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Effects of seed priming (soaking in water, osmopriming whit polyethylene glycol and potassium chloride, soaking in gibberalin and hydro priming) on germination rate (GR), mean germination time (MGT), time reach to 50% germination (T50), root and stem length, seedling dry and fresh weight in three chickpea cultivars (Qazvin, ILC482 and ILC3279), was investigated. Cultivars differed significantly for total trait. The results indicated soaking in water and GA3 had highest effect on the germination rate, and between them not observed significant difference. In this study, hydro priming, water and GA3 treatments had similarly reducing effect on MGT and T50. Osmopriming with PEG and KCL had the most and the less effect on root and stem length, seedling dry and fresh weight in ILC3279 than other cultivars, respectively. ILC3279 had the less seedling dry and fresh weight, but it had the most values mentioned in PEG treatment, that indicates the positive priming effects on low physiological quality cultivars.

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The model WOFOST, which simulates the growth and development of annual field crops under conditions of potential production, water and nutrient limitations. The model was evaluated against a data set of field experiments. The study was laid out in RCBD with 3 replications for one popular traditional landrace Hashemi carried out in 2005 at Rice Research Institute of Iran, Rasht. The irrigation management were I1 with continuous irrigation while I2, I3, and I4 were irrigation 1, 3 and 5 days after water disappearance of pounded water and I5, I6 were irrigation at 5 and 8 days intervals. We compared simulated and measured leaf area index (LAI) and biomass panicles and total aboveground biomass by adjusted coefficient of correlation (R2), T test of means, absolute and normalized root mean square errors (RMSE) and modeling Efficiency (EF). On average, RMSE of model were 389-553, kg ha-1 for total biomass, 139-246 kg ha-1 for panicle biomass and 0.46-0.58 cm2cm-2 for LAI. For these crop variables, normalized RMSE values were 10-14 for total biomass, 7-16 for panicle biomass, and 54-83 for LAI. The WOFOST model Simulated LAI generally exceeded measured values.

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In order to compare of inheritance, combining ability, heterosis and genes action in the genetic control of flag leaf area, leaf relative water content and grain filling rate in bread wheat cultivars under drought stress conditions, a study was conducted on eight cultivars using method 2 in fixed model of Griffing. General combining ability and specific combining ability mean of squares were highly significant for all the traits with the exception of specific combining ability mean of squares for leaf relative water content that designated importance of both additive and dominance gene effects in inheritance of traits studied in drought stress conditions. The general combining ability mean of square/specific combining ability mean of square ratio was not significant for all the traits. The results of this study showed that non-additive genetic effects were found to be more important than additive effects in genetic control of all the traits.In conclusion, genetic improvement of flag leaf area, leaf relative water content and grain filling rate in drought stress conditions at early generations will have low genetic gain. Therefore, selection for improvement of these traits is better that delayed until advanced generations and increase of its heritability.

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Environmental conditions such as soil salinity, high temperature, and soil toxicity of heavy metals have harmful effects on plant growth and nitrogen uptake by roots. Fluctuations of osmotic pressure usually are related to varying chloride (Cl-) concentration. Increasing N concentration in saline soil solution may have a positive effect on the uptake of other nutrients. A factorial greenhouse experiment on barley was carried out in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with six Cl-/SO4=ratios (C0S0, C1S1, C1S2, C1S3, C2S1 and C3S1) and two nitrogen fertilizers (N1=75 Kg/ha and N2=150 Kg/ ha) on the basis of a completely randomized design with three replications. The objective was to study the effects of Cl- and SO4=salinity and nitrogen on the barley physiological uptake of nutrients and yield. The results showed that maximum grain and straw yield was achieved in C1S3 and C1S2 ratios. In addition, maximum nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) concentrations were presented in straw and grain for C1S2, C1S3 and C1S1 treatments.The maximum of N, P and k concentrations under the effects of Cl-/SO4-ratios and N resulted in low Cl- concentration and high SO4-concentration. P uptake was not under salinity influence, which is because of the medium level of salinity used in the experiment. Maximum grain and N harvest index was observed in C1S3 and C1S1 had maximum P harvest index. The results also indicated that S harvest index was higher in high Cl- ratios (C2S1 & C3S1) because of high sulphate concentration in biomass rather than in grain under sulphate salinity. PFNUE & PFNRE (Partitial Factor N Use Efficiency and Partitial Factor N Uptake Efficiency) were maximum under high SO4=and low Cl- concentration (C1S3 and C1S2) treatments, but not for PFNUTE (Partitial Factor N Utilization Efficiency). Hence, maximum of PFNUTE was related to high Cl- and low SO4-concentrations (C3S1 and C2S1) because of the antagonistic effect between SO4=and NO3-. The trend of PFNUTE, PFNUE & PFNRE was similar in two N levels (75 and 150 Kg/ha) and PFNRE was double for 75 Kg N /ha relative to 150 Kg N/ha.

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    1 (90)
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Grain yield and most of traits that have economic important in plants and animals, herited as quantity and using direct selection method have not large progress. So one of the most effective methods indirect selections as improve grain yield with trait effective on it, is using of selection index. In this research, six rice cultivars were crossed in half diallel design in 2005. In the next year, parents and their progenies were grown in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications and 22 traits were measured. Stepwise regression was done for 22 trait and 7 following traits were selected: number of panicles/plant, number of grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight, spikelt width, number of spikelts/ panicle and plant height and used to estimation of selection indices. Index selection is one of the most effective indirect selection methods for improving grain yield and other important traits. Estimating five different selection indices based on optimum and base indices indicated that selecting for number of panicles/plant and number of grains per panicle by using their stepwise regression and path direct coefficients as economic weights would be a suitable selection criterion for improving of population. Moreover, this study showed that both optimum and base indices presented the same genetic advance for traits studied. The base index, however, is much easier to evaluate than the optimum index, and is recommended.

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    1 (90)
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Bardsir is one of the important agronomic productions areas in Kerman province, which some positions of it are extremely affected by gypsum. This research was performed to study of properties of gypsiferous soils and evaluation of land qualitative suitability for agronomic productions of the area At first, the land maps were studied, then 35 farms were chosen, they had gypsic horizen and were scattered in the total plane. Then one profile in each farm was excavated and described then catch the samples from all horizons. The total gypsum characteristics, using of agriculture instruments and applying of different inputs were studied. Land characteristics for example: salinity, acidity, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), gypsum, lime, texture, structure and climate were used to classification of land suitability and land utilization types like of wheat, barely, alfalfa, maize, sugarbeet and potato were studied. The mean while plant and climate tables were gathered by SYS (1991) and givi (1376). The results show that the maximum and average of soil gypsum was31% and 12%, it is one of the most production limitations. According to 2003 soil taxonomy, the gypsic and salic diagnostic horizon in aridic order was classified. Parent materials, climate, micro relief (topography), physiography, and pendant shapes effect the gypsum formation in the studied erea. Acicular crystals and missilium were separated.Investigation of the land qualitative suitability results show that the change range of classes According to Simple limitation and parametric approaches were (S2 to N2) and (S1 to N2) for wheat, barely: (S1 to N2) and (S1 to N2), potato: (S3 to N2) and (S3 to N2), maize: (S2 to N2) and (S2 to N2) , for sugarbeet (S2 to N2) and (S2 to N2) , alfalfa: (S1 to N2) and (S2 to N2) respectively which the best and worst position were for barely and potato respectively. The researches show that the medium yield of different production in gypsic and nongypsic soils is different.

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    1 (90)
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Contamination of soils with heavy metals is often resulted from human activities and phytoremediation is an effective and economic strategy to remove toxic metals from soils. In order to study the effects of different sources of potassium on phytoremediation of heavy metals from a polluted soil, an incubation test and a greenhouse experiment were conducted.The polluted soil was collected from the adjacent areas of Angooran, s Lead and Zinc mining in Zanjan province. In a randomized complete block design with three replication per treatment, four levels of potassium (K) (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg K2O per kilogram of soil as KCl or K2SO4) were added to pots planted with Azargoal variety of sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.). Results showed that K application significantly (p<1%) increased DTPA-extractable (Cadmium) Cd under incubation and the differences between K2SO4 and KCl effects were significant. K2SO4 application significantly decreased soil pH, however KCl increased it. In the greenhouse experiment effects of different treatments on dry matter production of shoot and root, shoot: root ratio (S/R), Cd concentration, its uptake and translocation factor were significant. In this study the highest amount of Cd uptake (84.57 mgpot-1) was obtained by application of 200 mgkg-1K2O as KCl. Furthermore, cultivation of sunflower decreased concentration of DTPA-extractable Cd. Therefore, this crop is suitable for phytoremediation of Cd. Also phytoremediation efficiency is improved by K fertilizer utilization.More research on this subject under field condition can be very useful and is strongly recommended.

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    1 (90)
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The hydroponics experiment was conducted to evaluate response of selected crops to Fe-deficiency stress in relation with some qualitative and quantitative growth attributes. A completely randomized block design in triplicates was conducted at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) research greenhouse in fall 2007. Sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv. Saccharata), dent corn (Zea mays L. cv S.C704), safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L cvs. Arak 2811 and Koose), two bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L. cvs. Backcross Roshan and Qods), and triticale (X.triticosecale cv. elinor) were grown in a nutrient solution at two Fe levels (5 and 50 mM FeEDTA). The results indicated significant (P<0.01) variation among studied crops in Fe-efficiency. Safflower genotypes were more sensitive to Fe deficiency in comparison with other studied crops and the greatest reduction was observed in their shoot dry matter at 0.5 mM FeEDTA treatment.In contrast, the lowest decrease in root and shoot dry matter weight under Fe-deficient condition was found for bread wheat genotypes Qods and Backcross Roshan. The relative sensitivity of the studied crops to Fe deficiency was wheat<triticale<safflower<corn Iron-efficiency evaluation based on different growth indices showed that Fe content in the shoot and root had significant and positive correlation with crop tolerance to Fe deficiency.

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    1 (90)
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Present work was conducted to study on the adaptability and yield stability of V.narbonences promising lines at warm dry land areas. This study was performed with 5 V.Narbonences genotypes in RCBD (4 replication) for three growing season (2001-2002 to 2003-2004) in 3 warm dray land areas at Kohgiluyeh va Boyerahmad province namely Basht, Dehdasht and Lishter. Seeds were planted in six rows (4m length of the rows) corresponding to each of the 5 genotypes and a border of 25 cm width. Combined analysis of variance for three years and locations for wet forage and biomass yield were implemented. Result showed that error variance for all of experiments was not significant at 5% and 1% probability levels. For the study of stability and adaptability yield of lines were used from Lin and Binns method (intra location variance), Regression indexes, Deviation from regression, Coefficient of location variation, Determination index (R2) and Non-parametric methods such as Rank and Standard deviation of rank (SDR). Results of combined analysis of 3 years and 3 locations showed that year and location effects for wet forage, biomass and seed yield were not significant at 5% and 1% probability levels. Year´location interaction for forage, biomass and seed yield were significant at 5%, 1% and 1% probability levels respectively. Line effect for biomass and forage yield no significant but for seed yield significant at 5% probability levels and line´year interaction effects for wet forage, biomass and seed yield were significant at 5%, 1% and 5% probability levels respectively. Line´location interaction for above characters at 1% probability level was significant and finally line´year´location interaction for all of traits were not significant.With regarding of forage and biomass yield, other agronomic characteristics and stability parameters lines No.4, 5 the highest yield and good stability parameters recognized as stable and adaptable lines in rest of genotypes. Finally we can recommend these lines for the warm areas of Iran.

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    1 (90)
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In order to evaluate the seed density and Molinit rates in direct-seeded rice on barnyard grass control as well as grain yield of rice, LD183 cultivar, a field experiment was conducted in 2005 at Ramin Agricultural and Natural Resources University Mollasani, Ahwaz. The design was split plot in a completed randomized block basis with 4 replications.Main plots were 3 levels of Molinit (3, 5 and 7 lit/ha) with control check and weedy check, and sub plots of 3 seed densities (100, 120 and 140 kg/ha). The increase of herbicide rate to 7 lit/ha, lead to decreasing of dry matter and grain yield, harvest index (HI), total number of rice tillers and spikes, and the number of grain per spike, plant height and HI of barnyard grass. However, it increased the number of grain per ear, percentage of fertility of rice, dry matter and grain yield of barnyard grass. The increase of seed density (140 kg/ha) lead to decreasing dry matter, grain yield, number of grain per ear and percentage of fertility of rice, compared with 100 and 120 kg seed/ha. However, the number of total tillers of rice, and dry matter and grain yield, number of spike in unit area increased with increasing seed density. The interaction effect of seed density and herbicide rate on dry matter and grain yield, number of total tillers, number of fertile ear in unit area, number of grain per ear and percentage of fertility, and dry matter and grain yield, and number spike in unit area was significantly different. Highest grain yield of rice (6.71 t/ha) was obtained with 5 lit/ha Molinit herbicide and 120 kg/ha seed density. Highest grain yield of barnyard grass (1.01 t/ha) was obtained with 3 lit/ha Molinit and 140 kg/ha seed density.

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    1 (90)
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Job creation is one of the most important objectives of a national economic plan in all country special in developing country. Unemployment and loss of employment result in a slowdown in economical, social and cultural development as well as rural-to-urban migration. It is found that most poor people are unemployed. Hence, one of the basic policy measures to alleviate poverty, especially in rural areas, is the creation of employment opportunities and employment security. Agriculture sector of Iran is the most important economy sector that not only it should be production and food security but also expecting to create job for unemployment people. The main objective this study is analyzed employment generation in farms. In this study, the model is used a linear programming model with maximization of employment in objective function. The result showed after running the model increases the employment (15%) but profit farmer loss by 24%. Therefore the employment created well not be sustainable and we cannot expect more job from farm sector.

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  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 90)
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استفاده از مواد شیمیایی برای حفاظت گیاهان زراعی و کنترل آفات به منظور تولید کافی غذا، فیبر و نیز حفاظت از انسان ها و دام به میزان قابل توجهی افزایش یافته است (7). علفکش ها یکی از گروه های اصلی آفت کش ها، ابزاری هستند که انسان با استفاده از آنها خواسته های خود را به طرق مختلف در زمین ارتقاء داده و حفظ می کند. بطور کلی علف های هرز در آسیا سالیانه تقریبا باعث کاهش 10 تا  15درصدی تولید (معادل حدود 50 میلیون تن شلتوک) می شوند (8). علف کش های متعددی با نحوه عمل مختلف به مدت 35 سال در اراضی شالیزاری کشورمان در حال استفاده می باشند (1).تجزیه آفت کش در شالیزارها بر اثر شرایط احیاء که به علت غرقاب بودن، دما و دامنه pH مناسب برای فعالیت میکروبی، سرعت می گیرد (9). اهمیت آن با توجه به فرمولاسیون علف کش، نحوه استفاده از علف کش و شرایط محیطی، بطور گسترده ای تغییر می کند.

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