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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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The present study relies on determination of diet by adapting analysis on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes extracted from dental collagen of twelve human skeletons buried in Iron Age grave situated in Gohar Tapeh archaic settlement at eastern region of Mazandaran Province, locating on southern coast of Caspian Sea.The geographical and geometric evidences indicate that Gohar Tapeh zone is situated on a sedimentary plain. On the other hand, discovery of animal’s archaeological data such as ovine species as well as plants’ archeological evidences like barley and the signs relating to farming activities in this zone obtained by using lamella that forms 70% of total stone-made tools, suggesting that animal husbandry and agriculture were among the major activities done by inhabitants in this region.The results came from analysis on isotopes of carbon (13) and nitrogen (15) also confirmed that the inhabitants had consumed land mammals in their diet in this area. Concentration levels of isotope of carbon 13 which are approximately -20.2 through -19.9 per thousand units signify that there is no sign of consuming plant (C4) in diet of inhabitant people in this region and like today, plants (C3) had been consuming as the dominant flora throughout this zone. The resulting levels of isotopes of nitrogen -15 are about 8.79-11.3 per thousand units so this indicates the presence of land herbivorous animals (Ovine Species) and plants-C3 (wheat and barley) in the given diet. Thus, results of isotopic analysis done for Gohar Tapeh zone show a diet based on plant-C3 ecology in this land. Comparison between results of analysis on samples taken from Gohar Tapeh zone and results of analysis on three other zones (outside Iran) also verifies this point.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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In this essay, Jelinki Pottery (clinky-ware ceramics) has been studied as one types of ceramics at Arsacides era. Raw materials, quality of processing and baking conditions of potteries are some of effective factors in strength and stability of this material. Employing purposeful methods of chemical analyses in order to examine such factors and in fact structural science of historical potteries will be effective in terms of identifying production technology and their dating as well as taking appropriate techniques to maintain and repair of historical-cultural heritage rather than revealing the latent values in such artefacts. Mineralogical survey on structure of Jelinki potteries by adaption petrography technique, conducting analysis on X-Ray differaction and Sweeping Electronic Microscope (SEM-EDX) may give some remarkable results from production technology and baking conditions of such kind of potteries. Using appropriate aggregate of raw materials, quartz processing in fine grain with the unform diffraction throughout the texture in process of producing original paste to prepare pottery and formation of secondary minerals such as anorthite, glinite, diopside, enstatite (ferous) and pseudo-mullite in some of samples within the limit of baking temperature (950-1000°C) as well as formation a variety of iron oxides within oxidation and reduction conditions- hematite and magnetite, respectively- are some of structural properties of this pottery type. In this paper the modern hypothesis purposed concerning to laminar or sandwich structure in Jelinki potteries may lead to formation of amorphous phase of vitrification with polymeric structure (Si-O)n that is the strength factor as well as reason for creation of metallic sound (tone) in this pottery.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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One of the cultural characteristics of eastern zone at central part of Zagros Range during 3rd millennium BC and at early Bronze Age is the extension of the related habitats to Yaniq Culture (Ancient City near Abhar) in this region. Within field study conducted in 2008 in the plains covering central Zagros eastern side that is situated in Alvan Basin, we managed to identify more than habitats relating to Early Bronze Age. According to analysis done on the data derived from this survey in GIS software environment and by adaption of statistical methods, the relationship between site of habitat and its ecological factors has been assessed. Based on design of this model, we managed to interpret some reason for creation of settlements in this region during Early Bronze Age as well as the existing relationship among the given habitats and archaic routes passed between Iranian Plateau and Mesopotamia at 3rd millienium BC. Using GIS software made it possible for us to identify the reason for many settlement displacements based on archeological evidences at Early Bronze Age so that to describe their settlement models. We can purpose this point, as result of this study, that one may suggest a type of pseudo- nomadic and dry-farming system as economic system for people at Early Broze Age within a limited scale in this region.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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Like the adjacent areas including Savojbolagh and Tehran Plain etc, Taleghan is one of the regions susceptible to form Iron Age Settlements at northern central part of Iranian Plateau. During an archaeological survey in this region in 2001, 19 zones were attributed to Iron Age Region so that due to study on the findings resulting from this survey again, only ten of them included characteristic and remarkable and chronological potteries. Comparison among potteries in this region may indicate that the given potteries are related to Iron Age I and II. It seems the high altitude of Taleghan region as well as its cold and mountaineous climate along with the lack of farming lands caused this region to draw attention of nomadic communities during Iron Age like the present time.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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In the course of selecting a route that lacks any archaeological artefacts and in order to construct an appropriate access path to Kangelo Fort in Savadkouh at Mazandaran Province, an activity was done in the form of sounding operation by considering as a test (trial) and it led to discovery of a rare grave with burial structure formed by Embryonic Method plus the related objects relating to the late Sassanid era as well as two graves from Islamic period. Sassanid grave differs from the usual type of burials at this period and from author’s viewpoint, in addition to signifying to duration of a very older tradition, it refers to emphasis of the ruling king of northern Iran on his preceding customs and its people. As we know, Zoroasterianism was the official religion during Sassanid Empire. This religion was followed by variation in religious rites while by virtue of text of “Letter of Tosar” (high priest during Ardashir, Sassanid King) as compiling the valid theological texte during Sassanids, the independent king of Gilan and Mazandaran rejected to accept this religion; one that was declared formally as the main religion throughout the Iranian Monarchical Realm. And also he accused Ardashir to heresy and heterodoxy to tradition (Zorosterian Orthodoxy). In this paper, we will introduce the aforesaid burial method and its findings rather than description of sounding operation.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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At present, Faryomad is one of the valleys in Mayami County from Shahrood City that is situated at the eastern part of Semnan Province (Iran). According to Hamdolah Mostofi, a historian, this city was the capital of Jovein County at 8th hegira century (15th AD century). During Ilkhanates Dynasty, this city was highly credible for several reasons. Name of this city has been implied in historical sources. Dolat Shah Samarghandi implied building of Faryomad Town and illustrated it as a beautiful and splendid region. Its old building may be dated from the late Seljuk era and the early Khwarazmian Dynasty (1077-1231AD). According to the existing evidence and proofs, this city has been more likely reconstructed during Khwarazmian and Ilkhanates perfectly. This building is important in terms of architectural aspect. In general, Great Mosque is an urban sign during Islamic period. Furthermore, there have some urban public areas including hospital in Faryomad. Thus, this Great Mosque has established a matrix (functional) and spatial relationship with the given city. One may deem Faryomad’s great mosque as a museum for Iranian architectural decorations in Islamic period. This mosque has double- story (Hexa-Style) porch where verandas of mosque are higher than the level of its hall. Proximity of porches together may cause lessening the area of hall in mosque. Lack of minaret or prayer’s call tower on these porches and before its entrance, the existing ceramic massive decorations with novel and beautiful geometric designs, using Kufi, Thuluth and Reyhan Scripts with moldings included Quranic verses and Islamic Traditions (Hadith), along with plant and geometric designs are some of distinct characteristics of this mosque.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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One of the most ambiguous historical periods in Iran is Median Era so that the Median architecture has a lot of unknown aspects. Noshijan Hill in Malayer City is one of the foremost historical zones of Media where its main settlement includes a time period ranged from 750 to 650 BC. This zone has been explored by a British team headed by Dr. David Stronach; as a result, some of valuable constructions in this region were discovered so that to contribute extremely to identify Median Architecture. The discovery of buildings is greatly important because of their special sustainability and other unique characteristics. One of the architectural specifications of this region is its novel arch- construction that has not been already identified in any other area.The mentioned archs had been constructed by application of sequenced rows of arch or mud waffle slabs. Each of these archs comprises of two semi- arches so their lower ends are placed on a support in longitudinal walls while their upper ends will place on the head of this arch. These waffle slabs were made from a fine mud and often reinforced by reed. After Median period and during Achaemenid and Arsacides Empires, this technique of arch- construction was also continued and followed by several methods up to later periods in Iranian traditionsal architecture.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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The information obtained from written sources, archaeological limited surface excavations and surveys as well as environmental studies in Sassanid towns have made their spatial characteristics clear to some extent and become effective in determination of functional and visual identity of these cities. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of cities from this period which their names listed in written sources by they have never been discovered yet. At the same time, there are some cities about of which only few pages or often lines of information exist despite of their unique role in history of this land.Certainly, archaic city of “Ivan-E-Karkheh” is one of the samples from the latter group so we introduce it in the present passage. With approximate area that is three time than of archaiccity of Susa, this city was constructed by order of Sassanid king in first half of 4th AD century and it was considered as one of the most credible ruling centers at southwestern part of Great Iran.In this essay, it has been tried to represent an image, albeit an overall one, from spatial organization and its performance by reliance on the results came from authors’ archaeological studies done within a region with approximately 800 hectars on site and outskirts of this megalopolis of ancient world. Chronological dating of all historical areas within the studied limit is considered as results of the present survey.

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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With at least 11 hectares site locating on Fashafooyeh from Rey Town, the archaic area of Nachir Khanloq is one of the important regions from Islamic period that has been less noticed yet. Unfortunately, some parts of this region have been leveled by farming equipments. In addition to its large area, great and massive distribution of cultural artifacts throughout this area, particularly several pottery fragments of both enameled and without enasmel types signify cultural and historic importance of this zone. For this purpose in summer 2010 and within an archaeological researching plan, surface of this area was exploered for study. These explorations demonstrated that the given area enjoyed an appropriate settlement and growth during Islamic mid- and late period. This paper is resulted from study on data of the aforesaid potteries.The potteries in this case of study are placed within a very large and various spectrums with/ without enamel and each of them is divided into frequency subgroups. One of the interesting points in this regard is that among enameled pottery fragments, some of them were identified from both groups called as Koobacheh and until now no such type of pottery has been yet discovered and reported with the same quantity from this area.Similarly, relative and comparaticve chronologies of potteries data indicate that Nachir Kanlog Region had such settlents at least within 4-11th hegira centuries (11-18th AD centuries) and this settlement has got to the peak point within 9-11th hegira centuries (16-18th AD centuries).

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    2 (SERIAL NO. 4)
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The public bathhouses are included in buildings as public utilities that have been expanded throughout Islamic realm by arising Islamic religion that cleaning is the preamble for most of its rites. Unfortunately, from the beginning of Islamic period until 8th hegira century (15th AD century) no stable sample of public bathhouses remained in Iran, but many public bathhouses have still remained from Safavid and especially from Qajar era all over Iran. Qazvin is a city where there are a lot of public bathhouses. We may not know any remained bathhouses in this city as sample of pre-Safavid era and except for Ghomak and Moslem bathhouses, we could not find another name in ancient texts before this period. But, the Safavid sources have referred to construction of several bathhouses in this city during this period while those foreign tourists, who visited Qazvin in this period, implied numerous and beautiful public bathhouses in this city. Today, Boloor and Qajar bouthhouses have been resumed from Safavid era while both of them were were repaired and reconstructed and used as museums. Also during Qajar period, a great number of bathhouses were constructed in Qazvin. Adib-Al-Mamalek, a stateman of Qajar period, has mentioned 50 public bathhouses located in Qazvin City out of which 15 samples of them were among well- known baths. Haj Mir Hossein bathhouse is one of those famous bathese he referred to them. This bathhouse is also one of the oldest baths remained from Qajar Dynasty. This bath was repaired and reconstructed during recent years and it has been currently converted and used as museum and art and culture center.

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