In the vast world of narrative literature, the lyrical poems of Nezami Ganjavi with their unique narrative aspects, structures and origins are the type of Persian literature classic works that can be considered and criticized in accordance with principles of structuralism.In this research, "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Leyli and Majnun" romances have been analyzed structurally as samples of the most pleasing ones. So, at first some points about narration and its elements and units are mentioned. Next, by explaining characters, or, in another word motifs and their functions, the narrative elements of considered romances have been compared according to structural narration point of view which is the base of Russian theorist Vladimir Propp 's work in morphological analysis of fairy tales.In order to fulfill this, categories like plot, character, narration timing , order and pedagogy, continuity, narrator, have been considered to conclude how these elements with their own syntactic combination change the story from raw form (fabula) to narrative form and with this method of expressing, what the effect of lyrical content of story on the narrative elements is.