Tepe Giyan, which situated in Nihavand city, is one the most important and the first excavated sites in the cultural-geographical zone of Central Zagros. Excavations in this site had been conducted in 1931-32 with the nonscientific methods to discover the antique and precious objects. During excavation, cultural material and remnants from various periods of prehistoric deposits of Giyan were found and were assigned to have been as the basic for the chronology of the region. The considerable assemblage of Tepe Giyan was housed in Moghadam Museum of University of Tehran. In this paper, 20 intact pottery vessels of this assemblage were selected with the aim of introducing, typology, and offering comparative chronology. Also, the study of this assemblage prepared the appropriate opportunity to scrutiny and re-identifying the chronology of cultural periods at Tepe Giyan. In order to gaining the mentioned aims, all indications of 20 intact vessels were studied and documented for typological and chronological debates. According to the physical characteristics of poterries such as shape of vessels, diagram and style of paintings, Giyan were compared with other corresponding sites, and finally the relative chronology of assemblage was suggested. As a result, all vessels of Moghadam Museum assemblage belong to the middle and late Bronze Age and transition period from Bronze to Iron Age.