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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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A major challenge for policymakers is how to design and implement payment systems for healthcare providers. Due to their direct effect on healthcare providers’ behavior, payment systems are essential knops to healthcare system reforms.Among all healthcare providers, physician’s roles are of significant importance. Despite the fact that physician direct costs make one fifth of the total healthcare costs, Due to the asymmetric information between physicians and patients and the agent role that physicians play in how patients make decisions in respect to the healthcare market, physicians’ decisions indirectly have effects on different healthcare costs items like medicine expenses and use of hospital services. The way that a physician gets paid causes different motivations for them to make decisions. Often economical models evaluate the effects of a payment method on a physician’s behavior in such perspective: services they supply, demands that they induce and the number of the patients they admit. The role of a family physician as the gatekeeper gives them more significance in comparison with other physicians. However, they are accounted patients’ managers in healthcare systems. Thus double importance is ascribed to designing and implementing a family doctor’s payment system, which will have direct and indirect effects on healthcare system functions.

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The present study was aimed to consider the relationship between type D personality and HEXACO personality dimensions. In a correlational study, 242 students from Islamic Azad University of Tabriz were selected through ratio cluster sampling as the statistical sample. Then the participants filled out HEXACO-Personality-Inventory and Type D Personality Scale. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. Findings showed that there was positive correlation between emotionality dimension with type D and negative affectivity, as well as there was negative correlation between Honesty-Humility, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to experience with them. Extraversion had negative correlation with type D and its constituents (social inhibition and negative affectivity) too. Multiple regression analysis showed that HEXACO personality dimensions could predict 23.7% of variance of type D (R2=0.237). At all, it was concluded that there are correlations between type D and HEXACO personality dimensions; it seems that there are overlaps between them in respect of their nature.

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Pre-hospital care as a concept is subjective, multidimensional, ambiguous and associated with the health care system. Throughout the world the focus has been on the importance of burn victims, and pre-hospital emergency care is still an abstract concept. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the concept of care in the context of pre-hospital emergency. The study employed the hybrid model to define the concept of pre-hospital care through three phases including theoretical phase, field work stage, and overall analysis. According to the results, six major themes emerging for pre-hospital care included first contact care, assessing patients' needs, sense of security, evidence-based, coordination and vehicle. The results of this study will help clarify the concept of pre-hospital emergency care. This clarification can lead to offering comprehensive medical services based on patient needs and developing the nursing profession. Also, identification of facilitators or barriers and the concept of pre-hospital emergency care will help the nursing administrators and educators to be able to design managerial and educational activities based on scientific findings to execute the necessary conditions for learning and implementing high quality pre-hospital emergency care in nursing.

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Women have an important role in shaping healthy food behaviors in the family, and the belief to their ability in this field is a sign of their self-efficacy. Problem-solving by making different solutions could be effective in creating this ability. This study was carried out in order to determine the effect of problem solving education on food behavior self-efficacy in overweight or obese women in Urmia. The study is a semi-experimental one with a pre-test and post-test design carried out on 90 women with overweight or obese supervised by health centers in Urmia. The samples were selected with disposability method and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Educational intervention in the experimental group was done via the problem solving sessions in the form of six training sessions. The post-test was conducted after 2 months with completing demographic information and food behaviors self-efficacy questionnaire again. Data analysis was done with descriptive and analytical test (Paired t-test, Independent t-test, and Chi-square). Self-efficacy score mean improved from 11.52±4.03 to 15.90±3.85 in the experimental group. There was an increase in the good food behavior self-efficacy in the experimental group from %3.14 to %8.54, but the change wasn’t significant in the control group. The problem solving approach can promote self-efficacy food behaviors in overweight or obese women via involving them in the process of thinking and problem solving through expressing thoughts and exchanging experiences.

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This study investigated the effects of Reduction of Bullying Training Program on the rate of reduction victim behaviors in male's students of elementary school in Isfahan City. An experimental research with pre-test, post-test, and follow up (after six months of the post-test) design was carried out to pursue this purpose. Statistical population included all the male's bully children in the years of 1388-1389 in the city of Isfahan, Iran. Research sample included 40 Bullying children who were chosen after three stages of sampling by random multi-stage method and randomly assigned to two control and experimental groups. The research tools were Sociometry and Peer Relationship Questionnaire, with three subscales including bullying, victim & prosocial behaviors. The Experimental group took part in 10 sessions of Reduction of Bullying Training Program twice a week, while the control group did not received any intervention. ANOVA analysis with Repeated Measures used to analyze the data collected by SPSS-20 software. The result indicated that Reduction of Bullying Training Program significantly decreased the rate of victim behaviors and all its dimensions. Therefore the most important application of this research is the effectiveness to reduce of bullying and victim problems in schools and general society.

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Speeding is a major contributor of road crashes among young driver and caused 40% of fatal crashes. The purpose of this study was determining predictor of speeding intention among drivers in Ghaemshahr based on Prototype Willingness Model (PWM). In this cross sectional studies 114 young drivers entered in this study with a clustered random sampling from population of urban health care of Ghaemshahr in 2012. Data were collected by using a self-reported questionnaire that contains demographic factors and prototype willingness model constructs. The validity and reliability of the scale were approved. The result showed that speeding intention was correlated to all variables except description of the typical other driving, and regression model explained 63.4% of the speeding intention variance. Determinants of the intention to speeding were mostly past behavior, subjective norms, perceived similarity of the prototype, description of the typical other driving, driving experience and attitude. Also intention, willingness and driving experience predicted the speeding behavior. Results highlight the importance of attitude, normative aspect and driving experience in the speeding intention and these factors used for designing educational program aimed to reduce speeding and road crashes.

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The adolescence tobacco prevention is an especially important public health goal. The purpose of this study is evaluation of intrapersonal and interpersonal factors of cigarette smoking among male adolescents based on theory of planned behavior.A sample of 400 high schools students, were collected in a cross-sectional survey. The outcome variable was cigarette smoking within the past 30 days preceding the survey while independent variables included intrapersonal factors (age, components of the TPB model, self-esteem) and interpersonal factors (Family members’ smoking, smoking friends, independent room, member of sport team, grade point average, parental educational status, parental occupation status). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and logistic regression analysis. The mean age of participants was 16.7±1.5 years. The prevalence of current smoking was 14.7%. In regression analysis, cigarette smoking was associated with intrapersonal factors [self-efficacy (OR=.83; 95% CI: (.72-.97), normative beliefs (OR=.82; 95% CI: (.70-.95), behavioral beliefs (OR=.76; 95% CI: (.65-.89), self-esteem (OR=.71; 95% CI: (.61-.82), knowledge (OR=.63; 95% CI: (.39-1)] and some of interpersonal factors [having Family members’ who smokes (OR=3.6; 95% CI: (1.4-8.5), smoking friends(OR=2.3; 95% CI: (1.5-6.6), member of sport team(OR=1. 5; 95% CI: (1.2-5.4).Self-efficacy, normative beliefs, behavioral beliefs, self-esteem, knowledge, Family members’ Smoking, Smoking friends, member of sport team, were independently associated with current smoking among Zarandieh adolescents. We believe public health programs targeting adolescent smoking should consider these factors in their design and implementation of interventions.

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Single-headed households are more vulnerable than other households. The aim of this study was to determine problems of female-headed households in sistan Baluchistan province in 2010. This research was cross-sectional study. The study population included all women who were heads of households living in the province of Sistan Baluchistan referred to Welfare organization, Committee Emdad and health Care centers of Sistan Baluchistan province. Data collected by self administrative questionnaire and interview method. The content validity and its reliability were confirmed using equivalent forms. Questionnaires were distributed by Basij Center of Women in Iranshahr between mentioned centers in different parts of province. Data analyzed by SPSS-16. The Mean of women age was 40.5±12.6 and mean of children number was 4.0±2.5. Also, 58.5% of women were female-headed households, 38.3% of them had inappropriate heads and others were self-head. 83.1% had income less than 3000 thousand Rials monthly and 69.6% of women were under support of insurance organizations. The children in 57%of families were deprived from education and 43.6% of children had behavioral problems. Results of this study showed female-headed households are extremely vulnerable and face many problems. To address and consider the problems of mentioned families is important task of government, organizations and responsible people.

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Cardiovascular diseases are considered as important causes of morbidity and mortality and constitute a major public health concern both in Iran and worldwide. Due to the increase in cardiovascular diseases, the present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among Gonabad urban population. This cross-sectional study was performed in May-April, 2009 on a total of 606 subjects (205 males and 401females) recruited through random cluster sampling. Biochemical tests were performed to measure blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C and HDL-C, and anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were also performed. Data were analyzed through statistical tests. The average age of the participants was 39.41±12.56 and the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factors were high LDL-C (³130 mg/dl) and total cholesterol (³ 200 mg/dl). The next prevalent factors included high blood pressure most common among women (33.1%), obesity (22.4%), and abdominal obesity (17.8%). According to findings, high blood pressure was more prevalent in females (33.1) than males (30.6). HDL-C prevalence rate was higher among females, while high blood pressure and WHR were significantly more prevalent among males. Regarding the exceedingly high prevalence rate of some risk factors including LDL-C and total cholesterol in Gonabad, the need for a preventive intervention program to control risk factors and cardiovascular diseases is deemed important.

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