Modem marketing is something more than the production of quality goods, appropriate pricing and easy access to product consumers. In a dynamic market the effort of marketing systems is more on consumers and buyers until new demand is generated.Promotion is a component of marketing mix which through it the company interacts with consumers and encourages them to purchase the products through advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relation. The marketing and selling of dairy products have more complications and problems in comparison with other products.Applying a suitable combination of promotion mix for dairy products can have considerable effects in information supplying and arousing in consumer the desire to purchase. Choosing appropriate communication ways is based on the position of the audience at the target market. The position of the audience towards the dairy products may be in one of the following triad: cognitive, feeling and behavior. The aim of this study is the investigation of the promotion methods and the determination of the most effective promotion method in terms of its effect on creating positive attitude in the audience towards dairy products. Among the selected 16 appropriate promotion methods for dairy products, by questioning from various groups in 2006 and analysis of responses by means of multi criteria decision making method (ARP), the most effective promotion method for creating awareness in audience towards dairy products, TV advertising has been identified as the most effective promotion method for creating interest and arousing desire in audience towards dairy products, TV advertising has been identified as the most effective promotion method for obtaining potential consumers to purchase dairy products, personal selling has been identified as the most effective promotion method for creating positive attitude in audience towards dairy products, TV advertising has been identified.