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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: low back pain is one of the prevalent musculoskeletal disorders among working population including office workers. In this regard, various factors are important for low back pain reduction and return to work. The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing return to work among employees with low back pain. Methods: About 303 administrative employees participated in this study from an oil company located in southern part of Iran in 1394. The study variables were a 4-part questionnaire including demographic, job related variables and information about low back pain and the interventions implemented for return work. Results: The majority of participants were male 35-47 years old, bachelor degrees. With 9-25 years job tenure. Most of the employees had medium to high mental, physical, and temporal demands. From 303 participants, about 85(28/1) had low back pain. The main cause of low back pain was mostly muscular spasm (52/9) and the physiotherapy was the most treatment method (51/8). About 91% of participants had individual intervention like changing the life style. About 88/2 of them had job interventions as body posture correction. Furthermore, 62/4 had organizational interventions as teamwork development. The age, physical activity, and the type of treatment showed significant relationship with return to work. Also, the individual, occupational, and organizational interventions had a significant relationship with RTW. Conclusion: The ability to return to work was seen mostly among the individuals with less physical activities in their working practices. Also, physiotherapy played better role in a rapid return to work comparing to other treatments. The individual interventions showed high impact on RTW. The issues such as individual interventions including change in lifestyle as well as doing particular exercises, job interventions including change in working stations, change in physical status during work and organizational interventions including special routine examinations, performing teamwork as well as particular training classes had played great impacts on RTW.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: The respiratory system, as one of the most important organs of the human body is affected by adverse health effects and consequences of particulate matter. The main purpose of recent study was to determine the occupational exposure to workers to crystalline silica and inhalable dust and determine its health risks. Methods: In this analytical cross-sectional study, sampling was performed in an industrial unit producing China Clay based on standard methods and individual and environmental sampling methods. Then the obtained data analyzed by SPSS software version 22. The risk assessment of occupational exposure of workers to crystalline silica was carried out based on the proposed EPA procedure. Results: The average exposure of workers to inhalable dust and crystalline silica was measured 4. 46± 1. 34 mg/m 3 and 0. 57± 0. 10 mg/m 3, respectively. The mean environmental concentration of the inhalable particles was 6177. 71 µ g/m 3 (range: 4088. 30-8289. 70 µ g/m 3 ). In all occupational groups the risk of cancer was obtained less than 10-6. Hazard quotient (HQ) values for operator one (5. 34) and two (4. 79) crusher machine, crusher machine loading operator (8. 49), dryer operator (1. 91), slurry operator (3. 01) and filter press operator (1. 78) was more than permissible limit. Conclusion: The average concentration of inhalable dust and crystalline silica was more than permissible limit in this industry. According to the results of the risk assessment, the priority of serious control actions is necessary to reduce the risk of non-cancerous complications in the crushing, drilling, slurry and filter press occupational groups.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Nowdays, the main concern of the responsible organizations in the field of safety is identifying and eliminating the dangers that threaten people`s lives and it can cause damage. Perhaps it can be said with caution that today there are so many incidents in the industrialized countries. A common approach to safety analysis and accident prevention is inspection. The purpose of this study is determining the impact of the implementation of the schedule of checklist resulting from official inspections in identifying hazards in an automotive industry. Methods: The library and scrolling method was used to collect data. In the theoretical sections, a questionnaire was developed using a library method and a scrolling method was used to collect data. In this research, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the information. The samples were reviewed along with numerous charts. And the data were entered into the stata software for analysis. Results: In this study, 716 items are marked with a check list, 459 (0. 64%) risk befor and 579 (0. 81%) the risk was detected after a checklist. There was a significant difference between the two ratios. In other words, the implementation of the checklist is effective in identifying the dangers. Conclusion: Regarding the fact that in the case study company, the checklist did not play a major role in hazard identification and was not included in the checklist. It`s better to take advantage of checklist. Based on the results of these studes, it can be concluded that checklist inspections can have a significant impact on the identification of hazards.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Screening of risk factors for metabolic syndrome among commercial and train drivers that are considered safety sensitive jobs, is an important issue in safety of transportation system. Metabolic syndrome is consisted of disturbed lipid profile, high blood pressure, and high waist circumference. It can lead to decrease the quality of life and higher health associated costs for these patients. This study aimed to assess risk factors for metabolic syndrome among train drivers. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 281 train drivers referred to their annual health examinations to Occupational Medicine Clinic of Baharloo Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Demographic characteristics of participants were recorded. Blood pressure, body mass index and waist circumference of drivers were measured. Participants’ blood sample for fasting blood sugar, triglyceride, high and low density lipoproteins were collected. Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the NCEP ATP III criteria. Results: All of the participants were males. Their mean age and BMI was 43± 10 year and 26. 60± 3. 67 Kg/m 2, respectively. Fifty three (21%) of the participants were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. The more frequent risk factor for metabolic syndrome was triglyceride more than 150mg/dl. Conclusion: Findings of the present study revealed high prevalence of metabolic syndrome among train drivers. Further studies are needed for screening the metabolic syndrome in this occupational group as it is a sensitive occupation.

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Sepahi Zoeram Faezeh | Mehri Hamid Reza | Faramarzi Kohsar Meisam | Esmailzadeh Kavaki Mohammad Reza


Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Considering that suspended particles are one of the main pollutants of air in cities as well as preventing of contamination beyond the standard level and the economic and health issues of employees and individuals involved in the enclosed environment is very important, the research team concluded that the effect of fan coils at the dispersion of suspended particles and its effect on air pollution in educational spaces. Methods: In this study using the device Haz Dust and NIOSH500 suspended particles were measured in two seasons in the spring and summer and at 128 points. The sampling device was fixed at the center of the room at a height of one and a half meters, and with an impactor of 10 and 2. 5 and the Teflon filter the amount of contaminants was read on the device before the fan coil is turned on and after reading it turned on and data was analyzed by SPSS 19 software and the value of p-value was calculated and compared with the standard limit. Results: The level of pollution in educational spaces is lower than standard, and fan coils have an effect on the dispersion of PM10 particles, but in general, fan coils do not have a significant effect on the dispersion of particles in educational spaces. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the concentration of particles in the maximum time is less than standard, and the fan coil has no effect on the amount of contamination of educational spaces.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Intriduction: Aim of this research was investigate of 8 week core stability and endurance exercise on backe pain and CRP serum levels in the male workers with chronic low back pain. Method: This research was a semi-expreimental study and male workers 30-40 years Pars Khodro factory in 1394 that formed the statistical population. 30 person selected from among volunteers, and were divided into two groups of combined training (core stability, endurance) (n = 15) and control group (n = 15). In the baseline stage evaluated the amount of back pain with McGill pain questionnaire and also CRP levels through brachial blood samples. The members of the experimental group participated in 8-week exercise that included three days a week training core stability exercises and three days a week endurance exercise, and the control group were barred from participating in regularly exercise. After eight weeks, the amount of pain and the level of CRP were measured in both groups. Result: Our findings showed that 8 week core stability and enduance exercise leads to a signifiance reduction of back pain and CRP levels (P=0. 001). Also, there was a significant association between CRP level and the amount of back pain in workers men as a result of participating in the training program (P=0. 018). Conclusion: Due to the combined effects of core stability exercises and aerobic exercises to reduce pain and inflammation, people working in different professions can be used to reduce back pain or prevent it, to participate in this type of training.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Today, organizations need an integrated management system (IMS) to achieve global standards regarding the environment and employees. And one of the important goals of an integrated management system is to eliminate or reduce disasters to an acceptable level of organization. Therefore, in this study, we try to measure the efficiency of deployment of this system on safety performance monitoring indicators. Method: This study is a descriptive-analytical study conducted during 2009 and 2010 (years before implementation of integrated management system) and years 2011 to 2014 (years when integrated management system was implemented in all units of one of the tile factories of Yazd city. In this study, all the information related to the events in this industry was collected. Then the variables of accident repetition coefficient (AFR), accident severity factor (ASR), repetition-intensity factor (FSI) and Safe-T-Score were calculated and analyzed. Results: The incidence of recurrence coefficient, accident severity coefficient and recurrence-severity coefficient decreased from 2009 to 2014. The safe T coefficient also shows that in 90 (the beginning of the implementation of integrated management system) and 91 the number of accidents has significantly decreased compared to previous years. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the implementation of integrated management system can increase safety indices and thereby increase the level of factory safety.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Diabetes is a prevalent disease in our country and in the world. Hyperglycemia complications can impact on ability to work. Decision making about fitness for work in diabetic patients is important and complicated. The aim of this study was assessment scientific evidence and present suitable approach for fitness for work in diabetic patients. Methods: In this review article the last evidence from Scopus, Science Direct, Pub Med, Google Scholar, SID and Magiran Data Base was evaluated and different aspects of fitness for work in hyperglycemia of diabetics of diabetic patients was analyzed. Results: Assessment of personal risk and diabetic patient abilities in comparison with inherent requirements of the job is important in decision making about fitness for work. Most of these patients can work and have acceptable efficacy and safety in most of the jobs. Conclusion: In most of job situations, with support of the employer and job environment modifications, diabetic patients can work with acceptable efficacy and safety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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