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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim and Background: Substance abuse disorder or addiction is complex behavioral problems arising from many interacting factors, including social, cultural, environmental, psychological and biological. Therefore, the aim of this study was prediction of addiction potential using developmental assets in adolescents. Methods and Materials: This study was a descriptive-correlational research. To achieve this purpose, 500 students (250 boys, 250 girls) of 10 and 11 grades in Arak were selected by stage cluster sampling. The participants completed Iranian Addiction Preparedness Scale (IAPS) and Developmental Assets Profile (DAP). Data were analyzed by SPSS software, using Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between developmental assets and its dimensions with addiction potential and its components in adolescents (p<. 05). Also, developmental assets and its dimensions predict the addiction potential and its components (p<. 05). Conclusions: Results of present study showed that developmental assets an important role in predicting addiction potential in adolescents. Therefore, consideration of these predictive variables by researchers, specialists, therapists, and planners seems necessary to prevent drug substance abuse disorder or addiction.

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Aim and Background: Inability in cognitive processing, emotional awareness, and emotion regulation is called Alexithymia. The alexithymia is a common problem among people. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional regulation instruction on alexithymia of high school students. Methods and Materials: The research method was a semi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study included all female secondary high school students of Neyshabur who studying in the academic year of 2017-18. Among 20 high school students, 30 subjects were selected clustered sampling method and assigned in two control group (n=15) and experimental group randomly (n=15). The intervention program was conducted in 8 sessions of 90 minutes, weekly for the experimental group and the control group received was in wait list. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis Findings: The findings of the study showed that emotional regulation training reduced alexithymia (p<. 001). Conclusions: To explain the above results, it can be said that are affected by the emotional ordering of individuals, so that the training of emotional regulation skills reduces alexithymia.

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Aim and Background: In the past, obsessive-compulsive disorder was considered chronic and ineffective, but today it has changed significantly due to findings that support the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The purpose of this study was the Comparing Efficacy of Inference-Based Therapy, neurofeedback training and combine the two methods in treatment of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Methods and Materials: This study was a survey and multi-group pre-test and post-test semi experimental design. In this study, 2550 subjects were selected by cluster sampling method from among teachers of Meshkinshahr city and1916 subjects completing the Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive scale (YBOCS) and diagnostic interview, and in the second stage, 66 out of 153 subjects who had a higher score from the point of incision 20 in the obsessive-compulsory questionnaire, after the diagnostic interview, were randomly assigned to a control group and three experimental groups, and eventually The collected data were analyzed by using MANOVA with SPSS 18 software. Findings: The results of the comparison of experimental and control groups showed that the severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder and its subscales (check, wash, repetition, and doubt) in the experimental groups significantly decreased compared to the control group. In general, the effectiveness of the three methods Therapy on the obsessive-compulsive variable and its subscales are confirmed in the post-test phase. The effect of this effect is between 35. 3 to 79. 6% and the difference in the post-test scores through three treatment groups. The results obtained from the paired comparisons According to the Bonferroni test, show that combination therapy of of Inference-Based Therapy and neurofeedback education in decrease the severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder is more effective than Inference-Based Therapy and it is more effective than neurofeedback education. Conclusions: In this study, the combination treatment of Inference-Based Therapy and neurofeedback education in decrease the severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder is more effective than Inference-Based Therapy and it is more effective than neurofeedback education.

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Aim and Background: The incidence of aggression against nursing staff in psychiatry is a major challenge and the destructive dimension of this phenomenon affects the nurses and management of these hospitals. The present study was conducted to determine the status of aggression against nursing staff in psychiatry and related factors in Isfahan. Methods and Materials: This was a retrospective descriptive-analytic study. The study population consisted of nursing staff working in psychiatric wards of Isfahan teaching hospitals. Data gathering tool was the violence at the workplace questionnaire. The results were analyzed using chi-square test and in SPSS. 22. Findings: Results showed that aggression towards nursing staff was verbal (95. 5%), physical (79. 7%) and bullying (34. 7%). There was a significant relationship between shift work, staffing and physical violence (p<0. 05). Also, there was a significant relationship between night work and physical violence (p<0. 05). People with schizophrenia had the highest rate of physical violence. Regarding the area of activity, the highest incidence of physical violence was in the acute psychiatric ward, which was statistically significant (p<0. 05). Conclusions: The results showed that verbal, physical and bullying violence against male nurses was more than female nurses. Therefore, in order to minimize the violence in the hospital environment, planning, organizing, preventive strategies, proper management, appropriate protective measures and training should be considered.

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Aim and Background: The research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of emotional schema therapy on the mood symptoms and impulsivity of women with bipolar disorder (I, II). Methods and Materials: Present research was semi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design and followup with control group that was performed on 30 female patients with bipolar disorder referring to the Farabi hospital in Isfahan in 2016. Participants were selected by available sampling, then they were randomly assigned to experimental (n=15) and control group (n=15). Participants responded to Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (2004), Hamilton Questionnaire and Young Mania Scale in three steps pretest, posttest and follow-up. Experimental group in addition to medication, they received emotional schema therapy in group method during 14, 90-minute sessions while the control group did not received any cognitive intervention. Descriptive statistics methods and analysis of multivariate Covariance and were used for analyzing the data Findings: Findings showed that emotional schema therapy had impact on the dimensions of impulsivity and mood symptoms (depression and mania) of bipolar patients and this effectiveness continued to be sustained in fallow up 3 months later. Conclusions: Applying emotional schema therapy along with drug therapy can be effective intervention for treatment of mood symptoms and impulsivity in patients with bipolar disorder.

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Aim and Background: High levels of sexual risk behaviors in young adults constitute a major public health concern and understanding the transition to risky behaviors during emerging adulthood is a challenge for researchers. The present research was aimed to investigate the mediating role of the cognitive emotion regulation strategies in relationship between attachment styles with high-risky sexual behaviors in students of Islamic Azad University of Shiraz. Methods and Materials: In this correlation and descriptive study with structural equation modeling approach, among all students of Islamic Azad University of Shiraz in the academic year of 2018-2019, 747 students were selected by random cluster sampling method. Data were collected by Risky Sexual Behaviors Questionnaire (RSBQ), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Qquestionnaire (CERQ) and Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ) and then, were analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software and using structural equation modeling. Findings: The results showed that the relationship between attachment style and risky sexual behaviors questionnaire is mediated by cognitive emotion regulation strategies. The rate of fit indices of GFI was equal to 0. 95, CFI was equal to 0. 98, NFI was equal to 0. 97, IFI was equal to 0. 98, NNFI was equal to 0. 98, AGFI was equal to 0. 93, RFI was equal to 0. 97 and RMSEA was equal to 0. 061, all of which indicated the fitting of the proposed model with the data. The findings also showed that 50% of the variance observed in high-risk sexual behaviors can be explained by combining attachment styles variables, positive emotion regulation strategies, and negative emotion regulation strategies. Conclusions: The findings of study supported the proposed conceptual model in which the relationship between childhood trauma and fear of happiness was mediated through positive and negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies. So considering the role of these predictors and the mediators by professionals, therapists and planners appears to be necessary in work with students and specifically in counseling and treatment centers.

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Aim and Background: Drug use is a very serious concern for general health. There are various factors involved in drug use, family, social, psychological, and biological. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between family factors and drug use among adolescents. Methods and Materials: Statistical population of this study consists of all the students of Bushehr schools in the academic years 2011-2012. Sample of this study consists of 1006 people (414 females and 592 males) were selected through cluster random sampling. Data were collected by Risk and Protective Factors of Drug use Questionnaire (Mohammadkhani 2004 Data were analyzed by stepwise multivariate Regression analysis. Findings: The results of the multivariate Regression analysis showed that there is a significant and positive relationship. between family factors (family conflicts, lack of monitoring children's behavior and positive attitude of parents to drug use) and drug use. The results of the Regression test for prediction of the use of drugs from family factors showed that family conflicts did not play a predicting role in explaining the use of drugs among adolescents and the lack of parents supervision on adolescents as well as parents 'attitude could predict codeine use and the parents' positive attitude to drug use has been able to explain the use of cannabis, grasses, crackers, glasses, X-pills, Ritalin, tramadol, and energizing drug. The use of energizing drugs was predictable by positive attitude of parents to drug use. Conclusions: The findings of this study can be used in family-based interventions related to prevention and treatment of adolescents’ drug use, with emphasis on parenting surveillance and parental attitude to drug use.

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Aim and Background: The End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a progressive, chronic and untreated Kidney Dysfunction that has numerous Physical and Psychological complications. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on improving Anxiety and Depression in Hemodialysis Patients. Methods and Materials: This study was a non-randomized, semi-experimental, pre-test, post-test design with two months follow-up. The statistical population of the study was hemodialysis patients referring to Tehran Hemodialysis Centers in 2017. From the statistical population, 24 people were selected by purposive sampling method and were randomly assigned into two experimental (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software and analysis of variance with repeated measures. Findings: The results of analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that the variables of anxiety and depression changed during the post-test and follow-up stages, which is significant compared to the pre-test (p<. 05). The results also showed that mindfulness variable had a significant effect on the components of anxiety and depression in hemodialysis patients (p<. 05). Conclusions: According to the results, it can be deduced that mindfulness training is effective in improving depression, anxiety compared to control group and that this treatment is in the follow-up phase in stable depression. But in the anxiety component, there was no such consistency. Reasons for this consistency include the ease of treatment and rapid patient education as well as the short duration of intervention sessions.

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Aim and Background: Some studies have looked at the effects of drugs such as methylphenidate on sexual parameters, testicular development, sperm motility and spermatogenesis, and the negative effects of these drugs have been shown on this variable. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the comparison of two approach of exercise training and therapeutic on some structural changes in testicular tissue in rats with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Methods and Materials: A Laboratory research method was used. The research design was a post-test type with experimental and control group. 40 male Wistar rats (4-6 weeks) were divided into two control groups (7 heads for comparison with L-NAME injection group) and the L-NAME injection in the first stage. In the second stage, the L-NAME injection group at the age of 8 to 12 weeks (mean and standard deviation of 184. 23± 7. 83 g) was divided into 5 groups (for blood sampling and angiogenesis and nitrite oxide converting enzyme evaluation before Intervention group) and 4 groups of 7 ADHD groups without medication and no endurance training (compared with intervention groups), and intervention groups including ADHD+ endurance training, ADHD+ methylphenidate, ADHD+ endurance training+ methylphenidate intake. ADHD+ Methylphenidate and ADHD+ Endurance Exercise+ Methylphenidate 2 mg daily methylphenidate was given daily for 5 days per week orally. The open field test for overactive detection, and 5-band treadmill for endurance exercises in rats were used. The practice load for training groups after 5 days of introduction in the first week was 20 m/min, the second and third weeks were 25 m/min, the fifth was 30 m/min, and the sixth and seventh weeks were 35 m/min. Findings: The results showed that there was no significant difference between the diameter of the seminiferous and spermatogenic tubules and the lidik cells in the control group compared to the ADHD+ endurance training group, but between the control group and the other groups (ADHD without exercise and without methylphenidate, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption+ endurance training) had a significant difference (P≤ . 001). Also, there was a significant difference between the sertoli cells of the control group and ADHD without exercise and without methylphenidate (P ≤ . 001), but compared with other groups (ADHD+ endurance training, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption+ endurance training, ADHD+ methylphenidate consumption), there was no significant difference (P≥ . 05). Conclusions: It seems that Endurance exercises can to replace the use of methylphenidate in relation to structural changes in the testicular tissue in the animal model of ADHD.

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Aim and Background: Intimacy is a key and important property of a marital relationship and a distinguished attribute of a successful marriage. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of the couple relationship enrichment by Olson’ s method on the increase in the marital intimacy of couples. Methods and Materials: The present study was methodologically quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with a 45-day follow-up. The statistical population was 30 couples from Farsan city and its suburb in 2018. The sample of the present study comprised 20 couples voluntarily selected from the couples in Farsan city and its suburb according to a call on educational-counseling courses. The experimental group received the couple relationship enrichment training by Olson’ s method for 7 sessions. The control group was also in the waiting list. To collect data, we employed Bagharouzi’ s Marital Intimacy Questionnaire. To analyze the data, we used a mixed-ANOVA test. Findings: The results revealed that the couple relationship enrichment by Olson’ s method was effective in increasing the marital intimacy of couples in Farsan city (p<0. 001). Furthermore, this effect was also stable in the follow-up phase after 45 days (p<0. 001). Conclusions: Training communicational skills in the couple relationship enrichment approach by Olson’ s method could be effective in enhancing the marital intimacy of couples in Farsan city. Theoretical and applied considerations have been posed in the conclusion part.

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Aim and Background: Body dysmorphic disorder is a disabling illness with a high worldwide prevalence. The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between self-concept, cognitive fusion and social well-being with body dysmorphic disorder among female teenagers. Methods and Materials: The research method was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population included all female high school students in Damghan during 2018-2019 Of the population, 310 subjects were selected by multi-stage random cluster sampling. Then by using purposive sampling method 110 students were selected as the final sample. In order to collect data, the instruments of self-concept (self-concept scale), cognitive fusion (cognitive fusion scale), social well-being (social well-being scale) and body dysmorphic disorder (body dysmorphic disorder scale) were used. Data analysis was conducted by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression tests. The data were entered into SPSS software. Findings: The results showed a significant relationship between self-concept (r=-0. 55), cognitive fusion (r=0. 59) and social well-being (r=-0. 62) the body dysmorphic disorder of female teenagers (p<0. 05). In addition, the results of multiple regression showed that self-concept (-0. 28), cognitive fusion (0. 32) and social well-being (-0. 39) significantly predict the body dysmorphic disorder of female teenagers (p<0. 05). Conclusions: Female teenagers' body dysmorphic disorder is predictable by the self-concept, cognitive fusion and social well-being. Therefore, it is suggested that psychologists and counselors consider the role of selfconcept, cognitive fusion and social well-being to decrease the level of teenagers' body dysmorphic disorder. Also, the researchers conduct further studies on the teenagers' body dysmorphic disorder.

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Aim and Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a chronic medical condition that affects many aspects of patients' lives. Therefore, it is important to identify risk factors of CVD for the design of interventional and preventive programs. The purpose of this study was to review the psychological risk factors of CVD. Methods and Materials: This systematic review study examines the psychological risk factors of CVD. For this purpose, articles from 1995 to 2019 were searched from the databases of Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus and Elsevier. Out of 257 articles, 51 articles were finally used in this study. Findings: The results of this study showed that various factors such as stress, depression, anger and hostility, lack of social support, anxiety, lack of spiritual health and personality traits such as type A personality in the development of CVD is involved. Conclusions: According to the findings of the study, health professionals can prevent and control of CVD in different age groups by designing educational programs focused on risk factors of this disease such as stress, depression, anger, social isolation and anxiety.

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Aim and Background: Migraine is one of the most common neurological diseases and one of the factors that reduce the overall quality of life of patients. On the other hand, various factors such as psychological characteristics and emotional problems are important in determining the severity of problems caused by this disorder. Two important factors are the emotion regulation and distress tolerance. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life, emotion regulation and distress tolerance in migraine and non-migraine individuals Methods and Materials: The study was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population consisted of all individuals with migraine referring to neurosurgical clinics in Kashan in spring and summer of 2018 as well as non-migraine individuals from the general population. Two groups of 40 individuals, one group of migraine sufferers and the other group of non-disabled individuals, were selected from the statistical population. Participants completed these instruments: World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF), Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) and Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS). Data analyzed using SPSS-19 software and independent t-test. Findings: There was a significant difference between the two groups in the quality of life (t=-7. 56), emotion dysregulation (t= 9. 19) and distress tolerance (t=-3. 42). Conclusions: People with migraine reported lower quality of life and distress tolerance compared to nonmigraine patients. They also had more difficulty adjusting their emotions. These patients are unable to tolerate distress because they cannot relieve their pain. As a result, migraine, as a chronic pain, disrupts daily activities and decreases quality of life.

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Aim and Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Recent research in this area has focused on cognitive deficits such as future thinking and PASS processes (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive) in this group of individuals, in addition to diagnostic symptoms. It seems these deficits can explain the behavioral symptoms of the disorder. Therefore, present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of pivotal response treatment on future thinking and PASS processes of children with autism spectrum disorder. Methods and Materials: The research design was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest and follow up with control group. The study population included all children 8-6 years old with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder in Isfahan. The sample included 20 students with high-functioning autism selected through convenience sampling and divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a 20-session’ s intervention, 2 sessions per week. The Cognitive Assessment System (CAS), trip task, Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) were used for data collection. Two months after the end of the intervention, both groups were followed up using CAS and trip task. Findings: The scores of Future thinking and cognitive processes (planning) were significantly improved in the experimental group, compared to the control group. Conclusions: This study shows promising results for pivotal response treatment as an intervention for improving cognitive components in children with autism spectrum disorder and suggest that cognitive components are malleable through implementation of pivotal response treatment.

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Aim and Background: Relationships and relationships between couples are one of the most important aspects of each person's life. Young couples need to receive the necessary training in this field. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of pre-marriage counseling with the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) on marital intimacy needs of married applicants in Urmia. Methods and Materials: This study was a quasi-experimental study with pretest, posttest and follow up design and control group. The community consisted of married couples seeking referral to counseling services in Urmia in 2019. Voluntary sampling method was used to select 60 individuals who had a definite decision to marry and were randomly divided into two groups, Including RAM training group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). The instrument used was the Marital Intimacy Needs Questionnaire (MINQ). Data were analyzed by SPSS software using repeated measures analysis of variance. Findings: There is a significant difference between the amount of intimacy at pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The main effect of interactive and intergroup effect on the research variables was significant, indicating the effectiveness of the RAM training (P<0. 05). Conclusions: According to the results, it can be concluded that pre-marriage counseling model of RAM is effective on marital intimacy needs in Urmia city marriage applicants and has improved marital intimacy in marriage applicants. Accordingly, it is recommended that pre-marriage counseling be provided with the RAM linkage model for young married couples.

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Aim and Background: Insomnia is a prevalent health problem characterized by difficulties in sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, or early morning awakenings. In comparison to other sleep disorders, research on etiology of insomnia is in its early stages. The aim of the current study is a brief review of the most important cognitive and behavioral models of insomnia and their therapeutic implications. Findings: Several behavioral and cognitive models of insomnia tend to focus on different aspects as the start point of the process. Although each model provides a unique perspective of the insomnia, they should be viewed as complementary rather than mutually exclusive. These models can be used to guide planning effective treatments for chronic insomnia. Conclusions: Although different models of insomnia present a better understanding of the complex and multidimensional nature of the disorder, each one of the models has its specific strengths and weaknesses. A comprehensive model incorporates core components of existing models into one model is warranted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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