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To manage rangeland ecosystems, identification of their components and interactions including soil and vegetation is of great deal of importance. The present study was aimed to compare the effects of different Ecological patches on soil qualitative attributes (stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling) using landscape function analysis model as well as to identify vegetation indices in Sofi Chai basin located at Maragheh. For sampling purpose, number of 5 transects in 50 m length in were established in downslope as per randomized-systematic method along which four Ecological patches, grasses, shrub - grass and forbs and interpatch bare soil were identified.5 replicates of each patch were determined and eleven soil surface indices were scored as per landscape function analysis. The results show that all three indicators of stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling were differed significantly among Ecological patches. The maximum amount of stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling and the minimum one was relate to shrubs and bare soils respectively. It can be note that shrubs and shrubs-grass patches showed better performance than others. investigation of function attributes in the different Ecological patches can help to identify effective reagents for healthy rangeland vegetation and the assessment of these reagents can be faster and time and cost-effective to study soil qualitative and quantitative sustainability indicators, infiltration and soil nutrient cycling can be realized. It can serve as important step for the evaluation, management and planning future of natural ecosystems.

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In addition to knowledge of the biology of honey bees, beekeepers are required to define species, amount of nectar and pollen and flowering duration. This information can be used in preparing beekeeping calendar and suitable usage of different nutrient sources in order to have an economical apiculture management. This study conducted in southern of Fars province (Galehdar watershed) to plants identification, flowering period determination, beekeeping calendar preparation and apiculture improvement.Galehdar watershed covers an area of 52250 hectares, with a minimum height of 480 m and a maximum of 1600 m above sea level, is located in southern of Fars province. In this study, using aerial photographs and topographic maps, early type of plants were classified. Then Plant density and canopy cover of honey bee plant resources determined in different sites of this area. Botanical studies of research area and identification of main species of plant types of Galehdar watershed showed six dominant plant types in this area. Also, data showed that the plants genus such as Veronica, Calendula, Plantagoand Silene in the form of forbs, Astragalus fasiculifolius, Convolvulus acanthocladus and Platychaete aucheri in the form of shrubs, Ziziphus spina-christii and Amygdalus eburnea in the forms of tree and bush had the highest plant density in the Galehdar watershed. The best flowering time of these plants is from March to May. Thus during this period bee keepers can use this area for having high productivity and performance.

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Today, soil erosion and sediment production in watershed are covered to a complicated environment, so preventing emergency of them is one of the most important conservation factors of natural resources. This research done in order to water erosion content estimation using PSIAC method in Ala region of Semnan. PSIAC method investigates the effect of 9 important factors on water erosion process which these factors measured in each working units of under studied region. Results show that waterway working unit had the most effect on water erosion process with erodibility view it located in high class. Other working units including clay lands with Kalootak with score of 48, bare lands without cover with score of 45, clay plain with salts with score of 45, Marne lands without plant cover with score of 24, residential area with score of 93, lands covered with Haloxylon with score of 22, sand dunes covered with Haloxylon with score of 16 and agriculture lands with score of 15 placed in low to partial erodibility classes respectively that respect to their scores, they placed in further priority.

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Environmental stresses of drought and salinity of the most important causes of yield loss factors are high plants in the world. Salinity affects the growth of the different aspects and reduce and delay germination, vigor reduction, reduced growth and reduced aboveground dry matter production in throughput. Determination of seed vital medicinal plants against various stresses including salinity of the main factors in the success of mass cultivation of plants. The seed vigor three medicinal plants Arcitum lappaL., Artemisia absinthium L. and Cichorium intybus L. by salinity, 0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 NaCl mM was completely randomized design with four replications.Results show that the highest seed vigor in control of the species L. Cichorium intybus L. with 84.85 percent. But this trait of treatment with 300 mM onwards has been fixed and seed vigor almost to zero. LCichorium intybus L. has the highest vigor and viability of Arcitum lappa L. the least vigor and germination is under salt stress.

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Since sowing depth has remarkable impact on germination, seedling emergence and establishment, it is extremely important in the restoration and reclamation programs of rangelands. Sainfoin (Onobrychis) is one of the most important forage species that is protective or as plants attract bees are very important. In this study, the effect of sowing depth at 4 levels (0.5 (control), 1.5, 3 and 4.5 cm) on germination and emergence of a randomized complete block design with four replications Sainfoin under greenhouse conditions was conducted. The seeds were planted in pots and after the seedlings grow, their number and character count of germination (the root, shoot and seedling, seed vigor, percentage and speed of germination, root and shoot dry weight how), measurement and data using analysis of variance, Duncan and Dunnett were statistically analyzed. Results showed that the treatments have significant impact on germination and seedling growth characteristics such as weight and root dry weight and shoot (P£ 0.05), germination percentage, germination rate, root length, speed of germination, seedling length, during the shoot (P£ 0.01). Results also showed that among the four treatments, less sowing depth is much better than more sowing depth. According to the findings, it can be concluded that sowing depth seems to be necessary in rangeland improvement and paying more attention to sowing depth can play an important role in improvement programs of rangelands.

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Accurate estimation of the sediment amount carried by a watershed drainage system in the design of all projects in water and soil conservation is essential. Due to convert logarithmic sediment rating curves, sediment regression equations is necessary to correct too biased. The present study aims to evaluate the performance of five methods of rating curve including FAO, MVUE, QMLE, LRC, Ls and b in the case of no category situations. Root mean square of error, coefficient of efficiency indicators, General Standard Deviation, Precision, Difference relation and Relative error were used to evaluate the performance of sediment rating curves and to choose the best of them. The result showed LQMLE method with RMSE=3.663, CE=92.1, GSD=0.556, r=1.01, RE=33% and P=1.01 is the best method of calculating sediment and FAO and LS models (with root mean square error of 6.24 and efficiency coefficient 76.3), (the root mean square error of 4.87 and 85.7 efficiency coefficient) are the weakest model in estimating the suspended sediment basin. n general, different methods and different correction factors in non-categorized of sediment rating curves, can be concluded that in most models and methods LQMLE and MVUE are the best methods of estimating the suspended sediment load.

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In this study for the priority of ecological, economic and social lindicators of national parks in terms of scientific and practical was used of Entropy and Likert techniques whit planning questionnaire. The Analysis of result of study using Likert technique showed that of two aspects scientific (Teachers in university) and practical (environment experts in organs), esthetic value indicator whit 4.62 weight, value of recreation whit 4.5 weight and area of virgin forests whit 4.29 weight and aspects practical, aesthetic value indicator whit 4.38 weight, value of recreation and area of virgin forests whit 4.16 are the most important and effective indicators in the national parks respectively. Three basic indicators for assessment of national parks based on weight of entropy technique of two aspects scientific and practical contain area and percentage of forests and “other wooded lands” (including plantations, agroforestry, shelterbelts) with their change over time (deforestation, reforestation and conversion), extent of mixed stands and zonation and determination of buffering zone respectively. The priority of criteria using of Likert technique showed that the conservation of biodiversity, extent of forest resources and protective and environmental functions whit more weight have important role in assessment national parks. Also in this study the result of the priority of criteria based on entropy and technique of different aspects showed that protective and environmental functions, conservation of biodiversity, maintenance and development of social functions and conditions became better priority respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Soil is one of the most important parts of the renewable natural resources, which is damaged by cutting down the trees. If this valuable resource is not protected, the output of it is reduced and the life of mankind and plants are endangered. Soil conservation is a crucial issue and understanding how it is influenced by different factors is of utmost importance in agroforestry systems. The efficiency of agroforestry systems for regulating soil erosion can be increased in response to the similarities between these systems to the natural forest concerning the litter frequency, distance and height of trees. This study was conducted to determine the best agroforestry systems in respect to erodibility along with soil conservation. The results of this investigation comprise diverse aspects. The two important aspects of this study include (1) identification and recording the number of systems, operations and agroforestry technologies present in the area and (2) exploring the soil condition of agroforestry systems, available in the area as well as conserving the soil in these systems. Regarding the literature reviews, 3 factors were evaluated to determine the erodibility or non-erodibility of agroforestry systems (texture, porosity and soil gravimetric moisture percent). As expected, the results of this investigation revealed that trees were appropriate candidates for soil conservation and reclamation in terms of erodibility in relation to other systems in this region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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