Constructivism is one of the methods of literary criticism that examines the social structures in the literary works. Ideology is one of the main topics of interest for structuralist critics and of important issues of fiction (story) writing during the Chubak's time. In his stories, Chubak challenges different ideologies prevailing in the society of that time, including social, political and religious ideology (patriarchy, social classes, etc.), through different ways. In this paper, ideology and its reflection on all Chubak's stories were evaluated using the structuralist sociology approach, from the perspectives of two famous critics of Marxism, Lucien Goldmann and George Lukacs. In the analysis and interpretation section, one of the major topics addressed by structuralist critics, entitled ' ideology', and its search in the Chubak's stories from social, political, religious aspects is discussed. Criticism of anti-colonial spirit of intellectuals, provision of an outstanding image of the political pressure, expressing hatred of the instability of the dominant situation, protesting the lack of freedom of expression, etc., are all the reflection of political ideology in the society of Chubak's time. In the social dimension, Chubak believes that the basis of all backwardness and stagnation of society at that time, apart from the inability of rulers and the presence of colonization in Iran and the dominance of poverty at different financial, social and cultural aspects, is the result of misconceptions from ideology. The reflection of religious ideology is almost seen in all Chubak's stories. In his stories, he describes the negative impact of superstitious and folk beliefs on his society's cultural malaise.