Avesta is the holy book of the Zoroastrians. It is also the name of the collection of sacred texts the Mazdayasnians traditioal religions.Avesta Comprises 21 Yasts. Bahram yast (Yt.14), dedicated to the God of victory (vərəqraγna), belongs to the most ancient parts of the Younger Avesta or, at least, contains many archaic elements. Bahram Yast is not one of the better preserved yasts, yet it gives us a vivid and exhaustive picture of the divinity. It includes 64 verses concerning the ten incarnations in which the deity appeared to zaraθustra, as It also wind, a bull, a horse, a camel, a boar, a youth, a bird, a ram, a buck, and a man (1-28).It also enumerates numerates the powers and gifts such as victory in thought, in word, and in action that he bestows upon zaraqustra and those who have worshiped him according to the cult (31-33), it describes the particular magical feather the magical particular feather which makes invulnerable in fighting (34-46), and finally ends with a praise (47-64).Due to having many forces, Bahram became the prototype of masculinity in every respect in Aryan times. He also has similar mythical features such as the Vedic Indra Vrtrahan The Indian worshipped him, as the greatest fighter, lover and drinker. This Indian god had originally a less abstract character. Iranians made him a demon because of his being fond of the Saoma drink, yet they created his honor by deifying his distinctive Vedic epithet vrtrahan “repeller of the charge” in the form of vərəθraγna, the Iranian god of victory.