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In watershed studies, erosion and sedimentation is very important. Sediment yield is different I different watersheds. Sediment yield is influenced by different climatic, topographic and anthropogenic factors. This study aims to represent a mathematical relationship between sediment delivery ratio and watershed characteristics of Ghohrood and zavarian Z4 watersheds with different climatic and rainfall regimes, land use patterns and socio- economic features, where erosion and sediment yield have been estimated using EPM and PSIAC methods. Next, sediment delivery ratio was calculated for each basin and its mathematical relationship to basin characteristics was developed. This relationship was stablished between 32 physiographic, land use and hydr-climateic features as independent and SDR as dependent variable. Results indicated that among 9 independent features, area equivalent diameter, and sum of channel length have the highest role in SDR. In order to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the model to predict SDR, it was applied for Hossein Abad Neyzar basin. The correlation between SDR and empirical EPM and MPSIAC results and regression-based SDR estimation showed the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method to use for the region and western-central hillslopes of Zagros and Alburz Mountains.

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In this paper amounts of stem flow for the Quercus castaneifolia C.A.M and Acer velutinum Boiss trees were investigated during the leafy and leafless period in the campus of the faculty of Natural Resources of Tarbiat Modares University, in Mazandaran province Noor city. Stem flow was collected by spiral pipes installed at the breast height and amount of total rainfall was measured using 5 rainfall collectors at the nearest open space. Measurement of rainfall and steam flow for 4 times at leafy period with total of 114 mm and for 7 times at leafless period with total of 119 mm performed. Average amount of stem flow for the Oak and maple trees were 0.64 and 5.7 percent of total rainfall respectively for the leafy period and for the leafless period 0.62 and 7.65 percent of total rainfall measured. The results showed that in both periods and both species, there was a significant positive correlation between the stem flow and the amount of rainfall. Also, according to the results of this study relationship between stem flow over rainfall for the: Oak in leafless period (R2=0.85) is stronger than leafy period (R2=0.35), whereas for the maple both period of leafless (R2=0.67) and leafy (R2=0.92) period relatively strong relationship between the rainfall over stem flow observed. Generally, according to this paper for the: Oak, due to the grooved and rough skin, stem flow share of rainfall averagely 9 times more than maple obtained. Although the study indicated that maple is more than that of oak produced Stem flow because was found to be highly correlated with higher bark water storage capacity as well as higher bark roughness of the oak trees.

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The objective of this research was to evaluate soil invertebrates diversity within Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) field, Cancola (Brassica napus L.) field, Thompson (Citrus sinensis L.) garden and Oak aforestation (Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey.) in Kiapey. One sample plot, each 1 ha was selected in every teatments. In each sample plot 10 microplots were selected random-systematically. Invertebrates were sampled in summer with using 40 core. The fourteen groups of soil invertebrates in each sample were extracted by Berlese funnel and counted by Binocular. All invertebrates were dried at 60oC in oven and weighed with 0.001 gr precision. Density and biomass of soil invertebrates namely Earthworms, Collembola, Diplopoda, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Protura, Pseudoscorpions, Aranea, Symphyla, Diplura, Pauropoda, Opiliones, other Insects and larvae were measured. The results of this research showed that the decreasing of soil invertebrates diversity index in these treatments was respectively as aforestation of Oak, Thompson garden, Cancola field and wheat field. According to Shannon index the soil invertebrates diversity in the Oak aforestation was significantly greater than the other treatments and on Simpson index the soil invertebrates diversity in Oak aforestation, Thompson garden and Cancola fields was in the first place (p=0.05). In terms of soil invertebrates diversity, the wheat field is at the lowest level and Oak aforestation is the most appropriate place. The results of this research insists on forestation activities around villages and in the steep terrain of Agriculture recommends on the creation of the garden.

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At present research impact of increasing population on land use changes were investigated in Vaz catchment. The Vaz catchment is having 14, 102 hectares area and it is located at Natel-Restaq region in Chamestan district and Noor city.For this research is used descriptive method. And for preparing data and information is done laboratory study, field measuring and documents collection, and also they saved in data base bank by Excel software, then they were analyzed by SPSS.16 software, and then the results of them were compared by using T- test parametric and ANOVA test, and at final stage to terracing of graphs was used EXCEL, 2000.In this study, the stages of variations land use is done at three different durations by using aerial photos with 1/20000 scale from 1345 to 1371 and up to 1381 years. And also each of land use area was determined by using of GIS tools in each of duration.The results of variance analysis are shown affirmative on impact of increasing of population for each variations of different land use area. As the results of analyzes test have shown, increasing of population on variations of different land use were significant at 95% level.

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Nowadays, landslides are treats for terrestrial ecosystems and their living organisms and they are present in the study area. The aim of current research is obtaining the most important effective factors on shallow landslide occurrence in northern Alborz (Noor County). In the first place, landslide locations were determined by field monitoring and the inventory map of landslides was then prepared. Subsequently, the most effective factors on the landslide incident from 16 data layers, such as biotic and abiotic factors, were derived into ArcGIS 9.3 software. Three models including Landslide Index, Frequency ratio and Certainty Factor were considered to provide the landslide susceptibility map. ROC curve was used to evaluate the models. Results showed that hydrologic elements such as of soil humidity, soil infiltrability, and soil texture along have the highest amount of relationship with the occurrence of shallow landslides in the study region. The results of assessment of model analysis also showed that the shallow landslide zonation map obtained from frequency ratio mode is more accurate one.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of Cu and Pb on seed germination and growth of Agropyron trichophrum species under laboratory conditions. In order to evaluate the effect of these factors on germination and growth of Agropyron trichophrum seeds of these two tests in a completely randomized design with five treatments (0, 20, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) of salinity and drought in four replications. The study of germinated seeds per day, percentage and germination rate and growth rate is calculated by measuring was determined whether Radicle length, Plumble length Alomtric and Seed vigor. For statistical analysis of data from different characteristics of germination and early growth of SPSS 20 software. In this study, analysis of variance was used to compare the averages Duncan method. The results showed that different concentrations of copper sulfate (CuSo4) and lead nitrate (Pb (NO3)2) the index of germination and growth of seeds Agropyron trichophrum species have significantly different treatments with increasing concentrations of copper, germination present, Radicle length, Plumble length Alomtric and Seed vigor of plants or reduced. Also, none of the elements lead and copper had no significant effect on the Alomtric index and low concentrations of these elements are not the limiting factor for the growth of this species.

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Industrial activities cause the arrival of large amounts of heavy metals into the atmosphere and the usages of plant species can be effective in reducing the pollution of heavy metals. This research attempted to evaluate the amount of Cadmium absorption in different parts of Cupressus arizonica and Fraxinus excelsior in Isfahan. For this reason samples from leaves and surface roots were collected in polluted sites and controlled site at the end of spring and summer and the concentration of Cadmium was measured by Atomic Absorption (AA). The results indicated that the amount of Cadmium absorption in the above ground organs of Cupressus arizonica was more than the Fraxinus excelsior species. In both species, the trees leaf absorbs Cadmium more than the root. The Azadi Street absorbs Cadmium more than other site. The most and the least amount of cadmium absorption was observed on September and July respectively.

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In the recent decades, soil erosion rates in Iran have increased, so during the 1951 until now, a growth rate of 420 percent was associated with the process. Now the main problem is due to soil conservation and land management to become one of the major concerns. Most of the country's vast watershed areas and limited financial resources and administrative, are causing managers of basins for recognizing the lands with priority, looking for better planning. The models and methods that are discussed in this context is sometimes difficult because of the variety of factors and their calculation, the performance is not good, Therefore, a simpler method of acceptance is high. This study was conducted to identify the critical points of the soil erosion in the watershed Farahzad of cumulative erosion index (CEI) was used. in this method, slope land, geology and land use as the most important factors were considered in the development of water erosion. And combining them based on the GIS, the cumulative index of erosion estimation and classification, the various fields of priority areas for executive soil conservation operation in Farahzad watershed were identified and classified.

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Today, natural tourism not only as a source of endless income, but also as a model of sustainable development has become increasingly important. The study is formed by based on strategic planning process and offering techniques, with the main purpose of identifying and Prioritizing of appropriate strategies of Javaherdeh village of Ramsar. The methodology is descriptive – analytical and collection of information is from library research and author's observation from this region has been investigated. The analysis was based on the SWOT model that eventually led to the four strategies are presented. Four strategies were determined by using the SWOT, Strategically located Tourism of Javaherdeh has been determined by internal and external factors. The results of the study imply that, by reason of the internal external matrix situation, aggressive- development strategy is the most appropriate of practices and performance effective management, and also Were presented aggressive- development strategy in the form of Conclusions and practical suggestions. Regional and national level to promote ecotourism, conservation and environmental management, villagers participation in rural development projects, build infrastructure for sustainable development of tourism, to prevent capital flight, coordination among agencies involved in nature tourism can be as possible factors in the development of ecotourism.

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