The harrarun region, with total area about 13000 Hectars and with average altitiude about 2044 meters from the sea Level, situated in Sowth of Baft city in kerman province, iran, the aim of this study was to identify and introduce the flora of hararrun region. Flora of this region includes: 112 plant species (3 gymnosperms 7 monocots and 102 dicots). that belong to 33 families and 89 genera. the important families are Asteracea, Lamiaceae, Papilonaceae, Rosaceae and Geramineae, with15, 15, 13, 8 and 6 species respectively, life form of the plant species of hararun region include: hemicryptophytes 29.47% therophytes 27.67% chamephytes 11.64% phanerophytes %11.6 jeophyte: 11.6% chryptophytes: 7.14%: from the veiw point of regional elements plants of this region include: 65.17% Irano-turanian, 12.5% Irano-turanian and saharo-sindian, 8.05% saharo-sindian, 6.7% Mediterranean 4.4% Hyrcanean 3.65% cosmic.