Islamic mysticism, thanks to the support of the rich Islamic culture, gradually developed into the most parts of the Middle East from the second century onward and encompassed the cultural, social, political, and literary aspects of the society. Studying the literature of the past, especially those of the sixth century onward, it’s very rare to find a literary work that is not influenced by Islamic mysticism. Lessening the religious dogmatism, promoting open-mindedness and bearing, trying to approximate religions, disregarding the seductive attractions of the world, and suchlike made the Iranian Islamic mysticism met the interest of the particular and the general. In some cases, misconducting behaviors of fakery mystics had the general public contest the mysticism. This study focuses on Mysticism and fake mysticism among folklore culture by considering words, expressions, adages, and anecdotes. The role of mysticism in spurring the masses in the struggle against the oppressors as the positive effects of mysticism on folklore culture has been surveyed; fake mysticism and anti-mysticism factors are also investigated. The results of this research will help us better understand the Islamic mysticism and its manifestations in folklore culture.