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The design of climate compatible buildings that use solar energy efficiently causes to reducefossil fuels’ consumption. The aim of this research is to determine the most appropriate aspectratio and orientation of the buildings for receiving optimal solar radiation in the cities of Ardabil, Rasht, Kerman and Bushehr with cold, temperate, hot-dry and hot-humid climates, respectively. Inthis research, the square and rectangular forms with North-South and East-West orientation werestudied. All of the studied forms had the same floor area and elevation with orientation to the South. The aspect ratios of the rectangle form were 1: 1. 2 to 1: 3 (by step 0. 2), and the orientation of thestudied optimum aspect ratios were 180º to 105º (by step 15º ) SE and SW. The amount of directenergy received by vertical surfaces of buildings is calculated and processed, using the “ Law ofCosines” computational method, for different months and in 24 geographic directions, in terms ofthe cold and hot periods of the year. The maximum amount of energy received by vertical surfaces incold and hot periods is related to the rectangular form with East-West and North-South orientation, respectively. The results of the research show that the appropriate form of the buildings in studiedcities is the rectangle with East-West orientation. The most suitable aspect ratio for EW rectanglularform is 1: 1. 2 in Ardabil, 1: 1. 4 in Rasht and 1: 1. 6 in Kerman and Bushehr cities. The best orientationsfor the determined aspect ratios in Ardabil is 165º SE and in Rasht, Kerman and Bushehr cities is180º South.

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Hafezi Sara | SIMONI PUNIK



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Nowadays designing open plans, as a legacy of modern architecture, is still common. With the everyday expansion of digital appliances and their importance in daily life, the usage of this facilities can also be observed in spacial designs. But what is crucial today is user-based design. Minding childhoods considerable part in developing one’ s personality, it is required to pay special attention to children and their needs as main users of the design. This research addresses the correlation of common features mentioned, in design for child users. After studying the fields of children's psychology and environmental psychology, it was revealed that interaction and memory are important variables in childhood. The correlation of these variables with the type of plan (open or divided) was measured in two stages of experiment with two children in each stage. Using digital features, the correlation of these variables with the design was also tested. In evaluating both experiments, variables such as the level and type of interaction, children’ s interaction with the environment and space, and the activity, as well as recollection and recalling the details about the activity, space and level of pleasance were included as factors. After analyzing the data it was found that there was a positive correlation between the divided plan design and and interaction in children as well as the memory of the activity, which seems to be due to a more appropriate scale and also stimulation of curiosity in children. Positive corrections were also found between the environment with digital facilities, memory of the activity and the children's interactions. However digital devices and facilities are a new phenomenon, and younger generations are accustomed to it in a different manner than the previous. Therefore, the positive correlation may be due to the relationship of recent generation of children with digital appliances.

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Khosravi Shadi | TAHMASEBI ARSALAN | Mirza Kouchak Khoshnevis Ahmad



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The researching of contemporary architecture shows that in the recent period, due to modernization in the structure of society, a gap has been created between traditional and contemporary architecture. Resolving the identity crisis problem in architecture requires extensive studies on Identity-Creating Notion in native architecture. For this purpose, in this study, principles have been studied such as the "Illuminated heart" as an expression of transparency in Iranian architecture. The results show that if it is possible to comprehend the meaning of these concepts properly in appearance and exterior we can give the works a native identity. In the meantime, the study of the neighboring country of Turkey, which has historical similarities in terms of traditional architecture as well as modernization in the community as well as Iran, and its way of dealing with this issue in comparative analysis of architectural studies can provide better results. In this study, with more than nine decades of architectural study, this question is answered whether the presence or absence of "Illuminated heart" in contemporary architectural works can be a sign of the identity of native architecture over the past hundred years? In this research, with the help of library studies, the study of the "Illuminated heart" as the concept of identification in the architecture of Iran and Turkey was studied, and after quantitative studies and data analysis methods, considering the conditions of the contemporary era, the results have been obtained that the results indicate that in contemporary buildings in every decade, based on the conditions of the society, and the way of the presence of architects and their approach, The decline has been in the architectural identity. And where architects deliberately sought to express the concepts of the identity in their works, they could be seen in the restoration of native identity in architecture.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of educational games in the main courses of architecture (architectural design) in undergraduate studies, on the level of mental perception and promotion of the learning process. Architectural colleges specifically use workshops as the main teaching tool. Conceptually, the workshop is a process of learning through practice, in which students are exposed to solving a series of design problems. Therefore, finding new educational solutions in studios is considered that can improve the process of learning. The current research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in terms of data collection and descriptive-analytical in terms of data collection, which was conducted experimentally with pre-test-post-test design with control group. The statistical population of this study was students of two architectural designs of the first semester of the 99-98 academic year of the Islamic Azad University, Parand Branch, sixty of whom were randomly selected to participate in this study and were tested and controlled in two groups of thirty. The case group was trained in a playful way. Strop test was used to collect data, the content validity of which was confirmed by experts. The reliability of time and error were examined and both sections were obtained at the appropriate and acceptable level. Data collected from the test were organized in the form of statistical tables and SPSS. 22 software was used for statistical analysis of the obtained data. Since the speed of brain function and accuracy of the students in the case group at the end of the study was significantly different from the control group it can be concluded that serious games in the main courses of architecture have been effective in increasing the perception and promotion of learning, so this study suggests using this method in architectural design courses.

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One of the most important issues in strategically planning the development of immigrant suburban settlements in industrial cities is that the sociological, psychological and cultural dimensions of the city grow naturally at the same time as the physical development of the city grows to become a living place responsive to all aspects of human existence as citizens. In this study, based on the theory of right to the city, it is attempted to analyze and propose the optimal place for constituting a public urban open space, tailored to the needs of the target community, in the Arak Mohajeran town. Based on a qualitative research approach and intentionally using a comparative-deductive inference research design, the theoretical framework and the principal components of the right to the city were first obtained from library studies. The qualities of public domain can be classified into four components: physical, functional, social and semantic. Then, by distributing the structured questionnaire among the residents of the town and the academic elite, the criteria and sub-criteria were weighted using analysis hierarchical process (AHP). The results showed that among the selected options from field research, site A with ultimate weight of 0. 333 was considered the most suitable site. Among the criteria, site permeability was weighted 0. 375, and among the sub-criteria, network traffic and site access had the most impact. In the criterion of identity and vitality, the presence of space with a weight of 0. 257 was the most important factor. In the criterion of readability, accessibility with a weight of 0. 290 and in the criterion of dynamics and adaptability, continuity of neighborhood residents from past to present with a weight of 0. 360 has the most impact and so it shows that residents have given greater importance to maintaining social structure in terms of accessibility and sense of place attachment.

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In the modern era, numerous political, cultural, social, economic, etc. factors caused fundamental alterations in Iranian architecture. As a result of architectural developments, changes in appearance, and sometimes structures of public buildings, including universities, are happening which mirror the cultural conditions of their time. So, identifying and examining the criteria of modernism and tradition in the architecture of Tehran’ s universities with the aim of shedding more light on the history of contemporary Iranian architecture are of great importance. Accordingly, this study aims to examine and identify the criteria of tradition and modernism used in faculties to answer the question of "To what extent have each of these criteria been effective in the manifestation of tradition or modernism? " To this end, a combined nest-to-nest methodology is used, which simultaneously utilizes interview and questionnaire. First, the criteria of tradition and modernism are extracted from the concepts, and then the coding table is formed. Next, interviews are arranged according to which the variables used by tradition and modernism in the buildings are presented. The questionnaire is then used for verification. The qualitative and quantitative findings are extracted using two Atlas. ti and SPSS software, respectively. These results indicate that 22 criteria of tradition and modernism have been used in these buildings, most of which were the criteria of modernism. It is found that the most evocative factors of tradition are “ use of bricks in facades” and “ uniaxial symmetry” and the least evocative ones are “ spatial hierarchy” , “ spatial organization” , and “ limited use of form-physical elements” . Also, in modernism, “ lack of ornaments” as well as “ simplicity and purity of volumes” are the most evocative factors and “ not being tied to geometry” and “ form follows function” are the least evocative ones.

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Mortazavi Farbod | Mahmoudi Sari Mohammad Hossein | Barmayehvar Behnod



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Energy and its consumption is one of the most concerning issues during recent decades. Construction with having 40% share of all of the energy consumption and with producing 35% of greenhouse gases, is one of the most noted industries in this matter. Researches with LCA approach, have shown that 10-20% of these consumed energies are embodied energies, hence 80-90% of energy usage in construction is for operation period of the buildings. Heating and cooling includes 60-70% of this operational energy usage of the construction. Though, failing to manage of this part of energy usage would cause a great failure not only in sustainable development and optimization of energy consumption, but also in environmental pollution, operational costs and facilities depreciation. Selecting a suitable heating and cooling system in the smart way is a key factor to reach the proper balance between needs satisfaction and energy consumption. This research is going to found a proper foundation for decision making through developing a DSS for facilitating the process of decision making about selecting the most suitable heating and cooling systems for non-industrial buildings. In this proposed model, the emphasis is on general conditions (e. g. heating and cooling systems technical specifications, notifications of the experts, etc. ) as well as special situations of the building and project (e. g. climate, project size and quality level, values of the client, notices of design team, etc. ) therefor it would fit the best for both general and special conditions and suits all the stackholders with best heating and cooling system solutions.

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Simulation is a very important tool which has been used for several years in several fields (with computer and non-computer systems). This paradigm is called “ Simulation-Based Design” or SBD. It is the process in which simulation is the primary means of evaluation and verification. As a result of the rising awareness of environmental issues and the increase in the cost of energy, building professionals increasingly have to consider the sustainability and energy performance of their designs by using building energy performance simulation and optimisation (BEPSO)tools. Despite of the number of countries that use simulation tools in architectural design, BEPSO has not yet been implemented in Iran widely. This paper provides an overview on this subject, aiming at clarifying computer simulation and BEPSO tools and outlining potential challenges and obstacles in them. In Addition, the BEPSO results of an office building in Tabriz are presented to show the role of simulation in three main stages of building energy performance evolution namely: 1) design stage, 2) construction stage and 3) operation stage. The simulation results show that, in general, the factors that result in the most significant reduction in energy consumption, by up to 50%, are as follows: 1) the implementation of double skin faç ade with a 0. 6 cm cavity space in the south facade as a design solution, 2) lowering u-value of external walls and flat roofs as construction factor, 3) automatic control of lighting, using light sensors, window, indoor set-point temperature, natural ventilation and shading as operation factors.

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Mental health, especially psychological well-being is a concept that illustrates how one thinks, feels and acts in the face of different situations in life. That depends on one's understanding of oneself and one's own environment. Now if this environment is urban space, The subject becomes more complex. Urban spaces consist of components such as natural and man-made factors that Natural factors play the greatest role in improving the quality of urban spaces. Understanding their characteristics and effects on humans is a way to create positive urban environments and spaces. That increases the mental health and psychological well-being of the residents. The overall purpose of this article is to identify the relationship between natural factors of public spaces and the psychological well-being of individuals and explaining their meaning or not is meaningful in different public spaces. Therefore, natural factors, with their own characteristics, were assessed and measured to assess the relationship with psychological well-being. Then, using those indices as well as the Reef scale, a questionnaire was designed to correlate these components with psychological well-being and was presented to 700 participants in seven public spaces of Tehran. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were used to assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to investigate the effects of natural components in Tehran area on psychological well-being and to determine their relationship. Findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between natural factors of urban spaces and well-being. natural indicators generally predict 10% of the variance in psychological well-being. That is, by increasing the natural components of urban space, people's well-being improves. The findings also showed that contact with nature has the greatest impact on the psychological well-being of the people of Tehran.

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The present study, using descriptive-analytical method and using library resources, applying an interdisciplinary approach, seeks to make it clear that viewing spectacular views and surface effects of modern urban life has created a new aesthetic pleasure that formed to the pleasure of cinematic spectatorship experience. The study examines the ritual of attending to cinema in relation to other features of metropolitan life-such as modern architecture and urban planning, urban neon lights, advertising posters and billboards, rituals of window shopping. Hence, the research especially focuses on the spatial-visual features of the modern metropolis of Berlin in the Weimar period. The urban sphere of Weimar Berlin was, according to many theorists, one of the most brilliant crystallizations of urban modernity. In this regard, the paper particularly draws on the observations of Siegfried Kracauer, the theorist associated with the Frankfurt School. Considering the fact that in the issues related to urban modernization and the characteristics of the modern metropolis, the characteristics of the Berlin metropolis in the Weimar period are focused in this research, then in the final part Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis (1927), by Walter Ruttmann is used as a case study of the topics covered in the article, and the representation of the urban experience in the images and scenes of this film will be analyzed. Many of the metaphorical issues raised in this work can be clearly traced in this work as one of the most brilliant films of the "urban genre" of the Weimar period. Examining the scenes of this film, especially the images of the fifth screen of the film, which focuses on the charms of Berlin's nightlife, it was found that Rothman's conscious work often refers to the cinematic quality of the modern city and this aspect of the metropolitan experience Is emphasized.

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Security and reducing crime opportunities and diminishing criminal incentives have become a global commitment. Security by designing an appropriate approach to the realization of a safe urban environment by employing appropriate and purposeful design of the human environment that it tries to reduce the occurrence of urban environments by planning and designing efficiently. Mehr Housing is one of the policies of the last decade in Iran that has been formed to provide low-income housing but, despite being newly constructed, has failed to address the needs and concerns of its residents And crime is one of the most important debates in these urban arenas right now. In this article, Mehr Housing of Nazarabad has been analyzed and evaluated from the viewpoint of residents and finally design and planning strategies for crime prevention have been presented. The CPTED components based on the theoretical literature of this area were extracted and distributed to 220 residents of Mehr Township through a questionnaire And analyzed by factor and regression. The results of this analysis show that the seven factors of people's natural supervision in the urban environment, solidarity in the local community, anthropogenic design, collection management and maintenance, servicing, tailoring and promotion of identity are factors influencing the improvement of security in this town from the perspective of residents And the first three factors have the most influence and correlation with this category. Therefore, planning and designing to enhance each of these factors can enhance residents' perceptual security. Creating population-absorbing activities in urban spaces, creating commercial and 24 hours activities, holding cultural-religious ceremonies and creating urban spaces for gathering residents are high priority in this residential town.

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Although urban planning researchers emphasize that the distribution of benefits from the implementation of urban policies should be distributed fairly, in some cases not only some areas of the city do not receive a fair share, but also spend the income of each region relative to its income. The area is disproportionate. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution of public uses in the five districts of Arak to determine the relationship between the distribution of service uses and the municipality's revenue earned from construction crimes in each area. The research method is descriptive and correlational. The PSI technique was used to rank, the Kendall tau-c coefficient and gamma coefficient were used to determine the correlation. data are obtained from GIS data and library method. According to findings There is no spatial justice in the distribution of urban services in the five districts of Arak. District1are in the best condition and District5are in the worst condition. The relationship between the rank of regions in terms of per capita public uses with the revenues earned from construction violations in each region is-0. 4, which is a significant, inverse and moderate intensity relationship. Therefore, the municipality must prevent construction violations; Then, as the most important institution in planning and implementing policies for providing and distributing resources of wealth and opportunity in society, to provide public services in each region in proportion to the income earned by the residents of that region, to provide services in each region. It is suggested that the laws be amended so that the budget allocation of the municipalities in the region is commensurate with their income. In this regard, it is necessary to change the laws to allow local governments to spend some of the revenues of the regions in proportion to the service deficit.

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The concepts of urban development and backwardness of the old and historical contexts from the development process are the corresponding phenomena in non-developed or developing countries, which generally resulted from linear and horizontal only physical growth, instead of considering the inner potentialities of cities. The current research pursues the objective of understanding the correct procedure of spatial development of a city, especially Kermanshah as the case study and analyzing the irregular developmental trends of the Feizabad neighborhood, as well as identifying effective factors in creating and increasing the dimensions of weariness in this area. From the methodological point of view, this research has been done by focusing on a case study strategy and a descriptive-analytical method. Finally, it has been validated by a survey of experts to precise the research proposition theory. This was done by designing and distributing a researcher-made questionnaire among experts in the field of architecture and Urbanism with a high familiarity with the old context of Kermanshah. In this way, by weighing and scoring the items extracted from the theoretical framework of the research, the priority of the components of the research conceptual model was achieved, and thus it was possible to rank the negative consequences of the development concerning the weariness of the studied historical context. The results show that the increase in the size of the city in different historical periods has had no relevance to population growth. Especially, due to incorrect policies regarding the transfer of land after the Islamic Revolution, the deterioration of the Feizabad neighborhood has increased. Then, the problems such as lack of Balancing the city has led to the formation of competition between new large areas and the central contexts increasing maintenance costs and informal settlements.

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There is no doubt that the cities are the most predominant human settlements to the eyes of the citizen, on the other hand, in recent years, scale of human settlement is facing increasingly natural disasters. Including its significant destruction after major earthquakes events. Having said that in this research, I am trying to provide a set of the most important indicators that could make cities resilient against possible earthquake in future. In these studies we are looking at the old center of the city of Rasht including traditional city market, the cultural path of the Alam-Al-Hoda, historical collection of Rasht municipality and square branch. Our aims are to answer to the following questions 1-what does the spatial resilience mean. 2-What are the most significant indicators in resilience spatial-physical planning in order to combat the impact of earthquake and its consequent damages? 3. What is the importance of these indicators? And further to examine the most important data related to the answer of the questions above. In this paper, we have selected four categories of indicators, 20 criterion and 35 sub-criteria of physical resilience against earthquake and by using AHP and Fuzzy hybrid logic model determines the importance of indicators and the order of priority of criteria and sub-criteria. The results show that among the four main categories of physical resilience indexes of central city of Rasht, the finding indicates that open spaces stand atop, among the criteria raised, the criterion of securing the infrastructure of the city against natural disasters was the highest and among the sub-criteria. The distance to the nearest open space is also the highest.

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Knowledge clusters are central places of knowledge production and knowledge-based workers are the driving force in regional economic growth. The following paper will look at District6, Tehran and its path towards a knowledge-based development. This study investigates the concept of knowledge-based development and its related spatial features. The paper provides an in-depth discussion on the concepts such as knowledge precincts, knowledge clusters, knowledge workers. This paper discusses the critical connections between knowledge workers and knowledge clusters in District 6 of Tehran. Data collected from websites, directories, governmental policy documents and knowledge workers interviews have enabled us to analyze the spatial situation of knowledge-based workers in District6, Tehran. The paper introduces social and environmental essentials for attracting and retaining knowledge workers in District6, Tehran to facilitate their participation in the knowledge-based development process. Our assessment particularly focuses on examining knowledge workers working in the main knowledge clusters of this District 6 regarding their satisfaction in terms of quality of life, urban diversity, social equity and quality of place. Knowledge clusters are central places of knowledge production and knowledge-based workers are the driving force in regional economic growth. The following paper will look at District6, Tehran and its path towards a knowledge-based development. This study investigates the concept of knowledge-based development and its related spatial features. The paper provides an in-depth discussion on the concepts such as knowledge precincts, knowledge clusters, knowledge workers. This paper discusses the critical connections between knowledge workers and knowledge clusters in District 6 of Tehran. Data collected from websites, directories, governmental policy documents and knowledge workers interviews have enabled us to analyze the spatial situation of knowledge-based workers in District6, Tehran.

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Following the vast urban expansion created by the growth of urbanization, paying attention to housing needs, housing quality and access to affordable housing for all has become one of the crucial issues in the area of urban planning. The human life platform is on the path to achieve spatial justice and sustainable urban development, which has led to many problems, including citizens’ dissatisfaction and the consequent abandonment of neighborhoods and cities. Eslamshahr, as one of the important urban centers in Tehran province, today faces various problems such as areas of inequality in housing, which has reduced its viability. The purpose of this research is to investigate and evaluate the spatial equality in the housing domain in this city in order to provide strategies for its promotion. The research method is mainy-analytical. Bases on this, 382 residents of Eslamshahr were randomly selected to complete the questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using T-test in SPSS software and six district of the city were ranked based on TOPSIS model. Finally, the SWOT analysis technique was used to provide strategies for promoting spatial justice in the housing area of Eslamshahr. The research findings show that most of the indicators of housing equality in Eslamshahr are lower than the average level. District 1 with TOPSIS score of 0. 910 and District 4 with TOPSIS score of 0. 105 have the lowest rank in Eslamshahr housing areas have their own. In addition, the adaptive strategy of providing residential services at different performance scales (W11O8), the contingency strategy of mixing areas to create a lively environment (S4T7), the defensive strategy of organizing user systems especially at night to increase visibility (W8T5) and Strengthening public participation (S2O6) as one of the most important strategies for promoting justice in the housing sector is another finding of the present study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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