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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper focuses on the influences of Agricultural Producer Cooperatives (APC) on the production process of farmers in Iran. In the last decade, the Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture has devoted considerable amount of budget and efforts to promotion and establishment of APCs. An impact assessment survey was conducted in two southern provinces of Fars and Boushehr. Data were obtained from 52 managers and 260 members of 52 APCs. The study revealed that APCs were not successful in fulfillment of farmer's needs in different production stages.

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The objective of this paper was to measure and analyze efficiency at rangeland management projects in three provinces of Iran. The Stochastic Frontier approach was found to be more appropriate for general and specific features of the agricultural and natural resources sector in Iran especially on rangelands. In this study Translog and Cobb-Douglas functions, which were used in similar studies during the last decade, were implemented using frontier computer program. Finally, on the basis of statistical tests, the Cobb- Douglas Frontier Function was an adequate representation of the data. Among the deferent models and on the basis of hypothesis tests, the Non-neutral Frontier model introduced by Huang Liu, was selected. The estimated technical efficiencies of the sample rangeland management projects varied widely, ranging from about 27 percent to 99 percent, with a mean value of about 63 percent in three provinces involved. The results indicated increasing return-to-scale technology among the rangeland management projects. The average yield performance (production per hectare) of dry fodders in rangeland management projects increased 55 percent in three provinces under study in comparison with bordering rangelands.

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View 1084

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Small and scattered farms were a consequence of land reform in 1963. Establishing rural cooperatives was recommended by specialists and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture in order to increase the productivity of factors of productions including water. The present study was conducted to calculate the productivity of water in the farms of rural cooperative members as compared to nonmember producers. The data needed to calculate productivity was gathered through questionnaire interviews in a field study. The results showed the productivity of water for all crops was almost the same in producer cooperatives member and non-members.

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View 906

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The present research addresses a basic question concerning reforms in agriculture sector management: is it possible to emphasize on exogenous factors (e.g. empowerment of the customers, clients, service takers and others stakeholders in the form of NGOs and CBOs)rather than intra-organizational interventions and manipulations for continuous reforms of agriculture sector management? The research findings attested to the feasibility of the first approach. It was concluded that the more organized the beneficiaries are, the more we may expect accountability, clarification, efficiency, and as consequence, productivity in agriculture sector.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 782

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Human capital is one of the most effective factors in personal income, and it is built up in individuals by educational attainment. Theoretical economic growth models, such as those presented by Lucas(1988), Becker, Murphy, Tamura (1990), L.Y.Lau, F.Louat, D.T.Jamison (1996),Rebelo (1992),Mulligan and Sala-I-Martin (1992) have addressed various aspect of this issue. Human capital has been defined as the educational attainment which is achieved during the years of education. Barro-lee (1995),Viktam Nehru, Eric Swanson, and Ashutosh Dubey (1995) started analyzing and measuring human capital. In the present research, the authors, trying to follow the methods of economics researches, considered formal education as an index for human capital. It was argued that in it for human capital is accumulated also through learning by doing, thus individual experiment could be individually defined as a proxy for it. In the other hand, due to job segregation and discrimination, gender might be an effective factors in income difference, thus it was also included in the present model. Using Mincer's personal earning function, with certain adaptations Iranian economy, the authors studied such effects on both rural and urban households during the years 1984-2000. The results indicated that an individual's income is not only influenced by human capital but also by gender.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2356

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The present research explains the history of the application of programming models in agricultural economics. It considered, with attention to the constraints of linear programming models, possibility programming pattern for determination the optimum cropping pattern. Then, with the use of panel data during 1996-2002, collected from 10,000 ha farmlands in the north of Fars province, the possibility models in various scenario, including complete uncertainty, 25 percent deduction in uncertainty, 50 percent deduction in uncertainty, 75 percent deduction in uncertainty and 100 percent deduction in uncertainty (complete certainty), were designed and solved. Finally, some proposals were presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1434

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The relationship between milk production capacity and cost of production has become increasingly important. The present study aimed to determine the optimum capacity of milk production, minimum average cost and break-even point of dairy farms in Fars province. Shiraz, Marvedasht and Sepidan regions, which had the largest shares in milk production, were selected. Then a stratified random sample of 141 farms in the regions was selected. The two-stage estimation procedure of Dawson & Hubbard was employed, in which the planned output for each farm, given its output mix, could be obtained. Assuming constant inputs prices for all farms, the ex-ante for LAC was determined by planned output and management proxy. Optimum capacity was determined by minimizing the LAC function. In addition, the break-even points were calculated for various categories of farms. Comparison of results showed that dairy farms, location and the breed of cows had a major influence on the optimum milk production capacity, minimum average cost, and the break-even point. Finally, some recommendations were made to improve the situation.

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View 1186

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Instruments of programming have an important role in improving the identification of the type and size of large firms in shifting from traditional to modern economic situation. Since the early 1950s, linear programming has been an important research subject in agriculture economics and its application has been considerable in farm management and analysis of feedstuff mix. Determining the optimal pattern for up keeping dairy cattle, sales of different classes of animals, and maximum obtainable profit is an important goal, which is addressed in this research. To this end, we applied dynamic linear programming in the biggest up keeping dairy cattle for the period of 1997-2002. Eight distinct activities and one sales activity could be determined. Objective function is profit function of activities for which that target was maximized. Specification of final model for dynamic linear programming was an objective function 45 variables with 110 constraints. The result showed that the difference was considerable in the earlier years, but they are equal in end year. It was also shown that profit of the firm was increasable by up to 10 percent for 2002.The most sensitive constraint was feed.

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View 1372

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The study of the individual firm's profitability is a vital subject because of its role in survival of the firm's economic motivations. In this context, the profitability problems of dairy farms in Fars province were studied using a systematic method. The profitability problems of firms were recognized through the measurement of size, technical, allocative and economic efficiencies, cost analysis and marketing survey. A two-stage cluster sampling was used to collect the data. At the first stage, three cities of Shiraz, Marvdasht and Sepidan were selected. In the, second stage, 120 dairy farms were selected using a systematic random sampling method. Sample dairy farms were then interviewed to collect the necessary information. The results indicated that only 5.8 percent of the sampled dairy farms were efficient. In 37.8 percent of the sample dairy farms whose value of production was tow, the non-profitability problem was due to size inefficiency. Technical inefficiency and wrong enterprise were profitability problem of the rest of the sample dairy farms of this group. In 39 dairy farms whose value of production was high enough, six units had a profitability problem due to high fixed costs and others as a result of low Economic efficiency and marketing problems.

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View 905

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Shrimps is one of important aquatic products in the Persian Gulf. It has high nutrient quality and high prices in the world market. Boushehr province has the highest share in shrimps harvest in the southern ports. The subject of this research was to estimate the technical efficiency of shrimps trawler fleet, and to determine factors influencing this efficiency. According to the statistical population, there were 46 ships, 587 traditional vessels (lenj) and 1182 boats, which harvest the shrimps during 36 days. They harvested 1110 tons shrimps in 2002. To estimate the technical efficiency, we used stochastic frontier method. We estimated one stochastic frontier model and no efficiency model for each category of fleet. The results indicated that different factors affect the value of catch and technical efficiency of each category. Average technical efficiency for lenj, ships and boats were 0.81, 0.73 and 0.47, respectively. The results, in comparison with other studies, indicated that technical efficiency of lenj and ships were approximately good, but the technical efficiency of boats was very low.

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View 1148

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Water is one of the most important factors in agricultural production in Shahr-e kord region, like many other parts of Iran. Therefore, optimum utilization of water for increasing input productivity in agricultural sector, particularly through modem irrigation systems is extremely important. In the present study, data was collected from two farms, one modem and the other classic user of irrigation system in Shahr-e kord. The study covered the duration of 1999-2003.Risk programming model (Target- MOTAD model) was run for both farms. Results showed that at different levels of risk. expected return was larger in modem farms. Also it was found that yield, production and risk return ratio was higher in modem farms as compared to other farms. In the upper levels of risk, the results programming model and ordinary mathematical linear programming were equal. Finally, the study indicated that application of this technology, such as pressurized irrigation system decreased fluctuation in farm income.

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View 1011

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Water is one of the most important factors in agricultural production in Shahr-e kord region, like many other parts of Iran. Therefore, optimum utilization of water for increasing input productivity in agricultural sector, particularly through modem irrigation systems is extremely important. In the present study, data was collected from two farms, one modem and the other classic user of irrigation system in Shahr-e kord. The study covered the duration of 1999-2003.Risk programming model (Target- MOTAD model) was run for both farms. Results showed that at different levels of risk. expected return was larger in modem farms. Also it was found that yield, production and risk return ratio was higher in modem farms as compared to other farms. In the upper levels of risk, the results programming model and ordinary mathematical linear programming were equal. Finally, the study indicated that application of this technology, such as pressurized irrigation system decreased fluctuation in farm income.

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View 1453

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Kiwi, apples and oranges are among the most important fruits consumed in the word. The food value of kiwi is higher than many other fruits. It has a lot of vitamins and minerals, like sodium, potassium and chloro. Italy, New Zealand and Chile are major countries in production of Kiwi. Kiwi plantation in Iran started in 1980. Iranian Kiwi is of high quality and is unique in the world. Mazandaran province is the major kiwi producer in Iran, as the province possesses very favourable climate for kiwi. Mazandaran accounts for 90 percent of Iran's kiwi production. In this paper, we analysed kiwi production function of this province. We used questionnaires to obtain information on kiwi production in major kiwi areas such as Ramsar, Tonekabon, Nowshahr, and Chaloos. We used different production functions and we found that the second degree production function was the most suitable method. The results showed that the quantity of production factors such as fertilizer, labour force and land were under optimum quantity, so the farmers use more of them for increasing Kiwi production in Mazandran Province.

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View 1712

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Pomegranate is an important export commodity in Yazd province. Pomegranate exports have contributed to considerable foreign exchange earnings, creation of job opportunities, and overall rural development of Yazd province. The objectives of this study were to estimate all types of production efficiency and return to scale. The data was obtained through questionnaires filled out by 120 sample growers in spring 2002. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Software DEAP v.2.1 were used for estimation. The results revealed that the mean technical efficiency under constant and variable return to scale were, respectively, 68.3% and 79.6% and the mean scale efficiency was 66.1% under variable return to scale and cost minimizing assumptions. The mean technical, allocative and economic efficiency were 68.3, 68.4 and 47 percent and difference between the mean technical and allocative efficiency and the best efficient unit were31.7 and 31.6 percent respectively. Also, among 74 observations,13 percent were at optimal scale, 9 per cent above optimal and 78 percent below optimal scale. It means that to improve the production efficiency, the orchard size should be increased rather than decreased in Yazd province.

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View 1178

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Labor force is one of the most important factors of agricultural production. In this relation women have a key role in different processes of production. Therefore, their efficiency is an important issue for study. One of the most appropriate products to be used as a case for this study is sugar beet. Its importance is due to the intensity of labor, presence of labor in different processes of production and its strategic role. Seven sugar beet growing areas were selected from a region covered by Bardsir sugar plant, and 150 questionnaires were filled out by producers. Production function, average productivity and marginal productivity methods were used for estimation of productivity. The results of the research were as follows: a) Wages had a positive effect on labor productivity; b)The productivity of men were more than women; c) Labor productivity (by women, men and family) was minimum in groups that operated in less than two hectares. Therefore, organization of farmers association and improving work law were proposed to improve the productivity of agricultural sector.

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View 1336

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In order to undertake an economic analysis of grape orchards in Kashmar, as an important area of grape production in Khorasan province, 83 questionnaires were filled out by the farmers through interviews. A Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function was used to estimate technical efficiency and determining the affecting factors. Results indicated that the average technical efficiency was 61 percent, where 78 percent of yield gaps were related to management factors. Relationship between yield per hectare and efficiency indicated that yield per hectare was not a suitable index for farmer's yield evaluation. Also the internal rate of return of investment for establishing grape orchards was 11 percent.

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View 1468

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This paper focuses on the theory and application of fuzzy linear goal programming model in optimization cropping pattern. In this relation, sum total membership degrees for all fuzzy goals were maximized in the model. This, versus crisp goal programming model, allows the decision makers to choose importance and access degree of membership function. Also this method is capable of creating consistent membership function under decision maker's expectations. Technical coefficient in this model is not crisp, and changes in the limited area. This paper, beside an analysis of the theory of fuzzy linear goal programming, applied an optimization cropping pattern for irrigated lands located in Haraz plain in north of Iran. Results indicated that imposing flexibility at technical coefficients and RHS in model caused improvement in resource allocation and cropping land developed.

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View 3754

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