The objective of this research was to evaluate soil invertebrates diversity within Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) field, Cancola (Brassica napus L.) field, Thompson (Citrus sinensis L.) garden and Oak aforestation (Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey.) in Kiapey. One sample plot, each 1 ha was selected in every teatments. In each sample plot 10 microplots were selected random-systematically. Invertebrates were sampled in summer with using 40 core. The fourteen groups of soil invertebrates in each sample were extracted by Berlese funnel and counted by Binocular. All invertebrates were dried at 60oC in oven and weighed with 0.001 gr precision. Density and biomass of soil invertebrates namely Earthworms, Collembola, Diplopoda, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Protura, Pseudoscorpions, Aranea, Symphyla, Diplura, Pauropoda, Opiliones, other Insects and larvae were measured. The results of this research showed that the decreasing of soil invertebrates diversity index in these treatments was respectively as aforestation of Oak, Thompson garden, Cancola field and wheat field. According to Shannon index the soil invertebrates diversity in the Oak aforestation was significantly greater than the other treatments and on Simpson index the soil invertebrates diversity in Oak aforestation, Thompson garden and Cancola fields was in the first place (p=0.05). In terms of soil invertebrates diversity, the wheat field is at the lowest level and Oak aforestation is the most appropriate place. The results of this research insists on forestation activities around villages and in the steep terrain of Agriculture recommends on the creation of the garden.