The country's pastures and range lands with the total areas of 90 hectares are the most vital requirement for sustainable environmental development, as Well as ecological balance, and are considered as an infra-structure for agriculture. Common ownership of these resources and its overgrazing by the cattles raised by tribes and rural people, have led to the depletion of these vital assests.
During the five years development plans, in order to persuade the cattle raisers to participate in the preservation and rehabilitation of pastures, it was tried to transfer these resources to the above mentioned groups, thereby creating a sense of ownership that would help their participation in that program.
Therefore, in the framwork of range land management projects, the range lands were given to the rural and tribal livestock raisers range for a period of 30 years. Fars province is a pioneer province for the implementation of pastures projects. A good numbers of these projects are being implemented in Mamasani, with an area of more than 200 thousands hectares.
In this study all the projects implemented during the years 1371 to 1376,consisting of 20 projects, have been evaluated from economic point of view. In this evaluation internal rate of returns, as well as cost benefit analysis have been used. Results of study indicated that, 70 percent of the projects, on the basis of data presented, have economic justification. It can be concluded, as a whole, that investment in pastures and range lands rehabilitaion is justified from economic view point, and profitability of these projects are such that private sector investment can be encouraged in this regard.