This article examines the concept of cultural diplomacy in I.R. Iran to propose a strategic model. Cultural diplomacy is carried out by a government to support its foreign policy goals or diplomacy (or both) by using a wide range of cultural manifestations for a variety of purposes. The methodology employed in this thesis is a mixed method research. The article examines cultural diplomacy as a set of depended variables on the basis of UNESCO international-cultural relations indices & also The Portland Soft Power indices. Scholars have asked questions about what factors affect cultural diplomacy.This study found that, the aspects of culture such as cultural rights, freedom of expression & information, women’s rights, treatment of minorities, sexual orientation & gender identity, cultural products, enterprise, government, education, engagement & digital are the most important variables of cultural diplomacy. The findings showed that Iran to upgrade the inter-regional relations on the basis of cultural, historical & religious similarities, to expand the bilateral cooperation in the field of culture, science & technology, to revise the current national rules & regulations affecting on cultural diplomacy, to upgrade the cooperation among the different organizations that are responsible for cultural diplomacy & also to support & promote the Persian language teaching institutes & Iranian studies departments abroad. The article concludes that cultural diplomacy remains a valuable tool of diplomacy and is likely to become more important to the government, particularly to its public diplomacy & as a contributor to soft power.