The aim of present study was to investigate the mediating role of job involvement in the relationship between work-family conflict and perceived organizational support with Intention to leave. In this correlation study a total of 250 employees among male married military personnel from health section were selected via convenience sampling. Data were collected using work-family conflict questionnaire (Netemeyer, 1996), Turnover intention scale (O’ Reilly, 1991), Jon involvement questionnaire (Kanungo, 1982) and Perceived organizational support questionnaire (Eisenberger, 1997). To analyze the data descriptive statistics, Pierson Correlation and structural equation model were conducted. The results showed that direct effect of work-family conflict on the intention to leave (β = 0. 22, P<0. 01) and direct effect of family-work conflict on the intention to leave (β = 0. 15, P<0. 01) were significantly positive; the direct effect of perceived organizational support on the intention to leave (β =-0. 34, p <0. 01) and the direct effect of job involvement on the intention to leave (P<0. 01, β =-0. 16) were significantly negative. Also, results showed that mediating role of job involvement in the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention (β = 0. 008, P> 0. 05) was not significant, but mediating role of job involvement in the relationship between family-work conflict and turnover intention (β = 0. 03, P <0. 05) wsa significant. Finally, results showed that the role of job involvemet is significant in the relationship between perceived organizational support and turnover intention (β =-0. 07, P <0. 01).