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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Tourism in a global sphere is considered as a social-geographical subject affected by the climatic, environmental, cultural, economic and social factors. Good Conditions will be positively responded by tourists and their travel plans will be successful because of those conditions. Consequently, the tourists and the tourism organizations need the reliable information in the field of weather conditions.During the recent decades, many bioclimatic indexes and models have been presented through using them it can be assessed how comfortable the climate of a region will be.This research was carried out to study the tourism Climate Comfort of Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiyari province using PMV indicator. In this article, the monthly data of air temperature, vapor pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and the amount of clouds in 8 stations for a statistical period of 24 years (1987-2010) were used.After performing the necessary procedures using Arc GIS 9.3 software, monthly maps with PMV model were prepared from cells in dimensions of 10×10 kilometers and were converted into data. Finally, the transformations of PMV indicator on any cell were calculated during the 24- years period using Man Kendal method and all points with increasing process were specified by a (+) symbol. Based on the obtained results of this study, it can be stated that in recent years the condition has improved as the Tourism Climate Comfort has gone up.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to the significant impacts activities related to tourism leaves on the economy of tourist regions, abundant attention is geared to this field of activities. The present article aims at studying strategies of developing tourism in Eshkevar regions in Roudsar regarding the limitations and potentials of tourism and at determining suitable strategies in order to develop tourism in these regions. Thus, the article is of applied type, and regarding methodology, it is descriptive-analytic. The data needed were gained through library and field studies. To present suitable strategies through finding weak and strong points, opportunities, and threats, the analytical model of SWOT has been utilized.Findings reveal that the regions mentioned have potentials and strong points in the field of tourism and enjoy the opportunities to be developed for tourism industry. There are, however, weak points and threats being observed. These points go back to regions being mountainous, the vulnerability threshold of not having facilities and tourism installations, and environmental issues. Therefore, collecting and presenting policies suitable for geographical conditions of the regions to remove the obstacles and threats and to optimally utilize the relative advantages are needed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism today is regarded as a tool for sustainable rural development. This study identifies tourism resources in the village of Fahraj and how to use those resources in order to develop the village sustainably. The quantitative research methodology uses close-ended questionnaires based on Likert-type scales for a sample of 86 participants, including villagers and village authorities. The study shows that Fahraj has resources for tourism development, including a mosque, suitable infrastructures and a close proximity to Yazd, but these factors cannot be considered as resources of income and employment in the village. Butler’s (1980) model suggests that Fahraj is in an exploratory stage with tourism potential which is for mostly untapped. We evaluated the potential by examining economic, socio-cultural and environmental factors, as well as host community, i.e., the village satisfaction.Although existing limited tourism has resulted in positive socio-cultural and environmental impact which has encouraged conservation and the renovation of historical monuments, it had no economic effect nor paved the way for sustainable rural tourism. However, the lack of tourism has not caused any negative impact on the village. In addition, villagers expressed their satisfaction for tourism development in their village.

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Rural tourism in the present World is a source of income and employment. Javaherdeh village in Ramsar has valuable texture with its own unique ecological, social, economic and physical values. This village attracts many tourists in warm seasons every year. The unplanned and immediate visits of touristsinfluence this valuable texture. The present research method is analytical-descriptive. SPSS and Excel software as well as SWOT model have been used for data analysis. The results of this research have shown that tourism has affected the economic, social, environmental and physical conditions of Javaherdeh valuable texture. The effects can be realized in forms like increasing the price of land and housing, seasonal expansion of service activities, obtaining income for residents, change in local architecture patterns, physical expansion of the village and change in traditional lifestyles. Finally, suggestions have been presented for tourism development in this rural valuable texture under various conditions. Also, approaches must be selected for strengthening tourism development in valuable textures to cover economic, social, physical, and environmental factors while the mere physical aspect must be avoided.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Rural tourism is developing in a lot of countries and is becoming increasingly more important day to day. Perhaps the reason lies in stagnancy of rural agriculture economy. The villages of Iran are not an exception and their income sources need to be considered serious since tourism is becoming more important due to agriculture stagnancy during the recent decades. The main goal of this study which is a case study of Sorin village in Baneh is to present applicable strategies for making the best use of this income source using strategic technique and SWOT model that is ultimately compatible with sustainable development. The research type was a field study. In the study, it was found that, despite the historical, natural, religious and cultural attractions of the village, positive effects of tourism on the economy and the village had no role. Undoubtedly, with proper planning, creating infrastructure services, residency improvement and catering facilities, advertising on rural tourism, the economy of this village as well as other villages will be changed dramatically. Accordingly, tourism can be incorporated into other economic activities as a complementary one so that the subsequent social status, physical and environmental conditions of the villages in the area can be improved.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays tourism industry, especially ecotourism, as a new approach has a significant role to extend the adaptation of man and his surrounding nature as well as economic development. In this regard, Mazandaran province due to its pristine and beautiful nature has significant advantages. The purpose of this study was to introduce Mazandaran province as one of the poles of ecotourism. The research findings showed that this region due to having its unique geographical position and pleasant climate, especially in spring and summer, as well as the interesting scenes of nature has the potentiality to be one of the greatest poles of ecotourism in our country. However there are some barriers to achieve this goal the most prominent of which are various decision makers, management of the province, and weak infrastructure. Additionally, the main purpose of this research was to recognize and analyze the attractions of the province and also recognizing the capabilities of this province based on the various branches of this industryto determine the level of the province according to the 9 main factors related to the attraction of ecotourists. The method of this research is a descriptive one as far as the scope and nature of it requires. Bing information about the ecotourism of the province and sorting the data on the basis of TOPSIS model, the researcher has categorized the potentialities of this province. Based on the final TOPSIS grading cities such as Sari, Chalus, Savadkuh, Ramsar, and Noor were considered to be good places for ecotourism while cities like Joibar, Noshahr, Neka, and Ghemshahr do not have such a potentiality. As a result, the study shows that the province is in a good condition as far as the ecotourism indexes are concerned.

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Development of new patterns based on local development and utilization of spatial diversity are based environment, so the detection capacity of the micro-level development planners is the focus of geographic spaces. On the other hand, due to various constraints, including technical, financial, and as long as possible to take advantage of all there is no capacity at the local level in a short time, so use the appropriate methods to determine the best location Among many locations, taking advantage of a number of criteria and indicators is essential. One of the potential at the local level in rural areas, capacity development of tourism activity that is important. Tourism in the region, including the major centers of tourism are to develop, so that the role and importance of tourism facilities not covered by any manager and planner. In this study help to integrate analytic hierarchy model (AHP) and logic layers Rate (Index Overlay) using Geographic Information System (GIS), a model to determine the optimal location of tourism on the province to apply has been offered. The creation of 54 regional and 48 rural tourism models has been approved by the government. Therefore, using the proposed model, the most suitable site for the construction of a new tourism zone is selected. The results show that tourism regions Valley Soldier, tees and tight Fnvj most appropriate option to select the areas of tourism and tourism master plan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism is important for socio-economic development of countries in such a way that economists refer to it as an invisible export. Tourism was one of the most developed industries in the second half of the twentieth century, and is often used as a key or economic growth password, both in developed and developing countries. Certainly, tourism development in East Azarbaijan will lead to national development and will be a strategy for planning sustainable development and reducing the retarded zones. Currently, many countries are benefitting both socially and economically from tourism, and tourism revenues are used for the development of regional infrastructure.It should be mentioned that Tabriz- Julfa corridor includes two axes called Tabriz-Payam, and Tabriz-Julfa, two of which have been studied separately in this study. Research findings indicate that these two axes ,in spite of having high capacity of historic, cultural and natural tourism, are faced with weakening factors such as lack of infrastructure, amenities, multiplicity of decision making, management issues, poor publicity all of which have somehow damaged the tourism in these two axes. Revising management structure, strengthening publicity, supporting private investment, interaction between government officials, tourism agencies, and people can revive the tourism in the area and cause the two axes to be able to create job opportunities thereby making a lot of investment. The results of this study could be used for the Organizations such as Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, the Environmental Protection Agency of East Azarbaijan as well as the Islamic City Council of Tabriz-Julfa and Marand and other tourism companies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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