Aim and Background: Some studies have looked at the effects of drugs such as methylphenidate on sexual parameters, testicular development, sperm motility and spermatogenesis, and the negative effects of these drugs have been shown on this variable. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the comparison of two approach of exercise training and therapeutic on some structural changes in testicular tissue in rats with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Methods and Materials: A Laboratory research method was used. The research design was a post-test type with experimental and control group. 40 male Wistar rats (4-6 weeks) were divided into two control groups (7 heads for comparison with L-NAME injection group) and the L-NAME injection in the first stage. In the second stage, the L-NAME injection group at the age of 8 to 12 weeks (mean and standard deviation of 184. 23± 7. 83 g) was divided into 5 groups (for blood sampling and angiogenesis and nitrite oxide converting enzyme evaluation before Intervention group) and 4 groups of 7 ADHD groups without medication and no endurance training (compared with intervention groups), and intervention groups including ADHD+ endurance training, ADHD+ methylphenidate, ADHD+ endurance training+ methylphenidate intake. ADHD+ Methylphenidate and ADHD+ Endurance Exercise+ Methylphenidate 2 mg daily methylphenidate was given daily for 5 days per week orally. The open field test for overactive detection, and 5-band treadmill for endurance exercises in rats were used. The practice load for training groups after 5 days of introduction in the first week was 20 m/min, the second and third weeks were 25 m/min, the fifth was 30 m/min, and the sixth and seventh weeks were 35 m/min. Findings: The results showed that there was no significant difference between the diameter of the seminiferous and spermatogenic tubules and the lidik cells in the control group compared to the ADHD+ endurance training group, but between the control group and the other groups (ADHD without exercise and without methylphenidate, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption+ endurance training) had a significant difference (P≤ . 001). Also, there was a significant difference between the sertoli cells of the control group and ADHD without exercise and without methylphenidate (P ≤ . 001), but compared with other groups (ADHD+ endurance training, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption+ endurance training, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption), there was no significant difference (P≥ . 05). Conclusions: It seems that Endurance exercises can to replace the use of methylphenidate in relation to structural changes in the testicular tissue in the animal model of ADHD.