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Studying of autecology of Bothriochloa ischaemum with the aim to find and use the applicable information in rangeland improvement and development programs were carried out. The first was provided habitat. Then were selected two different areas (Tangrah and Gorgan) as study sites. Sampling was carried out by random-systematic method. The ecological characteristics (topographic, climatic, edaphic), canopy cover, density, frequency were investigated. Root system, phenology, preference value and Forage quality were measured. Result showed Bothriochloa ischaemum is grown in these sites as pure and homogeneous. The rainfall in tangrah and Gorgan sites are 866 and 533 mm and mean temperature is 15.66 and 17.8 degree centigrade. Bothriochloa ischaemum is grown on rocky regions and southern slopes 25-80% at 239-1660 m from sea. Soil studies showed that Bothriochloa ischaemum appears on soils with silt-loam and loam texture. Mean canopy cover in Gorgan and Tangrah sites are 88.5 and 78% and density is 1800 and 1600 in hectare. Root system is weaved intensity and it penetrates in the soils to 50 cm. Initial growth occurs end of February, flowering early July, seed ripening end of august and seed falling at the middle of September. Regeneration very good and germination percent is more than 80%. Thousand seeds weigh is 0.23 gr. Seed planting accomplished in original site and most of seeds germinated. This species is heavily grazing.

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This study done aimed to investigating of the relationship between LAI and soil carbon sequestration in Chamestan Forest and Rangeland Research Station in a completely randomized design, which Oak (Quercus castaneifolia) has been planted in pure and mixed with any of the species including Siberian Elm (Zelkova carpinifolia), Maple (Acer velutinum), Hackberry (Celtis australis) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) in 1995. For sampling of leave, six trees were selected from each species in each treatment. The leaf area index was determined by gravimetric method. The effectiveness of each forest stand on carbon sequestration was studied in two soil depths of 0-20 cm and 21-60 cm. The results showed that the highest and lowest amount of LAI was calculated for Oak-Maple mixed stand (5.96) and Oak-Elm mixed stand (3.63) respectively. Oak trees have the lowest LAI in Oak-Maple plantation. Soil carbon sequestration in pure stand of Oak was estimated 92.8 ton/hectare in the first depth and mixed stand of Oak-Hornbeam has the highest (120.16 t/ha) and bare land treatment has the lowest (75.0 t/ha) soil carbon sequestration amount. This parameter at second soil depth of 40 cm varies at the rate of 96.56 to 145.86 t/ha and different stands were not significantly different in this respect. The Pearson correlation hasn’t shown coefficient between LAI and soil carbon sequestration to this age of plantations.

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The harrarun region, with total area about 13000 Hectars and with average altitiude about 2044 meters from the sea Level, situated in Sowth of Baft city in kerman province, iran, the aim of this study was to identify and introduce the flora of hararrun region. Flora of this region includes: 112 plant species (3 gymnosperms 7 monocots and 102 dicots). that belong to 33 families and 89 genera. the important families are Asteracea, Lamiaceae, Papilonaceae, Rosaceae and Geramineae, with15, 15, 13, 8 and 6 species respectively, life form of the plant species of hararun region include: hemicryptophytes 29.47% therophytes 27.67% chamephytes 11.64% phanerophytes %11.6 jeophyte: 11.6% chryptophytes: 7.14%: from the veiw point of regional elements plants of this region include: 65.17% Irano-turanian, 12.5% Irano-turanian and saharo-sindian, 8.05% saharo-sindian, 6.7% Mediterranean 4.4% Hyrcanean 3.65% cosmic.

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Gum tragacanth is one of the most important medicinal and industrial products of rangelands, obtained from the scarification of gum tragacanth-producing Astragalus including Astragalus gossypinus. This species is threatened with extinction due to the non-normative exploitation. This research was aimed to provide a scientific method for the exploitation of gum tragacanth as well as the conservation and survival of this species. The study was conducted in two regions of Isfahan province using a random complete blocks design in a factorial scheme with three replications. Each replication included 30 shrubs that were exploited for the first time. Treatments included the number of scarification and harvesting. The traits included the amount of gum tragacanths obtained from each replication, the percentage of plant mortality, canopy cover, and 1000-seed weight. According to the obtained results, the number of harvesting had a negative impact on canopy cover. The number of scarification and harvesting and their interaction effect on product was not significant. Overall, two scars and four-times harvesting could be recommended for the exploitation of A. gossypinus.

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Evaluation of ecotourism capability is mean the identify of land capability for recreation and tourism landuse with attention to importance of forest park, is necessary evaluation of recreation potential and identify of suitable regions for recreation usage. In this study, The appropriate areas for tourism and ecotourism plans were identified in Ghoori Ghale area located at North western of Paveh with an area of 2498.46 ha Using GIS and systematic analysis model .Based on the result, No class 1 mass ecotourism existed in the study area. Twenty nine percent of the area were potential for class 2 alternative ecotourism 38% for class1 alternative ecotourism and 33% for alternative ecotourism. To deter mine the importance of available water resources on tourism development, Delphi method was used. For this, 100 questionnaire were distributed among tourists in Kermanshah and Ghoori Ghale area. Based on the obtained result, different type and degrees of ecotourism depend on the available water resource. To measure the effects water resource factor on ecotourism and also to enhance the systematic analysis model, The map of water resources were prepared then this map was combined with primary ecotourism potential map (obtained using systematic analysis model) to produce the final ecotourism potential map. Result of ecotourism potential evaluation showed that 6%, 28%, 35%, and 31% of the study area are appropriate for class 1 mass ecotourism, class 2 mass ecotourism, class1 alternative ecotourism and class 2 alternative ecotourism, respectively. Then, Comparison were made between the primary and final ecotourism potential maps to identify the effects of water resource on ecotourism potential of the area. Our findings showed higher effects water resource factor rather than physical factors.

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An important charactristic of the public domain is street and street trees show a monitoring of the urban tissues. Urban green space due to the enviromental values is the main characteristic of each city. The first step for all of the management and planning of urban green space, knowing information about street trees is the first step to proper management. Due to the recent events have taken the risk creation of trees in the babol city. In this research, the assessment of hazardous pinus (Pinus eldarica Medw) in the Felestin street to University of Medical Sciences and Intersection of Farhang to Ghaziketi square, and all tree perfect inventoried. Trees were carried out on both sides of Farhang and Farmandari Street. Detected the types of tree defects were using risk criteria. Totally, 120 trees were sampled. After the analysis of data classify the level of hazardous in each criterion. The results showed that the dead woods and root problems tree structure are the main tree defects (with values of 75 and 65 percent of all sample trees, respectively), while weak branch unions and decay have less importance. Regarding to combination of tree defects, 12 trees (10% of all trees) were classified as very dangerous and must be removed. Other tree (average hazardous) must be crown pruning.

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In fact organizing and livestock out of the forests and aggregating dispersed woodman families projects is regional economic development plan with the aim sustaining production forests and improve the economic and social situation subjects is particular importance. This study reviews and analyzes the social and economic situation included the projects in the Minudasht and Galikesh cities. For this purpose, the three regions, one area of Yanqaq aggregation projects they later moved accommodation were on the sector that facilities it provides by department of natural resources for them and second area based per fee difference housing projects moved to town and finally, village People reject transport projects and now still live in the forest village, survey was conducted by self administered questionnaire and interviewing methods and use the Kruskal wallis, chi square and Binomial testes and histogram obtained for each of the variables. The results show improving of the living facilities acceptability project compared to villagers people while aggregation projects people were satisfied with their living conditions and amenities and per fee difference housing projects people grievances proclaim their. Results showed reducing dependence on forests individuals' included the projects compared to the villagers' people. As well as three regions their willingness to participate in conservation of natural resource. Finally, we can say interviewees included in aggregate projects are more satisfied with life compared to include per fee difference housing projects Such that their living conditions better compared to per fee difference housing projects and villages people and according to the willing participation the affairs of Natural resources can be programmed to improve their economic status.

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This study cognitional changes area and accumulation in various gradients and altitudes of these forests is studied via aerial photos in 1955 (1:55000) and in 1997 (1:40000). For this purpose, geometric corrections are done as the movement correction issued from ups and downs on the pictures taken in the air is performed, then the forest frontier localities are fixed through sight inter pretation and thickness layers of canopy was appointed in a dotted network with the width of 2 millimeters. The frontier line of separated layers is drawn in Arcview software in the form of closed polygons and the area of these polygons are measured separately. Then any changes in area of these polygons in every stage of photographs are compared through software and the layer changes of the thickness of canopy are provided. Then, the prepared gradient and altitude maps in the three classes in ArcView software and from combining each of these maps with density map in the years 1955 and 1997, the forest changes were found in different classes of gradient and altitude. Results shows that the bulk density of the forest in classes of dense (F1) and semi-dense (F2) is with most of the area in gradient class (30-60 %) and the lowest is in the area of gradient class (more than 60%). But the class of sparse density (F3) is with most of the area in gradient class (30-60%) and the lowest is in the area of gradient class (0-30%). In addition, results shows that the surface dense density classes (F1) and semi-dense (F2) and sparse (F3) possess is with most of the area in altitude (1700-2000 m) and the lowest is in the area of altitude class (more than 2000 meters).

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Study more about the different points of view Hydrometolojy flood drainage systems and catchment model analysis of rainfall, runoff and flood designated area according to hydrological and hydraulic retention basins, not only financially, but also the legal and the pre warning system to predict and help the decoder is represents the flooding. The purpose of this study is to provide an appropriate mechanism to establish flood warning system hydrological model HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS hydraulic model for the catchment dam is Garmi Chay. After restructuring the data in hydrological studies, flood frequency analysis, maximum a day at selected stations has been distributed to all stations, the three-parameter normal distribution. Applying the ratio of the maximum instantaneous flood peak flood one day, maximum instantaneous flood levels with return periods Garmi Chay River at the dam site Garmi Chay was calculated. The model calculations show that the contribution of the sub-basin outlet flood peak flows sub watershed is not necessarily proportional to the sub basin with high peak flows are not necessarily more effective flood basin outlet. Based on the results pre alerts dam hot tea in Group C (no more than 3 to 6 hours) floor was packed.

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