The aim of this paper is feasibility of crowdfunding in Iranian cinema and the recognition of requirements, barriers and capacities for its realization. In order to achieve the goal of the research, 31 cinema experts were selected among cinema experts in the country and open interviews were conducted with them, based on theoretical saturation and targeted selection and snowball sampling, . These interviews were analyzed by qualitative content analysis method. The findings showed that capacities such as kindness of the people, high liquidity, people's interest in cinema, people's trust in celebrities, etc., and barriers such as high government involvement in cinema, corruption in the country, weakness of hardware and software infrastructure of cinema, distrust, lack of economic stability, the resistance of the trade union to change, the general ignorance and elite, and the inability to enter the bourse market by current cinematic companies, etc., to realize crowdfunding as a new method exists; The most important requirements for crowdfunding in the cinema is included the reduction of government intervention in cinema, set up bourse and investment funds, to raise awareness, industrial recognition of cinema, recognition of cinema by insurance and banks, implementation of copyright in the country, and so on. Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that ther exist the possibility of realizing the equity model as one of the rights of crowdfunding with the fulfillment of its requirements in our country; however, crowdfunding should not be used initially as an independent financing model, but it should be used as a complementary model.