The aim of the students was to explain the relationship between ICT and identity crisis among students of Roudehen Branch based on the structural equation modeling approach. The method used in this study was based on the correlation assumptions. The study was conducted in the natural environment of the university, with a minimal intervention of the researcher and without any variable manipulation.445 students were selected through stratified sampling method proportional to population size (number of students in each group as a class). The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire of 20 questions including four subscales: Iranian identity, Muslim identity, ethnic identity and sexual identity. Factor analysis with principal components was used to measure latent variables of Iranian, Islamic, ethnic, and gender identity. The results showed that ICT determines 28.37% of Iranian identity, 29.81% of Muslim identity, 18.27% of ethnic identity, and 25.36% of sexual identity. ICT, Iranian identity, Muslim identity, Ethnic identity, Sexual identity.