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This research has been performed in order to description of the symptoms and the evaluation of the co-occurrence in different severity of charcoal oak diseases ofQ. castaneifolia in the Qoroq forest park. signs and symptoms of charcoal diseases include number, height, area and depth of canker in 385 tree with an average diameter of 52/5 cm and a diameter range of 15 to 140 cm at seven transects were recorded over a period of six months. Based on the damage severity of disease, trees in the five classes: Healthy and no evidence of disease (1), bleeding only in the very small surface (2), bleeding, developed canker plus beetles (3), bleeding and decay of tissue developed and deep cankers with beetle activity (4), and dead trees (5), Grouped. The analysis of variance demonstrated that mean of height, depth and area of canker in the trees disease was different and also a significant correlation was detected between depth and area of canker with severity of charcoal disease. Results of evaluation of the co-occurrence severities of different disease using paired quadrat covariance showed that trees and dead trees are positively correlated, such that the difference in disease severity between the trees was greater, the co-occurrence was less likely. These results, the pattern of the distribution and development of charcoal disease offers that in the management and reforestation infected forests is applications.

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Utilization based on forest productivity potential is usually considered as part of the close to nature silvicultural methods, which are frequently prescribed to minimize damage to forest stands and natural regeneration. The current research reports the results of implementation of carrying capacity technique for logging procedure in a hornbeam-alder-oak hyrcanian forestss trees, in Loveh, in Golestan province. There are three kinds of carrying capacity. Physical carrying capacity is calculated on the basis of a clear cutting assumption and maximum forest utilization. Excluding snags and young stands and putting the topography, climate and erosion limitations into account, ecological carrying capacity is estimated. Finally management carrying capacity is a portion of ecological carrying capacity, which is feasible to logging from man power and automation point of view. In the long run and for hornbeam, the result of our research indicated a tally of 2700 and 1835 trees and wood volume of 15822 and 10753.1 m3 as physical and ecological carrying capacities respectively. Physical carrying capacity values for alder and oak tree counts were 1184 and 246 trees as well as their correspondent 7340.8 and 1739.22 m3 wood productions. Ecological carrying capacity for alder was 829 trees and 5139.8 m3 wood productions and for oak were 174 trees and 1230.18 m3 wood productions. Overall about 60% of ecological carrying capacity could be regarded as management carrying capacity.

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The objective of this was to determine the effect of topography factor for soil surface characteristics and pasture in north and south slopes of Margavar, as representative of the West shrub land pasture of Azarbayejane gharbi. For this purpose, by using the Land scape function Analysis method, use for a simple evaluation of the quality and capabilities of potential natural grassland ecosystem was performed. The width, the height, the density of the patch and inter-patch and also, the 11 parameters was measure on the tree transects of 50 meters length. The paired t-test results showed that the index of land scape stability, nutrient cycle and infiltration was higher on north aspect than south aspect. Most ecological indicators of south and north aspect was shrub form respectively. The extension of Amygdalus scoparia, that despite the undeniable impact of low density in the area of management is recommended.

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Goroj species (Gymnocarpus decander) one of the most important species in the meadows of the Hormozgan province, which ranges widely from province to emerge as one of the element type is a mechanism of protection soil and forage production for livestock pastures play an important role in the province. lack of adequate rainfalls, drought, heavy grazing and uncontrolled, the additional pressure on the plant species and the degradation and destruction of these species can be in different areas the province was well observed. In order to check the status of species Goroj Climate parameters include temperature, precipitation, humidity, evaporation, wind phenomenon, sundial and the plant parameters such as density and percent cover was assessed and analyzed using SPSS statistical software. Investigation of the degree of correlation between climatic and plant parameters showed a significant correlation. So, by using of multiple regressions, the decreases in independent climatic parameters into the parameters which had more effect on the plant dependent parameters were done. Altogether, it was found that the climatic element of the average of annual maximum temperature with 34.5 percent of the dependent variable changes has the greatest impact on Goroj species distribution.

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Using the rational and systematic approaches in the management of resources and optimization is very important. These methods should be such as to take into account the land potential, otherwise irreparable damage to resources and the land is entered. Ecological capability evaluation of development of urban, rural and industrial means how much the ecological potential is. The aim of this study is ecological capability evaluation of development of urban, rural and industrial of Darab Township according to the environmental crisis in the Township of Darab, and proposing the strategies for achieving the goals of sustainable development in this area. Therefore, Darab Township was assessed with overlaying information layers using GIS. The results of evaluation were presented in two fairly suitable classes (2) and poor (3). In addition, current use of deployment in urban (polygon), rural and industrial (point) were overlaid to ecological capability map of development in order to evaluate mentioned current uses. Results show most of urban areas, industrial and rural areas are located in unsuitable class of 3.

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For gaining the participation of living people in a watershed for cooperation of them in the watershed plans, the effective factors should be considered. In this study individuality- professionally and educational-extensional characteristics of the rural people which were the member of watershed cooperative of Saghezchi-Chaei watershed (Ardabil province), and the effect of these factors on the participation of those on the watershed cooperatives were investigated. This research was conducted based on descriptive survey design and questionnaire. The statistical population of the study was the member of the watershed cooperatives rural areas including, Saghezchi, Soha, Hour, Tafieh and Raz totally 115 beneficiaries, which were inhabitant on the Saghezchi-Chaei watershed. For data analysis SPSS software were used. Obtained results from the description of individuality- professionally of beneficiaries which were the members of watershed cooperative of Saghezchi-Chaei watershed including: age, main profession, amount of education, type of profession in village, amount of skill and etc show that; firstly the only old beneficiaries with low education, and farmer and animal keeper with moderate skills have interested to participate in the watershed cooperative. Young educated people have no considerable believes to the success of watershed cooperative and they prefer more to emigrate and less interested to stay in rural area, and do different activities in the form of cooperatives. Beneficiaries view in regards to the educational programs participation for the increase of participation was considerable and they asking for this program. Moreover, according to the significance of Mann-Whithney comparison coefficient (a=0.01), familiar members with the concept of exclusure and rural cooperative crops, have the highest participation in the watershed cooperatives.

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Kashan plain located in central of Iran and its climate is arid. Population growth and increasing demand new sources, it is endangering the fragile ecosystems. Reduced agricultural production, abandoned agricultural land and desertification phenomena which appear in Kashan plain is clearly visible, the evidence for this claim. In this study, the factors affecting the spread of undesirable process in which water and soil have been studied. Changes in soil salinity and Alkalinity in the Kashan plain area by drilling 8 profiles over 5 years. The results showed that increasing salinity changes at three sites, two fixed sites and 3 sites is decreasing. Therefore, increasing the salinity and soil degradation in the 5/37% of the area of Kashan plain is about to happen. The maximum EC of soil and water respectively was observed 30.1 and 17.73 dS/m site in Saleh Abad and least equal to 2.7 and 2.98 dS/m at the Mohammadia site. In order to maintain the status quo, changing the irrigation, cultivation of plants with low water needs, the use of alternating high and low water quality, flood spreading systems for the use of water in the upstream and prevent the drilling deep and uncontrolled exploitation of groundwater is proposed to Kashan plain.

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The most of forest and fruit trees are not resistant to brackish water of Caspian Sea. In the current research, seedlings of some forest species such asCeltis australis, Fraxinus excelsior, Olea europaea, Quercus macranthera, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Pyrus boisseriana and Pinus nigra were irrigated by Caspian Sea water for 2 months in the middle of summer for surveying of the water source in forest nursery. Biomass allocation was our criteria. The result showed that plant biomass of C. australis is decreased around 12% when was subjected by this water source while we could not find any considerable and significantly changing for others. We found out that forest nursery manager can irrigate the forest seedlings at least in case of the current species by water of Caspian Sea at dry seasons.

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