apparently witnessed in his works. He is a poet with classical works, and is considered to be among the contemporary classicist poets. After presentation of his biography, the article at hand provides and analyses some of the Al-Jawahiri’ s poems. Then, it sets out to prove his tendency towards the Abbasid era poetry and poets, and it is shown that Al-Jawahiri’ s motives and style have been so influenced by the Abbasid era poetry that, notwithstanding the long time interval, one can claim that he is an Abbasid poet, and it is only the time that has separated him from the Abbasid era poets and has led to his recognition as a contemporary poet.

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The Menhaj Al-Bolagha and Seraj Al-Odaba by Hazem Qartajeni is one of the most effective books on rhetoric and theory of Arabic poetry. Although he was grown up in an environment influenced by Ibn Rushd and is considered his indirect student, in this book (with a rhetoric and philosophical style) he is under the influence of Ibn Sina in founding and presenting the theory of Arabic poetry. Without mentioning the name of Ibn Rushd, he continually recites Ibn Sina's expressions and uses his views as a basis of his theory considering questions such as imitation, imagery, prosody, and true & false. Hazem in his book Menhaj Al-Bolagha tryied to implement Avicinna's promise in utilizing pure knowledge for theorizing poetry.

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Narration is a cognitive tool to understand the experience flow and the theses of Analysis of stream of consciousness is considered as one of the most recent and popular methods of analyses of literary works. In the stream of consciousness method, for a detailed and momentum description, the content of thought has a central function and appears in the form of Narrative tips and techniques like internal and dramatic, monologues, soliloquy and the omniscient style of the first, second, or third person method. This study has a brief reference to its features and components of the stream of consciousness, and then tries to analyses a selection of seven pre-Islamic Arabic ode (Mu’ allaqat) referring to their fictional nature using the narrative techniques of the stream of consciousness. In other words, we try to answer this question; can part of the heritage of Arabic literature be considered in the context of stream of consciousness? It should be noted that the title of stream of consciousness only applies on the part of the literary creation that contains all or parts of characteristic of this stream. But we must keep in mind that studying these seven odes doesn’ t classify them in the context of stream of consciousness; its only an attempt to show the usage of modern techniques in such works. The findings show that: the poets of Mu’ allaqat, along with other narrative technique, used a dominant narrative technique based on poetic motives and intentions; the number of these techniques varies between two to three.

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This article answers an old controversial question which asks whether poetry is better or prose. This question has been raised since such subjects as grammar, oratory, rhetoric, etc. appeared. No definite resolution has yet been reached. Generally speaking authors, critics, and thinkers have divided among themselves into two groups. The first group defends verse or poetry. The second group defends prose. However there has appeared another third group which takes sides with none of these first two groups and says that a fair middle approach should be taken. It is impossible to deliver a final verdict and decide which one is better or which one is deficient, because prose and poetry are essentially the same where poetry acts as a medium that translates feeling and passion through rhythm and words and prose uses language to impart ideas.

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The prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) have a special artistic style that contribute to a great body of our religious literature. Therefore, it is essential to pay due attention to this aspect of the prayers also known as the prayer literature. In this paper, we try to analyze the imagery created through personification in the prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) with the aim of portraying emotion, movement and dynamism. Findings from the review suggest that emotion and dynamism proceeded from personification hasn’ t been limited to human but also is used to from other animals. Personification not used in these prayers as a rheotic but it has been employed in agreement with the moral relationship with the Creator which is the very purpose of the prayers and this makes the audience find a kind of dynamic prayers and better relationship with God. In addition to brief personification, extended personification has also been used in the prayers. The elements that are personified in the prayers are beyond the mundane world and exist in the form of abstract concepts such as praise and Ramadan etc. which could be argued that they have received more attention in the religious literature and the prayer literature, in particular.

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The commentary of Mir Sayyed Sharif Jurjani on Ibn Hajib’ s Kafaya is the most valid Persian commentary on this grammar book. Jurjani has expressed the Arabic grammar principles through an eloquent and simple language, yet in a robust and logical style. The discussion of triptote and diptote is among the most elaborate and complex topics of Arabic grammar. However, Jurjani has discussed different dimensions of this topic and has presented the opinions of different grammarians. Although Jurjani has been greatly affected by Razi Astar Abadi in style and content, but as he has had a logical mind, has been equipped with sufficient amount of knowledge in Arabic grammar, has had independent opinions, and has been a capable scholar in using analogical inferences, this effect has been a positive one which has added to the scientific and technical values of his commentary. This article presents Jurjani’ s discussion of triptote and diptote and then, compares it with Razi’ s assertions so as to present a vivid illustration of both commentators’ viewpoints. Through this comparative examination of the two Persian and Arabic commentaries, the lovers of Persian language can get familiar with the ideas of these two Iranian scholars regarding this discussion and its different dimensions. Moreover, in order to make it easy for the readers to understand the materials, the Arabic text of Razi’ s commentary has been translated into Persian, and the Persian text of Jurjani’ s commentary has been paraphrased in most cases.

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Jahez is considered as one of the prominent figures in Arabic prose literacy of Abbasids era which has left important works. Among his literary heritages, “ Al-Bokhala” is the result of Jahez’ s own experiences and knowledge, and shows the art of Jahez by introducing the miser characters and their intelligence. This precious scholar has described the subject of avarice in miser’ s life, based on satire. He has depicted the personality and ideology of a miser very well that a miser character is not a passive character but it is a societal character. He is a wise person with intelligence and cleverness that regulates his relationship with others with a full recognition of himself and with the use of his emotional intelligence, organizes the factors of his success. This article attempts to contemplate the miser character in Al-Bokhala book using Analytical Descriptive Method and consider its character traits regarding on considerable theories in psychology areas especially in emotional intelligence field. Analysing the miser characters in Al-Bokhala book determines that they are people with a high emotional intelligence ability and to achieve their goals they use this ability with marvellous attitudes.

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Mostafavi Nia Sayyed Mohammad Razi | Tavakkoli Mohammadi Mahmoud Reza | ZAFARI ZADEH SIAMAK

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Jahilid poetry should be known as a pre-islamic life. poem has been illustrator during the life of its people and its surrounding shape. Perhaps it could be say Atlal discussed in the introduction of pre-Islamic odes and according to it, is the most popular topics of Jahilid Poetry. Standing on Atlal and desolate land, and weep over them, not limited to the pre-Islamic poetry, and the poets of the next period Also have used this technique in the introduction of their own odes, even in the Abbasid period, despite being less of a technological of literature, poets such as Bohtory and Ibn-e-Rumi have used it in their poems. Atlal used as a common technical phenomenon continued until the early 20th century. This study is intended to so after a brief explanation about causes compose introductions of Talaly with careful review Davavin of poets Moallaqhat (according to Tabrizi), elements and common contents Talaly introductions of Talaly identified, and briefly to analyze and show related to Atlal. After this review, we can say that the introduction Talaly was considered the oldest introduction of poetic on historical Building of Arabic poetry, and It is not merely a method imitation or technical that primitive poet is committed that. But it is the cry, that his goal, has been expression of the emotions and hidden emotions of the poet relationship his beloved, and there is a close relationship between the love of poet and his Atlal. Also according to the poet, ignorant primitive, it is not right that this topic be interpreted from a philosophical esoteric perspective. Imrulqys with most used Talaly terms is considered as the most prominent poets in this context.

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The sciences of syntax, reading, and interpretation are among the literary arts that are made by clerics for understanding the Word of God (kalā mollā h) from various viewpoints, and from which a collection of 30 scientific disciplines called Quranic Literature developed. At the top of these sciences is “ using diacritical marks in Quran” which is extremely important. In this area, many noted scholars researched and created valuable works among them is Moshkel-o E’ rā b-el-Quran authored by Macki ibn Abi Taleb Qisi. With his proficiency in Arabic literature and Quranic sciences, Qisi discussed subjects such as difficulties of using diacritical marks in Quran and explained the different readings, the difference of opinion between readers (of the Holy Quran) and grammarians, word derivation, interpretation of Quranic verses, and other subjects, if necessary. This article tries to analyze Qisi’ s style in the aforementioned matters by discussing subjects related to syntax and reading as well as presenting a biography of Qisi, his works, and his scientific status.

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"Humour irony " clear political poetry feature is a prominent Egyptian poet Amal Donqol to signalized it by timely and artistically benefit Quranic verses and themes. To indicate diffrences between disquiet and holy goal conditions he select literal mechanism by cleverness and interest to indicate social and political disquiet conditions on Egyptin. Beauty of this irony political satire is in operation and the Quran calls for political purposes that amazingly make unintroduction in poetic text, Such a way that seems poem select Qran against its goal. But it isn, t so. By analysis relation intertextuality indicate that Egyptian wanton poem could by biting critic introduction his audience with bitter political conditions. In this article to indicate poetic text and restrain from false understanding. By container analysis based on intertextuality analysis, indicate literally value of poet this poem to use Quranic verses and themes, remove the doubt of false taking from Quran.

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Image is the most operative and commonly used term in the field of literary criticism which has been in use since along time ago and became much favorite and accepted during the new renaissance criticism in the literature of western world. Two terms of icon and Iconography, at present and in the field of literary criticism, are much commonly used. Icon or image considers as one of the main bases of the richness of literature records and as much as the icons are more dynamic the literature text considers more valuable. The poem of the Andelos poets due to embracing much live and dynamic icons takes a high position and prepares a much more touching context for the readers. The poets of Andelos by applying the various forms of imagination and unique literature techniques such as simile and metaphor and also harmonious colors with the context, have successfully been able to create live and dynamic icons catching entirely the attention of the readers.

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