The main purpose of this study is to present executive strategies to the trustees in the Sima news to increase the trust of the audience. To this end, the researchers, while studying the relevant areas, came to a general view of the research topic. Then, in order to answer the main research question, 15 experts in the field of news and media were interviewed in depth. As a result, 8 main trust-building factors were identified and classified into two content-structural and form areas. In terms of content and structure, it can be pointed out that 'speed', 'accuracy', 'accuracy', 'impartiality', 'comprehensiveness', 'attention to customer needs' and 'management and ownership' lead to the extraction of 43 executive strategies. Among the most important are social network monitoring, the use of sociologists in the national media think-tank, self-criticism, paying for truth, reductions in organization reductions, and audience need assessment based on news values. In the field of formulas, there were 12 executive solutions, among which the most important could be the use of provincial network broadcasters intermittently in national news broadcasts, non-imitation, use of creative and innovative forces, openness of creativity and innovation, and freedom of non-verbal communication. Cited.