On hot days, due to the high power consumption of the compressor, using the refrigeration cycles cause to increase in energy consumption. According to lack of fossil fuels, refrigeration consumption reduction is very valuable. In this paper, simulation and design of a refrigeration cycle are presented that ejector and separator added to a conventional compression cycle. These changes, can reduce the power consumption of refrigerator. Comparison results show with the addition of ejector to conventional compression cycle, depending on the type of fluid and the temperature of the condenser and evaporator, lead to energy saving up to 35%. Also, whatever temperature difference between evaporator and condenser increases, or at the same temperature difference between the condenser and the evaporator, as lower evaporator temperature, coefficient performance of ejection-compression cooler is better than conventional refrigerant. In comparision between working fluids, Ammonia has the minimum coefficient of performance improvement and one reason for increased compression ratio is that this fluid has the lowest increasing compression ratio. The result show that R290 and R134a have the highest improvement coefficient of performance because the operation of these fluids associated with the highest increasing compression ratio.