The main objective of present study was to determine the optimum plan for integrated crop and livestock from farms. Data was collected from with mixed activities of cattle raising and crop production in Marvdasht region, Fars province, as well as from experts in the fields of agronomy and animal science.Then, a representative farm was selected and, using the multi period mathematical programming method, optimum farm plan was developed. In the first year, irrigated wheat was not included in the pattern, due to shortage of capital. In the secound year, alittle irrigated wheat was included, but the area of maize (for feed) and forage crops was reduced. In the third year, farming and livestock activities arrived at an equilliburium in forms of capita level. The optimum areas for irrigated wheat, maize (for"grain), maize (for feedd) and alfa were achieved at, respectively 1,6.5 ,6.5 and 6 hectares. The optimum number of cattle, calves, and heifers, too, was optimized at 30, 20, 20 and 10 , respectively. The sensitivity analysis proved that the planned performance was hishly flexible, and remained constant against fluctuations in input and output prices.The results demonstrated the advantages of dynamic programming over the conventional linear programming technique in determining the optimum farm plans. Intergration of livestock and farming activites was found as one of the effective ways of increasing the return and reducing the risk of investment.